Sentences with phrase «function of art»

The religious function of art in Balinese culture plays important role in the daily life of Balinese and unity of art and religion can be clearly seen in every aspect of Balinese life.
Notable writings include: A propósito de arte espectáculo... (With regard to spectacle art...); Función social del arte en la sociedad contemporánea (The social function of art in contemporary society); Color 1959 (Colour 1959); and El artista en el context social actual (The artist in the present social context).
Host Grant Reeher engages her in a discussion of the challenges facing the museum, her strategies for renewed financial and artistic vibrancy, and the cultural function of an art museum in a small city.
Kippenberger used bewilderment and confusion as a strategy to draw in his audience and frequently questioned the social function of art works.
the site - specific work is a continuation of the artists» ongoing investigation into trying to «make sense of what they perceive as a fundamental function of art in the increasingly uncertain and precarious environment we are collectively facing».
The exhibition examines the social, political and formal functions of art at a time when individualisation, capitalism, neoliberalism, and privatisation — which benefit few, whilst disadvantaging and alienating many others — hegemonise our society.
Common sources of inspiration comes from vintage blaxploitation films, black masculinity, hiphop, and the puzzling functioning of the art world with all of it's participants.
But the instant the criterion of authenticity ceases to be applicable to artistic production, the total function of art is reversed.
This is the basis of cosmic religiosity, and it appears to me that the most important function of art and science is to awaken this feeling among the receptive and keep it alive.
Instead of simply creating artwork with a message (which is a natural function of art), they had to wrestle first with critical content of politics and social studies before creating the art piece.
TAA is at its best when we help artists not only make money, but also enable the core functions of art and help artists make connections.
Stuart Davis, too, never lost sight of «the classic function of art — bold assimilation of the environment.»
Adewale has also created a new series of wooden head sculptures, exploring his interest in the anonymous human form and the experiential function of art.
In artspeak terms, Sibony is deconstructing the artwork, upending the original function of the art, and repurposing it as the signifier of the artwork you can no longer see.
Questions demanding more detailed description of the form, disputes over the historical function of art and what constitutes its value continue to inflame art critics and historians.
Emerging from Vienna's confrontational performance art scene led by the Actionists during the 1960s, West believed from the beginning that physical engagement is an essential function of the art experience.
He and other artists in the 1970s and 1980s, such as Hans Haacke and Daniel Buren, systematically reevaluated the role and function of the art institution through a revision of the processes of making, displaying, and looking at art.
By zeroing in on the codes that underpin and perpetuate women's homosocialization, these and numerous other women artists not only tapped the unsurpassed function of art to act as a mirror of its makers, they also found the exceedingly rarer facility of art enabling them to project the collective desire of an avant - garde that has stumbled upon a new code of social behavior to impress on the larger culture.
The exhibition's title duckrabbit refers to the gestalt illusion in which a singular drawing can be perceived as more than one discrete image, mirroring the exhibition's suggestion that the alienating function of art can help us see our own world.
While the mirror is instrumental to Pistoletto's pursuit of imaginative, boundary breaking means of diversifying the nature and function of art within our social fabric, the human figure also acts as a motif for research into the objective identity of existence and spiritual need in the dynamics of everyday life.
Mike Kelley said «the only social function of art is to fuck things up», and sure enough there are no solutions here.
the site - specific work is a continuation of the artists» ongoing investigation into trying to «make sense of what they perceive as a fundamental function of art in the»
A quiet man who was seldom seen at functions of the art world, he once said, «I'm not interested in edges.
For the function of art in the ancient Church (as it continued to be in the Eastern Church) was to depict the sign, not the event, and solely in a transcendent world symbolizing the world of God.
In his study of Goethe's epic Hermann und Dorothea Humboldt discusses the function of art as idealization by means of the imagination, the concept of artistic objectivity and artistic truth, the difference between classical and modern poetry, and finally, the epic as the genre of humanitas (Humanität).
Students select and use the qualities of structures and functions of art to improve communication of their ideas
Herbert Read, Icon and Idea; the Function of Art in the Development of Human Consciousness [by] Herbert Read.
Engaging both the formal qualities and social aspects of the sculptures, Okudzeto addresses the role and function of art, global and local economics, and tourism.
The idea that a hypnotherapy session could enhance somebody's artistic skills immediately struck me as a rather humorous, tongue - in - cheek interpretation of what it means to be an artist and the function of art education, but also potentially a great and simple way to improve the world.
The sharing of artworks has marked these discourses, emanating from the address of politics, aesthetics and the social function of art that has structured Ault's work, and that of many of her contemporaries.
Current Exhibitions Forthcoming Exhibitions Past Exhibitions Publications The Museum's temporary exhibition programme regularly juxtaposes the work of leading, well - established figures with that of younger - generation artists to create a debate about the nature and function of art.
Much of their work may also be described as context - sensitive and constructively critical: that is, they examine a particular context and question the functions of art, including those of art institutions.
Willats» practice suggests a new way for artists to work in society, opening up the function of the art gallery and encouraging productive and meaningful dialogues between galleries and their surrounding communities.
One of the functions of art is to preserve such moments of revelation in order that we may savour and study their many dimensions, as James Joyce demonstrated.
Perhaps you also capsize the function of art.
For Kosuth, it was Duchamp that initiated the shift in art from appearance to conception, writing that, «The function of art, as a question, was first raised by Marcel Duchamp.
The function of art is to get us to slow down, contemplate, think and act differently than we do in the world outside of art.
Overall, the exhibition offers a moment to reflect on the function of art in relation to both a shared, social moment and our individual health in the broadest sense.
Defining itself as a «concept» and its South Bronx location as «Museum of Science, Art, Invention, Technology, and Fantasy,» Fashion Moda crossed boundaries and mixed metaphors, which helped to redefine the function of art.
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