Sentences with phrase «function of education»

The fundamental functions of education are probably universal, although they may be stated in different forms.
When we speak of the civic functions of education then, we envision a culture of reason, analysis, and reflection, based on certain shared knowledge.
You're unlikely to find anyone who would disagree with the notion that teaching students to read is a vital function of education.
The main function of the education section is to prove that you have the training required to succeed within the position.
So, yes, we need more innovation, because we can not be satisfied with the present functioning of our education system, neither in urban centers nor even in affluent suburbs, where scores may be high but academic engagement is not.
It seems that where Man is concerned the specific function of education is to ensure the continued development of this personality by transmitting it to the endlessly changing mass: in other words, to extend and ensure in collective mankind a consciousness which may already have reached its limit in the individual.
Topics discussed include functions of education management organizations (EMOs); issues with rebranding EMOs as benefit corporations; and the importance of improving American public education.
In particular, DeVos» answers proved that she is either unaware or unsupportive of many of the core policies, duties and functions of the education department such as the federal laws protecting special education students and those that restrain for - profit universities.
Apparent throughout the everyday functioning of the education system, culture is made of the beliefs, habits values, visions, norms, systems, and symbols within a specific and definable school community.
In neglecting to address how the nation would deal with the so - called failures on these high - stakes tests, he is not only betraying the movement but the very function of education as King imagined it.
It is the function of education to supply criticism and knowledge.
In this new, economistic order, the function of education is to improve the stock of human capital in the nation.
But each expression of self — gender, native language, race, sexuality, socioeconomic level, and so many others — is also an opportunity for disparity that works to undermine the function of education.
Her favorite quote is, «The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically... Intelligence plus character — that is the goal of true education.»
This is surely hastening what Columbia's Jeffrey Henig called «the end of exceptionalism in American education» in his book of that title, where the functions of education policy and management were walled off from, and presumably untainted by, the political figures in charge of general government functions.
Click here to learn about earnings and unemployment rates as a function of education level.
The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically; therefore we must think outside of the box with how we're educating people.
Educators teach students about the functions of education research; school planning; classroom teaching; learning evaluations; systemic decision - making; and advocacy.
Giftedness is more than a function of education, and it is also more than a function of riches and eminence in the workplace — which, of course, becomes less likely if a young person's schooling has been thoroughly derailed by inappropriate provision and missing support.
But, giftedness is so much more than a function of education.
Giftedness is not a function of education.
Many people have broad opinions about what the functions of the education system are.
(Fielding, 2001) Without a full understanding of the functions of education, students will merely be yelling into a vacuum while trying to get it to stop.
To give a better picture of income as a function of education, we have charted income against education and years in the industry.
That's a function of our education.
Public pressure is a function of education, concerted action through civil society and the embarrassment of political leaders who are failing to protect the rights of Canadians.
However, that might be a function of education.
Canada About Blog The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.
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