Sentences with phrase «function results»

Poor digestive function results in impaired nutrient absorption from food and supplements.
It also delays the decline of brain function resulting from old age.
Plus medications decrease gastrointestinal function resulting in poor digestion and absorption of nutrients in the diet.
The correct solution was obtained by comparing the rotation function results of several of the NMR structures and the average structure derived from them.
Lowered cognitive function results in lowered working efficiency, relationship disputes and significantly... Read More
Poor kidney function results in higher levels of phosphate causing:
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The present study examined changes in parent functioning resulting from parental participation in the Defiant Children program specifically designed for school - aged children with attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
This reduced ER function results in ER stress and contributes to the death of beta cells and the insulin insufficiency that is characteristic of T1D.
We can show that the proteins incorporate into the correct protein complex (the ATPase) and that they improve function resulting in more ATP production.
Medical issues associated with FASDs include poor immune functioning resulting in frequent respiratory or other infections (eg, otitis media, sepsis), increased risk of seizures, and early - onset diabetes.
Another study on this device will be presented on Monday and will review the initial results of a 30 subject study, adverse events post-implant, system reliability and visual function results.
To overcome this problem, we described the optical energy loss function in terms of a composite function resulting from combining many functions, and also used a new model function that accurately expresses the change in momentum.
The scientists, working in the «Maintenance and Differentiation of Stem Cells in Development and Disease» Collaborative Research Centre (CRC 873), found that impairment of Hox gene function resulted in prematurely aged sperms.
Cellular function results largely from the dynamic interplay between DNA or RNA and regulatory processes.
Defects in nuclear actin polymerization and myosin motor function result in heterochromatin repair defects and widespread chromosome rearrangements, revealing the importance of the relocalization pathway in genome integrity.
Loss of leptin function results in several metabolic phenotypes, including obesity in mammals [41].
The condition, as he explained it, is a group of non-specific symptoms associated with «below optimal adrenal function resulting from stress.»
A study examining which clinical features correspond to an abnormal thyroid function result
The «Difference» is derived by subtracting the Future Value function result factoring in the expense ratio and AUM fee from both portfolios.
When you mention the XIRR function resulting in a annualized rate of 3.96 % I am guessing that does not consider dividends and interest paid during the period as as new cash inflows which are in fact another type of contribution and could be also entered in excel.
The lack of coordination and ineffectiveness of the ciliary function result in a slow clearance of mucus from the airways; this in turn results in chronic mucus plugging and inflammation of nasal cavities, trachea and lower airways.
However unlike other forms of Day Blindness observed in other breeds, the DB / RD mutation causes a more complete retinal degeneration in the Standard Poodle and affected dogs eventually lose both cone and rod cell function resulting in vision loss under all lighting conditions.
However, the difference in the behaviour of the likelihood function resulting from error (b) is substantial; the ratio of the Forest 2006 to the correct likelihood varies by approaching 3x as the parameters are moved away from the best fit point.
And Bill4Time's «save & repeat» time entry function results in uniformity and accuracy that prevent client confusion or challenges.
In third - party cases, the injured victim sues the at - fault driver or owner of a vehicle, alleging breach of a duty involving serious injury, for non-economic damages when death, permanent disfigurement or serious impairment of a body function result.
Leadership role in cross-functional team successful in consolidation of distribution and administrative functions resulting in annual savings in excess of $ 2.5 M.
Lowered cognitive function results in lowered working efficiency, relationship disputes and significantly reduced... Read More
Chloe's kidney function results are within normal range.
This study examined changes in parent functioning resulting from parental participation in a behavioral parent training (PT) program specifically designed for school - aged children with attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Cocoa powder helps break down nitric oxide in the blood improving heart and brain function resulting in increased circulation and reduced free oxidative injury (18).
Various shoulder arthroplasty procedures are performed to treat shoulder pain and loss of function resulting from arthritis or other conditions.
The Reddit user who drew attention to the matter, «Chris54721,» reports that not all of the features are usable, with a «Listening» function resulting in an eventual error.
«Blocking its function resulted in the improved ability of the chemotherapy drugs to kill cancer cells.
To be eligible for the study, participants must have met the following: the experience of and emotional response to a trauma that met the DSM - IV Criterion A for PTSD; the presence of several of the major symptoms in re-experiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal of PTSD when not using cannabis; significant relief of several major PTSD symptoms when using cannabis; and lack of any harm or problems in functioning resulting from cannabis use.
Instead of «crowdfunding» a new book, the function resulted in more of a pre-order process.
Hepatitis C: Applicants diagnosed within the past 3 years, over the age of 70 can receive favorable rates provide they have favorable liver function results.
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