Sentences with phrase «front matter»

Vital: create a signup page for a mailing list, and add a link to the signup page in the back or front matter of the story.
As you put the finishing touches on your book and prepare it for publication, you'll quickly come across the need for front matter and back matter.
We recommend it include front matter, 1st chapter, additional chapter excerpts, illustration samples (if applicable) and back cover, as a capsule peek at the overall book.
Here is the order of front matter as I use it.
Simply insert other front matter that results in pushing the key content beyond the usual 10 % limit.
It's imperative that you don't include extra front matter if you don't need it.
When funding your SEL program, whether through government or private sources, remember that relationships, partnerships, and united fronts matter, and that vision and flexibility are critical.
Yes, it takes up «valuable» front matter space (but then, it could be put in the back), but it is available for the reader's convenience.
I may rethink it and go back to the traditional front matter that is more like a print book.
But I am not a fan of it losing my spacing on the various front matter pages, as well as on the chapter headers.
Consider moving certain optional front matter to the back of the book.
Second half title — this page helps set off or end an extensive front matter.
I'm thinking minimal front matter (just whatever the program requires, if anything).
You might have additional pages, for example, you might include a table of contents, but this is usually the minimum for front matter.
When funding your SEL program, whether through government or private sources, remember that relationships, partnerships, and united fronts matter, and that vision and flexibility are critical.
As you learned in our series on front matter, the foreword is a section of a book written by someone other than the author, and it discusses the author, the book, and events surrounding the book.The afterword is a lot like the foreword, except it's located among the back matter of a book.
My favourite feature is the automated front matter with an auto - generated copyright page.
eBook Samples are Sales Material: Book Front Matter for Print and eBooks photo credit: keristars via photopin cc
Add Front Matter: Click this button if you want to add additional section before the first chapter in the manuscript.
Part 2 talks about Front Matter — the stuff that makes a book a book, like Title Page, Copyright, Dedication, etc..
You can place these in any order, but like Front Matter you should add a page break after every element.
Front Matter contains Title Page and Copyright Page.
Mixing formats: short stories tagged onto novels; shorts mixed with poetry; writing travel guides with links built into the ebook; putting front matter (ISBN, etc) in the back to get readers right to the story; adding sample chapters to the back; cross-promoting with different authors; people are playing with formats, where there are literally no rules anymore.
A responsible publisher will move front matter to the back in an ebook.
I am looking into it but it doesn't seem like you can change front matter, and the options are pretty thin.
One thing to be mindful of is that if there is too much front matter, a potential reader may not be able to get to the first chapter when sampling with the «Look Inside» feature on Amazon — this is especially true for shorter novellas / novelettes.
So not only are front matter blurbs redundant — potential readers already have access to them before they download a sample or «read inside» — but they they may hurt sales because they delay the reader's entry into the text, and because they take away from the amount of the actual book the reader can peruse before buying.
With shorter works and bloated front matter, you could hit 10 % threshold before you even started reading virtually guaranteeing the payout).
You will then garner several very positive pre-release-day reviews which will be posted on / into Volume I's front matter, your website, Goodreads and all other social media.
Authors often forget about their book front matter until the last minute.
In ALL your books (not just the Loss Leader titles), stick in some brief, clear front matter that says something like «More books by Libbie Hawker are coming for your Kobo reader (or Apple, Nook, etc.) all the time!
Joel Friedlander from The Book Designer lists some common front matter as half - title, frontispiece, full - title, copyright, dedication, table of contents in that order.
Front Matter Correct cover If back cover included, check that barcode and print ISBN removed quotes, other books page, and other fm elements moved to back of ePub if desired ePub ISBN added to copyright page Printer's key deleted from copyright page TOC linked correctly (optional for Non-Kindles): Have you removed TOC html page?
Packing the front of your eBook with traditional or extraneous front matter frustrates shoppers.
Insert e-book appropriate front matter including license notes, centered (tip: create a new, modified style where text is not first line indented but is centered — this will keep our formatting pristine all the way through).
At minimum, your finished ebook should present like a professionally printed book; open at the cover, flow into properly formatted front matter, feature dropped chapter headings with color flourish, each of which start on a new page, and end with your bio, picture and an invitation to your author website.
Sometimes the content is utterly useless in terms of deciding whether you want to purchase the book — a bunch of front matter splatter.
NOOK Press also provides a handy - dandy formatting guide, which looked pretty comprehensive to me when I skimmed it: covering everything from headers and pagination, to what the heck front matter and back matter are, to how to size the spine.
The first book in the series was written and published originally in 2012 with a print length of 324 counting front matter.
With the Editor, you can configure the following front matter elements:
One page Summary Summary for Policymakers Front Matter (Foreword, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, and Introduction) Chapter 1.
If I pick up a printed book at a Barnes & Noble and see a lot front matter, I can simply skip to any part of the book I want.
The first 10 % by word count, so all that front matter of empty pages doesn't count and the index (which is usually word light) is not heavily weighted.

Phrases with «front matter»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z