Sentences with phrase «function scores»

"Function scores" refers to the evaluation or rating given to the performance or effectiveness of a function or task. It indicates how well or poorly a specific function or task is being carried out, often based on predetermined criteria or standards. Full definition
Patients older than 75 showed greater improvement in shoulder function scores after surgery.
The data reported today show continued increases in median event - free survival and muscle function scores as well as achievement of developmental milestones.
As anticipated, those who received a high dose were reported to have higher memory function scores than those who got a low dose.
A positive traumatic grief diagnosis was significantly associated with lower social functioning scores, worse mental health scores, and lower energy levels than a negative traumatic grief diagnosis.
Primary outcomes: overall symptoms (positive, negative, and neurotic symptoms combined); depression / anxiety; negative and positive symptoms; overall functioning (combination of function scores from measures such as the Global Assessment Scale and Global Assessment of Functioning scale); remission.
Sexual desire, erectile function, overall sexual function scores, partner intimacy, and health - related quality of life did not differ significantly between groups.
Comparison of facial function scores between groups demonstrated statistically worse outcomes for those who received corticosteroids as part of their initial treatment.
Researchers at Henry Ford in Detroit analyzed data and shoulder function scores from two patient cohorts with osteoarthritis who had surgery: 262 patients under 65 and 103 patients older than 75.
Interestingly, high intensity cyclists had overall better erectile function scores than low intensity cyclists.
«That may also explain the yoga patients» improved urinary function scores, another finding of this trial.»
The Climate Progress article refers to an article published in Environmental Health Perspectives: Associations of Cognitive Function Scores with Carbon Dioxide, Ventilation, and Volatile Organic Compound Exposures in Office Workers: A Controlled Exposure Study of Green and Conventional Office Environments; by Joseph G. Allen, Piers MacNaughton, Usha Satish, Suresh Santanam, Jose Vallarino1, and John D. Spengler.
Additionally, we expected romantic attachment anxiety and avoidance to be related to lower sexual functioning scores (e.g., Birnbaum, 2007)(Hypothesis 3 and 4, respectively).
The groups did not differ when adjustment was made for CD4 cell count and Karnofsky physical functioning score.
Independent clinicians documented a higher percentage of diagnostic improvement and significant increases in global assessment of functioning scores in the mindfulness group (vs. the control group).
Generalized linear mixed models were used to compare 6 - month bladder and sexual function scores, adjusting for baseline scores and the stratification factors.
In the present study, the mean school - functioning score of 9 / 11 - exposed adolescents was similar to published reports on the general population (mean score 77.3)[24, 32].
Parenting stress (total score, child, family and personal domain) and quality of life (four domains) were taken as the dependent variables, while family functioning scores (General Scale, Dyadic Relationships Scale and Self - Rating scale total scores) served as predictors.
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