Sentences with phrase «function decline»

Over time, blood pH naturally becomes more acidic as kidney functions decline with age.
According to research, participating in regular physical activity is linked to less cognitive function decline in older individuals.
After stroke, cognitive function declined almost twice as fast compared to those before stroke.
Resistance training qualifies as a true health psychological therapy for treating cognitive and executive function declines associated with aging.
After stroke, cognitive function declined almost twice as fast.
When brain function declines, the brain does not give the gut enough input.
As heart function declines, the body is able to compensate for several weeks or months.
Over time, adrenal function declines, gradually leading to failure.
No association was found between kidney function decline and intake of plant protein or fat.
The accelerated lung function decline in the women working as cleaners was «comparable to smoking somewhat less than 20 pack - years.»
Immune cell function declines with age, as the thymus loses the cells that «educate» the precursors of immune cells called killer T - cells, and as defective killer T - cells accumulate and suppress the full diversity of youthful, functional killer Ts that target newly - encountered threats.
Both group's physical function declined at one month after surgery, but those who developed delirium declined more significantly.
This research makes fasting a promising practice for those with immune problems, those undergoing chemo, and for all of us as we age, since immune function declines with age.
Immune function declines with age, so eating a small amount of yogurt daily is a great way to ensure you keep your immune system «topped up».
Importantly, maternal smoking and childhood asthma not only adversely affected early lung function, but predisposed children to more rapid lung function decline if they still suffered from asthma or actively smoked as adults.»
For the first time, the scientists could quantitate two major trajectories of lung function leading to COPD: the fast decline trajectory, where lung function declines very rapidly from a normal level, and the alternative trajectory where suboptimal development of lung function during childhood and adolescence is the major determinant of COPD in older age.
In the late stages of Alzheimer's disease, physical functioning declines significantly, making tasks like walking, getting dressed, and eating difficult.
A 2006 Columbia University study found that brain function declines more quickly in nondrinkers than in moderate drinkers.
perimenopause: the 5 to 10 years approaching menopause when reproductive hormones fluctuate as ovarian functions decline.
Due to diminished communication from the brain, gut function declines and can cause symptoms that include constipation and hemorrhoids.
Kidney disease can be broken down into two categories: Chronic kidney disease — When the level of kidney function declines slowly (chronically), cats may compensate for months to years.
Variable Tension: allows adjustment in level of cranial swing facilitation as patient improves (e.g. fibrocartilagenous embolus) or can be increased as patient function declines (e.g. degenerative myelopathy).
Association of Obesity and Kidney Function Decline among Non-Diabetic Adults with eGFR > 60 ml / min / 1.73 m2: Results from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
When T cell function declines, such as with increasing age or during use of immunosuppressive drugs, viral clearance is delayed.
The authors found that the accelerated lung function decline in the women working as cleaners was «comparable to smoking somewhat less than 20 pack - years.»
independently predict renal function decline in individuals with two copies of APOL1 risk variants.
Right: 87 - Year - old Ventricles expand as gray matter shrinks; executive function declines.
As heart function declines, other parts of the body that rely on blood flow are affected.»
BOSTON --- A recently published study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society has found that using CT scans to evaluate early signs of hyperkyphosis (extreme forward curvature of the upper spine) in people over age 50 does not help to identify those at risk of subsequent physical function decline.
Current guidelines recommend restricting dietary protein intake to help manage CKD and slow progression to ESRD; however, there is limited evidence that overall dietary protein restriction or limiting specific food sources of protein intake may slow kidney function decline in the general population.
As β - cell function declines with age, the risk of overt disease increases (17).
Sleep apnea may accelerate kidney function decline in diabetic patients with kidney disease, according to a study that will be presented at ASN Kidney Week 2014 November 11 - 16 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA..
In «Cleaning at Home and at Work in Relation to Lung Function Decline and Airway Obstruction,» researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway analyzed data from 6,235 participants in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey.
«Women who clean at home or work face increased lung function decline, study finds.»
«We feared that such chemicals, by steadily causing a little damage to the airways day after day, year after year, might accelerate the rate of lung function decline that occurs with age.»
«COPD exacerbations lead to lung function decline, particularly among those with mild COPD.»
«It predicts having heart attacks, having heart failure, becoming diabetic; predicts becoming fragile in old age; predicts cognitive function decline, even cancer to a certain extent.»
However, this study indicates that not all at risk patients show accelerated lung function decline, which may explain why, so far, the effect of various treatments of lung function decline has been difficult to establish.
However, this new study reveals that this is the case for only approx. 50 % of patients with COPD, whereas the remaining 50 % develop the disease with close to normal lung function decline.
The results of the trial demonstrated tolvaptan's ability to intervene in a way that slows kidney function decline in this population.
Dietary patterns that closely resembled the Mediterranean diet (with a score of ≥ 5) were linked with a 50 % lower risk of developing chronic kidney disease and a 42 % lower risk of experiencing rapid kidney function decline.
In a study of 104 patients with CKD, Jason Stubbs, MD, Alan Yu, MB, BChir (The Kidney Institute at the University of Kansas Medical Center), and their colleagues found that blood levels of TMAO increased as kidney function declined.
And no brain exercise will prevent brain - function decline that's a result of aging, he adds.
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