Sentences with phrase «function in the body»

Vitamin C is important for many functions in the body like immune function, collagen production, glutathione production, and bone / skin health.
These molecules have a variety of functions in your body such as building hormones including estrogen and testosterone, maintaining the integrity of cell membranes, and aiding in the absorption of vitamins.
It is also needed for many important functions in the body like producing energy as it is found in almost every cell in our bodies.
Either way, Omega - 3s and fat soluble vitamins are important for many other functions in the body, so it won't hurt to try it!
On the other hand, if you don't eat enough cholesterol, your body simply produces more since cholesterol has dozens of important vital functions in the body.
Many of these hormones are used to maintain and regulate different functions in the body including blood sugar levels, anti-inflammatory responses, immune system function, and blood pressure.
However, the fact is that it actually contains essential trace minerals necessary for many metabolic functions in the body.
It plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body including drug detoxification, glycogen storage, and plasma protein synthesis.
Being exposed to light throughout the night affects some hormone functions in the body that may be related to breast cancer.
Fiber performs many functions in the body like supporting digestion and liver detoxification, so it's crucial for keeping your body running smoothly.
These amino acids are the building blocks for numerous functions in the body.
Protein is a crucial nutrient which has several functions in the body.
Often it can be directly attributed to specific physiological functions in the body, including hormone levels and thyroid function.
Major restorative functions in the body such as tissue repair, muscle growth, and protein synthesis occur almost exclusively during sleep.
RNA acts as a messenger to carry out instructions coded in DNA to produce proteins that perform essential functions in the body.
These help to support various functions in our body like the formation and repair of muscles, bones and skin cells.
Milk is among the richest dietary sources of phosphorus, a mineral that helps regulate cell function in the body.
Many of the major restorative functions in the body like muscle growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis, and growth hormone release occur mostly, or in some cases only, during sleep.
The pelvic floor is responsible for 5 main functions in the body.
Contrary to media hype, free radicals have some useful functions in the body.
These two chemicals have multiple functions in our body and can especially affect mood and relaxation.
It regulates hormones and directs various hormones to perform their proper function in the body.
As people age, they lose optimal functioning in all body parts, systems and organs.
This table will show you what they are, how many calories are in one gram of each, what their primary function in the body is and what foods they are found in.
I can successfully design experiments to test theories about how chemicals function in the body, and investigate abnormal biochemical conditions with quite a lot of ease.
Certain wavelengths of red light increase mitochondria function in the body.
Some people need more protein than others, but it's an essential nutrient because everyone requires it to carry out everyday functions in the body.
Her research has shown the negative effects that commercially processed fats and oils have on destroying cells, and their food - processing function in the body, resulting in chronic or terminal disease.
B vitamins are essential to our health and well - being, and each B vitamin performs a unique and separate function in the body.
There are some great books that explain more details of how and why herbs function in the body for wellness referring to the traditional uses gathered over thousands of years.
While some plant proteins ARE technically complete, such as hemp, they're limited by having insufficient amounts of certain essential amino acids for adequate function in the body.
It has a various number of functions in the body from building, maintaining fluid balance and help with digestion to supplying us with energy when needed.
They share one common function in your body but also carry out other physiological roles separate from each other.
These are all classified as class 1 proteins and provide complete amino acid profiles that is necessary to ensure proper muscle repair, recovery and growth among fulfilling other functions in the body.
It is necessary for hundreds of important functions in the body.
Those gene products are usually proteins and perform vital functions in the body.
I take several forms per day because different forms perform different functions in the body.
But there are nine similar sodium channels responsible for a variety of functions in the body.
Omega 3 fatty acids are praised more for their health benefits, but all three omega fatty acids are essential to normal metabolic functions in the body.
It is a foundational support to all hormone functions in the body — without it you will not produce hormones at levels you need, and ovulation will become irregular.
Since hormones are responsible for numerous functions in the body, an imbalance in hormones can lead to the development of many health - related problems.
It has essential functions in the body and is involved with fatty acid oxidation (fat burning) and glucose metabolism (1, 2).
Without enough minerals, we accumulate heavy metals to perform various functions in the body.
The metabolic rate regulates many functions in the body including weight, digestion, the heart rate, the ability to reproduce, and skin and coat health.
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