Sentences with phrase «function loss»

Often a dog's kidneys find ways to compensate for function losses, which makes it all the harder to recognize signs and symptoms early.
Dr. Dransfield cautioned that the take - home message of the study is not that the lung function loss associated with exacerbations in those with severe COPD is unimportant.
In 2012, researchers found that high concentrations of the proteins TNFR1 and TNFR2 in blood accurately predict the risk of kidney function loss in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes 10 years in advance.
By the time most people reach 80 yrs of age, it is estimated that they lose over 30 percent of their kidney function This loss of kidney function is caused by the amount of protein typically consumed in the diet, about 12 % to 15 % The Zone diet recommends 30 % protein, and even more protein (30 — 45 %) is found in the Atkins approach.
Because partial nephrectomy provides superior oncologic control — sometimes at the expense of renal function loss and increased overall mortality — analysis of how these factors should be weighed may facilitate clearer guidelines for selection among nephron - sparing treatments.
Study participants who did not have COPD experienced no additional lung - function loss following exacerbations.
With traumatic brain injuries, a person can sustain blindness, cognitive function loss, coma, permanent cognitive loss, horrible headaches, concussion syndrome, double vision, or paralysis on one side of the body as a result of a stroke.
It is possible, Dr. Dransfield said, that lung function loss leads to exacerbations.
and norepinephrine — as possible additional causes of memory and executive function loss in Parkinson's.
Ocean acidification and stratification / anoxia are probably going to have greater longer - term consequences in the context of biodiversity and ecosystem function loss, and the direct effects of temperature changes will have profound impacts on ecosystems (and again, on their function on which humans depend).
Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, are associated with significant long - term lung function loss, according to research published online, ahead of print in the American Thoracic Society's American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
If renal function loss is detected before your cat begins to show outward signs, a special diet along with encouraging the cat to drink more water may be the only treatments necessary for the first few months — or years.
«These findings indicate that patients with mild COPD are particularly susceptible to lung - function loss following exacerbations,» said Dr. Make.
It still remains unclear whether depression precipitates cognitive deficits or whether it emerges as an aftermath of the cognitive function loss.
As with all observational studies, the authors noted their study can not determine causality or directionality between exacerbations and lung function loss.
In «Acute Exacerbations and Lung Function Loss in Smokers with and without COPD,» the researchers reported that the greatest lung function loss occurred among those with mild COPD, and following severe exacerbations.
«These findings confirm our suspicions that exacerbations of COPD accelerate lung - function loss,» said Dr. Make, senior author of the study.
«Exacerbations of COPD accelerate lung - function loss: Effect especially prominent in patients with mild disease.»
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