Sentences with phrase «function of latitude»

Examining the radiation balance as a function of latitude, we see that tropical regions have a radiation surplus; the deficit over the higher latitudes peaks at the poles.
The circulation patterns of the tropical Hadley Cell, the mid latitude storm tracks the polar high and the resulting climate zones are all driven by the gradients of solar heating as a function of latitude.
The evolution of temperature as a function of latitude and the timing of CO2 rise are shown below (at two different time periods in part a, see the caption).
The degree of change to each variable is a function of the latitude as major weather mechanisms migrate toward or away from the poles.
Shown as a function of latitude and time are averages over longitude of surface temperature from observations (here taken from Parker et al, 1994) in the upper left and from 5 realizations of the climate model's simulation of the 20th century.
Below is a figure showing one of the more mild adjustment patterns as a function of latitude.
The study demonstrated that the number of frost - free days, and a delay in the first autumn frost, has occurred since 1995 as a function of latitude, extending the ragweed pollen season into the fall, particularly for the more northern locations.
The effect is shown for 4 × CO2 for the CMIP5 models as a function of latitude in the southern summer season.
With this idealization the model climate, all statistics of the flow — temperatures, precipitation, clouds, radiative fluxes — are functions of latitude (and height) only, and not longitude or time of year, making for a much simpler system to analyze.
Percent change in zonally - averaged cloud cover over the oceans as a function of latitude and height in response to an instantaneous quadrupling of CO2, decomposed into two parts: (a) a fast adjustment that occurs before surface temperatures have warmed appreciably, and (b) a part that scales linearly with the warming of surface temperature as the system adjusts to the increase in CO2.
Starting with an SST distribution that is a a function of latitude only and warmer in the Northern than the Southern Hemisphere, we then flatten the SSTs in the tropics as shown in the top panel, keeping the latitude of the maximum SST unmodified (16N in this case).
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