Sentences with phrase «function of the behavior»

The emphasis of this training will include four main content areas: (a) relating assessment to function, (b) selecting evidence - based interventions that align with functions of behavior, (c) linking assessment and monitoring, and (d) connecting data with the evidence - based interventions selected.
The primary focus in Homey's therapy is on the situation one is now facing and on the current function of behavior, rather than on the discovery of the infantile roots of the problem.
Using Niko Tinbergen's «four questions» as a guide, we will discuss the evolution of primates and emergence of the social function of the behavior (phylogeny), the development of the behavior during a individual's lifetime (ontogeny), the specific biological and chemical processes and motivations responsible for the behavior (mechanism), and how the behavior increase the fitness of individuals, allowing for its continual selection in primates (adaptive value).
Determine the function of the behavior in order to understand the phases of complete potty training and healing
Following this analysis, Feenders and colleagues found that gene expression levels in outlying striatum can vary as a function of behavior (e.g. hopping and flying [39]-RRB-.
I talk with the teacher, and together, we hypothesize the function of the behavior and that leads us to a plan.
This module focuses primarily on selecting evidence - based interventions that align with the functions of behavior for students with severe and persistent learning and behavior needs.
This setup gives us insight to understand the function of the behavior the dog is doing.
When teachers know the child, understand the function of the behavior, and teach the child skills to meet their needs appropriately they can make a real difference in a child's life.
Tools and techniques will be discussed using a Function of Behavior Model and Non-Violent Communication Method.
Teachers are coached to ask themselves, «What is the function of this behavior
In treatment, I work collaboratively with clients and families to understand the function of the behaviors and thoughts that may be causing their symptoms, and then work together to facilitate more healthy and adaptive patterns.
Their practical, evidence - based information and comments address the confusions and inaccuracies surrounding the functions of this behavior.
From our example of social inhibition or reticence, one can begin to understand that behaviors, when exhibited across cultural settings may take the same form; however, the function of these behaviors varies from culture - to - culture.
They offer a lucid description of the functional assessment process, including gathering information, formulating hypotheses about the function of the behavior, and developing a behavioral support plan.
An instrument with excellent psychometric properties that aims to identify the function of behavior is the Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF).
Module 3 focuses on: Understanding the form and function of behavior, implementing replacement skills for challenging behavior, and creating a behavior plan for challenging behavior
Assessing the Function of Their Behavior (Brief 9), Positive Behavior Support: An Individualized Approach for Addressing Challenging Behavior (Brief 10), and Using Choice and Preference to Promote Improved Behavior (Brief 15).
Staff need to understand the function of behavior, and should be skilled in positive behavior support and intervention strategies.
Both understand the functions of the behavior, and change their reactions to it.
Cumulated ES Estimates and Residual Variation as a Function of Behavior Problems after Accounting for Sampling Error
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