Sentences with phrase «function of the nervous system»

This is one of the most essential requirements for the proper functioning of your nervous system and it also helps in maintaining the healthy blood cells.
Vitamin B12 helps with normal functioning of the nervous system, including the brain.
Male Response provides supportive nutrients for the healthy functioning of the nervous system, including copper, and vitamins B - 5 and B - 6.
Improve function of the nervous system, heart, and immune system while protecting the body from men's top health treats.
When the body has the right nutrients, regular movement through exercise, a great mindset, and full function of the nervous system, it has a recipe for long lasting health.
The overall function of the nervous system may be altered / compromised in some way, and those abnormalities may change over time.
Many functions of the nervous system are under conscious and voluntary control, such as the movement of an animal's legs or the opening and closing of its mouth.
This causes reduced function of the nervous system and the body's organs by building up in the tissues, especially the liver.
Due to its high potassium content, lemon keeps your brain sharp and supports the proper functioning of your nervous system.
These animal studies are relevant to human health because pyrethroids act on functions of the nervous system common to all animals, according to the EPA.
The Journal of Neurophysiology includes articles on all levels of function of the nervous system, from the membrane and cell to systems and behavior.
From newborns to seniors, Chiropractic helps restore natural function of the nervous system and spine.
Biological psychiatry, or biopsychiatry is an approach to psychiatry that aims to understand mental disorder in terms of the biological function of the nervous system.
«Molecule that could be link that adjusts function of the nervous system to the metabolic state of the organism is identified.»
«The correct functioning of the nervous system depends on a very well - regulated balance between excitatory and inhibitory inputs received by the neurons.
Now, one group reports in ACS Nano that they have developed an artificial synapse capable of simulating a fundamental function of our nervous system — the release of inhibitory and stimulatory signals from the same «pre-synaptic» terminal.
In addition, the artificial synapses may simplify the design and functions of nervous system simulations.
Combining morphine, a narcotic pain reliever, and nortriptyline, an antidepressant, has been found to successfully relieve chronic neuropathic pain — or a localized sensation of pain due to abnormal function of the nervous system — in 87 per cent of patients, and significantly better than with either drug alone.
Bio: Dr. Mark Ellisman and Dr. Stephen J. Young established the NCMIR in 1988 to achieve greater understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system by developing 3D light and electron microscopy methods.
Dysfunction of ion channels is the cause of several diseases and can lead to cystic fibrosis or improper functioning of the nervous system, to name just a few.
More than half of the approximately 25,000 genes in the mouse genome are thought to be involved in development and function of the nervous system [1, 2], but only 30 % of genes have any function assigned to them [3].
It is also important for a healthy nervous system, keeps mucous membranes healthy, maintains normal function of the nervous system, muscles and heart.
GM1 and GM2 gangliosidosis occur when cats lack particular enzymes that are necessary for proper functioning of the nervous system.
B vitamins are thought to be beneficial in supporting the healthy functioning of the nervous system, and there are many over the counter herbal products that can support your body holistically during times of stress.
So the problems of embryonic and psychic development, the function of the nervous system, and the evolution of mind and consciousness remain in much the same unsatisfactory state they were in fifty years ago, while molecular biologists go from triumph to triumph in describing and manipulating genes.
Magnesium contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue, electrolyte balance and normal functioning of the nervous system.
Potassium contributes to normal muscle function, normal functioning of the nervous system and to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.
Although there are a variety of areas that can be addressed which ultimately help everyone to be healthier, the one I am going focus on is chiropractic care and the function of the nervous system.
The researchers designed a molecule combining 7,8 - dihydroxyflavone, which mimics a protein critical for development and function of the nervous system, and bisphosphonate, a type of drug that sticks to bones.
Combinations of the two strike a counterbalance critical to the function of the nervous system, with inhibitory cells sculpting «noise» from excitatory cells into the arrangements behind thought and memory.
Lacin and Truman believe the insights from their study will now make it possible to investigate how molecular events, which occur from embryonic to adult stages, control the formation and function of the nervous system in fruit flies, with possible translation to humans.
Scientists performed tail reflex experiments on the hatchery - reared California sea hare Aplysia californica, which has a one - year lifespan and is a common neurological model used to understand the function of the nervous system.
Future inquiry also relates to cephalopod genes and regulation relevant to the development and functioning of the nervous system.
neuroscience Any of the fields of science that deal with the structure or function of the nervous system and brain.
neuroscience Any of the sciences that deal with the structure or function of the nervous system and brain.
George was interested in using a vertebrate model that was physiologically simpler than the mouse, so that he could study the development and function of the nervous system.
Helps to promote healthy heart function, involved in the function of the nervous system and supports the body's resilience to stress
It is important as vitamin B2 for creating and directing energy, as well as the normal function of the nervous system.
As such, it plays extensive roles in digestive health, proper functioning of the nervous system and in wound healing.
Lettuce also contains potassium which plays a major role in promoting the normal function of the nervous system and relaxing your muscles.
With excessive sweating or diarrhea, the loss of sodium and other electrolytes disrupts the function of the nervous system, leading to issues including nausea and vomiting, headache, mental dysfunction, fatigue, irritability, weakness, cramping, seizures, and loss of consciousness.
Salty flavor is hot, heavy and wet in quality, and helps to reduce and balance vāta, the component of the humoral theory in Āyurveda that is most closely associated with function of the nervous system.
Copper, which is contained in trace amounts in many foods, is an important mineral for the healthy function of the nervous system, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.
The by - products of fermentation help our body break down fat, lower blood pressure, regulate the composition of blood, serve as neuro - transmitters, regulates the functioning of the nervous system and also reduces pressure on the heart.
The same study noted that when your microbial ecosystem is in a state of dysbiosis, gut bacteria can produce substances like D - lactic acid and ammonia, which can exert neurotoxic properties and impede the function of the nervous system.
Its also needed for the functioning of the nervous system.
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