Sentences with phrase «former clients»

"Former clients" refers to people or organizations that used to be customers or clients of a particular business or service, but are not currently engaged with that business anymore. Full definition
You'll get a first - hand look at the exact profile text from former clients of mine who are now in happy and successful relationships.
Seek to learn from former clients by requesting feedback and staying in touch to determine what might be done differently.
The spring selling season is an ideal time to reconnect with former clients who may be looking to buy or sell.
It's important to keep in touch with former clients so you can attract return business and stay top of mind for any referrals they give out to their network.
Only authentic comments written by former clients will help you to identify the quality level you can expect from the writing service or your personal writer.
Recently, I was contacted by a job hunter who wanted an update to his existing resume, a service that I offer to former clients in my practice.
The attorney will have to get permission from former clients for you to contact them, but usually this can be arranged.
The company has grown primarily by word of mouth as former clients tell others how much fun they had and the difference the photos made in their dating profiles.
Likewise, if former clients fall on hard times and need to find a new place to stay for a short while, you can assist them in their search for a rental.
These days, legal consumers who are complete strangers can find what former clients say about you.
When researching reviews, it's important to actually read what former clients said.
The mediator may not be able to give you names of former clients because mediation is confidential.
Link your clients with colleagues and former clients so they can help grow one another's businesses.
Ask former clients from your informal past work as a website builder for friends or a house painter if they would be willing to serve as references for you.
A very high proportion of our new clients come to us because of recommendations from satisfied former clients.
This includes advertising, a web site, open houses, brochures, direct mail, network contacts and an existing and former client base.
Always reach out to any current or former clients before you write a case study about them.
The risk of current and former client conflicts requires a proper conflict database and proper conflicts searching.
Divorce professionals give expert insights & former clients share success stories post separation and divorce.
You could invite former clients to an open house one month, and hold another one the following month for neighboring businesses.
Eventually, former clients began to refer their friends.
Check out the list of selected former clients and representative matters.
«[Former clients] will find out quickly how good or not good another company's service is,» he says.
A coach or former client plays the role of the date.
If you're lucky, another professional at that location might be able to explain the situation to your potential former client.
For legal confidentiality purposes, do not mention current or former clients without their consent.
One former client compared the sensation to that of a bolt of electricity traveling through their body.
Ratings might tell us with a significant degree of certainty whether former clients liked their lawyers, but be much more imperfect in revealing whether clients actually received good quality legal services.
Former clients often seek out our firm when faced with new legal challenges and they regularly refer us to friends, colleagues and family members in need of experienced and professional legal representation.
Our experience, reliability and results are widely recognized by legal peers and former clients alike.
If you can predict when your typically slow periods will arrive, consider contacting former clients shortly before that time to build up your pipeline of work.
While clients can ask attorneys about office policies, the best way to assess an attorney is to interview former clients.
Need a good reason to contact a loyal former client?
Former clients who provide details on the methods a trainer uses will make it easier to find a trustworthy professional.
We are former clients of yours from a stay you arranged for us in 2013 — a memorable stay, by the way.
Asking for referrals and staying in touch with former clients keeps you in the game.
Recently, I was contacted by a job hunter who wanted an update to his existing resume, a service I offer to former clients in my practice.
We decided send a mailing out to 25 former clients for whom he had done an estate plan at least 2 years ago offering to review their plan to see if changes were needed.
Each marriage counselor website will most likely have feedback and reviews written by former clients; obviously they are ALL going to be good reviews.
He has been referred clients by other lawyers, judges, prosecutors and police officers, as well as former clients and their families.
Please review my client testimonials to see what former clients have to say about my work.
We pride ourselves on the number of referrals we receive from former clients because our client relationships are truly our priority.
Don't be afraid to ask former clients to highlight your expertise in specific areas.
A reliable custom writing paper service should have dozens of positive reviews from former clients — just like we do, all over the Internet.
That's why we receive so many referrals from satisfied former clients and other attorneys.
Having a «Former Clients Say» or «Reviews» section can help increase confidence in your eLearning brand.
The Court of Appeal for Ontario applied the Macdonald Estate principles to acting against former clients in Chapters Inc. v. Davies, Ward & Beck LLP [iv].
This particular lawyer was lamenting about how several of his friends / colleagues / former clients didn't know that he worked on a specific area of law.

Phrases with «former clients»

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