Sentences with phrase «friend or family member»

If you travel with friends or family members who doesn't dive, they are welcome to ride along on the boat with you.
Talk shop with friends or family members who were not in the program with you.
This workshop is for friends or family members of someone who is struggling with an addiction.
Over half (60 %) know of friends or family members who have suffered mental health problems in the last 12 months.
These opinions might be especially useful when they come from friends or family members who share the same training goals as you.
I would also happily be a wet nurse for close friends or family members if their babies needed it.
If friends or family members want to hold the hamster, show them how to do it.
Its nearly 4,000 square feet of living space and five bedrooms, however, can welcome groups of up to ten friends or family members in contemporary luxury.
If you're not comfortable visiting the property alone, bring a trusted friend or family member with you to remove your belongings.
Have your initial meeting in a public place and be sure to let a trusted friend or family member know where you are going.
Given their own choice, most applicants will give you close friends or family members as references.
Many courts feel that employees have a greater obligation to attend company gatherings, as opposed to social gatherings hosted by friends or family members.
Many rewards credit cards will award you points whenever you get friends or family members to also sign up for a card.
If you're looking for a great gift for the tech - obsessed friend or family member on your shopping list, consider a smartphone accessory.
When friends or family members learn of infidelity, it is common to lash out and express anger or frustration.
There's no harm in telling a close friend or family member where and when you're going on your internet date.
You could also tell friends or family members that you are meeting a person you met through the internet for the first time.
What if you suddenly hate the name you've chosen or what if a close friend or family member takes the name you loved before your little one is born.
Tell at least one friend or family member about your plans, and arrange to check in with them after each of the first few dates.
Let friends or family members know of your travel plans, and check in periodically so they know you're safe.
One thing I tell people is that practice giving «The Talk» to good friends or family members first.
«It already feels like it's just a bunch of friends or family members coming to town, like of course I would want them to stay with me,» she said.
Stress over losing friends or family members as a result of the divorce can also be difficult to deal with.
Every time since that first time, several friends or family members wanted to join in the fun.
If you want to have trusted friends or family members go into your house before you get there to remove all the baby items, let them know.
You may have had a few friends or some family members look over your resume — and that's good.
Bring some business cards or bookmarks when you visit friends or family members outside your hometown.
Even if you have had friends or family members read your book and have given you excellent reviews they are all biased.
Consider using friends or family members to help you out if cash flow is an issue.
Often when married couples encounter rough spots in their relationship, well - meaning friends or family members encourage them to see a therapist or to go for couple's counseling.
Looking for something that your health and fitness loving friend or family member will appreciate?
Another option is to have a dog - loving friend or family member bring your dog to class for you.
A key factor may be whether friends or family members are available to help in the immediate postpartum stage.
Millions of individuals are faced with incorporating student loans into their monthly expenses, and surely you can all think of one friend or family member struggling with student loans.
For example, you may have friends or family members suggest that you feed your baby cereal in a bottle.
Feel awkward or don't know what to say or do to support a sober friend or family member?
Talk to friends or family members nearby who have recently given birth to get their take on things.
Call a few friends or family members who have gone through a messy divorce.
They do not recognize friends or family members or even themselves in a mirror.
Some alienated parents describe the feeling being similar to that of grief when a close friend or family member dies.
Maybe friends or family members have worked with a REALTOR ® they love.
Or maybe you have a caring friend or a family member who knows that you and your best friend will benefit from this e-book.
Help from friends or family members probably won't be enough to make a significant difference.
Each of the villa's five bedrooms has an en - suite bathroom, making it perfect for groups of up to ten friends or family members traveling together.
It is not unusual for others to feel threatened when friends or family members divorce.
Skip store - bought and impress that special friend or family member with a delicious homemade birthday cake.

Phrases with «friend or family member»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z