Sentences with phrase «friend in the area»

These classes are also a good way to make new friends in your area who have children the same age as yours.
I'm looking for friends in the area and if it turns into something more than that'd be great.
I would love it and lots of friends in this area who would love it!
After speaking to other friends in our area who have done this it appears like any other rental the biggest issue is the renters.
I had the best time getting to know these ladies more and I am SO glad to finally have blogger friends in my area!
He had been visiting friends in the area a short time before the incident.
Not just a dating app, gives people the opportunity to catch up with new and existing friends in the area.
Ideally suited for a family on vacation or a group of friends in the area on holiday.
I am a fun loving single woman who is looking for new friends in the area.
I have been lucky to make some blogger friends in the area that are always happy to help a fellow blogger out.
«I had good friends in this area who couldn't distinguish him from a Republican,» said Jeanne Zaino, a professor of political science at Iona College in Westchester County, the well - to - do area where Mr. Cuomo now lives.
Jim, who lives in Nottingham, is from Hammersmith and spent many of his formative years with friends in the area.
He has so many friends in our area that walks take FOREVER....
I'm a laid back ssbbw, looking for friends in my area ONLY!!
I used to go to school in this area of France, and I still have several friends in the area.
I don't have any close friends in the area that have made it as long as I have with bf.
It is easy to put a free biker dating profile on BikerPals and start to meet up with biker friends in your area for ride - outs, motorcycle events and rallies.
Recent relocated to Metro Area from New York City after retiring and seeking friends in this area.
You can't form alliances, set up vendetta races, and, unless you have PSP - owning friends in the area, you're stuck racing against lame - brained computer controlled drivers that actually take their time getting to the finish line, even on the hardest difficulty.
He strives to continue his education and enjoys acquiring new skills and knowledge, to help our furry friends in the areas of soft tissue surgery, Orthopaedics, dentistry and treatments for varying aspects of small animal behaviour.
hopefully the weather and work schedules play ball and allows some aerial filming by a family friend who flies with a commercial friend in the area from time to time.
Young black college student looking for some new friends in my area looking for a good and have fun and looking for someone who can relate
«When I started [in school nutrition] I had some really good friends in the area that said, «You need to go to SNA and join SNA.
Even before we opened our doors, someone wrote to say, «I have many friends in that area, and I'm going to send them all to your store to buy my books.
While I get out to LA quite often for work, I don't have much free time to get together with friends in the area (or anyone other than clients and media for that matter).
I met up with a few of my blogger friends in the area and we set out for the Getty Villa.
I'm a rather flamboyantly bisexual male, just looking for friends in the area for Harry Potter.
Comptroller Tom DiNapoli has lots of friends in this area, principally County Comptroller Elliott Auerbach, and he has the power of the purse.
«I went to college nearby so I have some friends in the area,» he says.
Later, I talked to a friend in the area, a long - time Liberal.
Do you have any friends in the area you could recommend?
These dishes look great — I'm visiting a friend in that area soon.
I'll continue to look at coffee growing in this region, perhaps even visting my friend in the area, and pass on more information as it comes available.
I love it for the convenience of being close to family & friends in the area.
I can make it work because I have family and friends in that area of the state, but without these ties, it would take some convincing to make the drive.
If you're a single mama - to - be with few to no family or friends in the area, a hospital birth might be your best option due to the amount of support you'll receive from doctors and nursing staff.
I thought it would be good for us — for Elijah to see other babies, gain some new experiences, to stimulate his development - and for me to meet some other mommies, maybe make some friends in the area, and get out of the house.
Family and friends in the area, regardless of party allegiance, all think highly of John Mann.
Friends in the area, please stay safe!
I am loyal and honest, and looking for some friends in the area.
But here it goes... I'm a really laid back, «straight acting» (hate that term) and yet completely out, free mind and spirit kind of guy looking for some friends in the area.
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