Sentences with phrase «function words»

Surprisingly, the people who used similar function words were more likely to report being into each other at the end of the date.
And get this: Couples who used more similar function words were about twice as likely to be together three months later.
It wasn't the number of function words people used that mattered; it was how closely their particular styles of using them matched.
The reason people's use of pronouns and other function words provides such a window into the mind may stem from their connection to social behavior at a neural level, Pennebaker suggests.
It also tallies up so - called function words such as pronouns, articles, numerals and conjunctions.
[For more on how Pennebaker uses function words to reveal personality and other traits, see «You Are What You Say,» by Jan Dönges; Scientific American Mind, July / August 2009.]
The apparent connection between function words and social behavior spurred Pennebaker to dig deeper.
The pairs who used similar types of function words with similar frequencies, he found, were more likely to want to see each other again, regardless of how much they felt they had in common.
It is also a fully functioning word processor and if you plan to release your book primarily as an EPUB, the option is there to work solely in Sigil.
When you use the same function words — such as pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and quantifiers — you have a higher likelihood of getting together and keeping it together, per a recent study.
People with severe damage to Broca's area lose both their social skills and the ability to call up prepositions, pronouns and other function words.
Just try sustaining a meaningful conversation while keeping track of the number of times you and your partner have each used the words you, I, from, a or the — just a handful of the hundreds of function words
Research shows that people who use similar function words (also known as filler words) are more likely to be compatible.
Nouns, verbs and adjectives may convey much of the message, but it's our «function words» — pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions — that reveal the most about our emotions and values.
The pronoun is a function word, part of what is generally considered to be a closed system.
But we must remember that the meanings of words depend primarily on the function the words perform within the sentences.
Although Pennebaker's program can examine any number of word categories, he discovered the most psychologically revealing results came from counting «function words» such as personal pronouns (like you and my), impersonal pronouns (like it and that), contractions (like can't and they'll) and articles (like the and an).
These function words are used in most contexts and are processed rapidly and unconsciously.
He found that the more their function words matched, the more likely they were to be together three months later, irrespective of how happy they said they were in their relationships at the time.
To introduce the concept of stress and intonation and the role it plays in understanding, the students first need to understand the role of content and function words.
The functions word lists integrate Common Core State Standards for middle school math, providing a key to opening a world of functions.
This quiz on Content or Function Words can be used to help students test their knowledge of which words are function or content words.
The way they broke the title is non-aesthetic, the function word «to» sits oddly before «Paris.»
«To» is a function word indicating an action or process.
What you say to your partner matters too, especially when it comes to what are known as «function words
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z