Sentences with phrase «fund balance»

The phrase "fund balance" refers to the amount of money or resources that are left in a fund after all expenses and obligations have been subtracted. It represents the remaining funds or savings that a specific fund has. Full definition
The report says the district officials recognized their use of fund balance as a financing source could not continue.
The town's estimated fund balance for 2017 ended with $ 1 million more than anticipated, he said.
As we are beginning to develop our budget for the upcoming school year, we will be paying particular attention to the extent to which we rely on fund balance.
«The district's budgeting practices made it appear that the district needed to both raise taxes and appropriate fund balance and reserves to close projected budget gaps,» read the report.
The state requires a school district's reserve fund balance not exceed 4 percent of the next year's actual spending.
It has steady (flat) enrollment of about 5,000 students, a balanced budget and a healthy fund balance.
Town officials said the increased fund balance should reduce the cost for homeowners for borrowing debt service for mortgage payments.
Keeping your emergency fund balance static: Do you have an emergency fund?
The minimum fund balance after any withdrawal should be equal to 25 % of the single premium or one annualized premium.
The report reveals 15 municipalities had low fund balances and operating deficits that define them as having been under «significant» fiscal stress in 2014.
The town's budget calls for a total fund balance of about $ 140 million, including $ 120 million of reserve cash available by the end of 2018.
Which is like losing your entire mutual fund balance instead of withdrawing a few grand.
«Had district officials used more realistic budget estimates, they could have avoided the accumulation of excess fund balance,» the report states.
The state comptroller recommends a 5 percent fund balance, maybe 10, but not much more.
When you make withdrawals from super, the components of the withdrawal are in proportion to the components of your super fund balance.
We have also created fund balances that have been as high as 40 million.
Municipal fund balances are generated when actual revenues exceed expenses for one or more years.
Even if previous policy allowed for double - digit fund balances, some of which was used to pay down previous debt, this amount is beyond the pale.
We are using just enough fund balance to pay for what we need.
Under the proposal, a municipality could be assigned to one of the first three tiers if it has a poor fund balance or credit rating.
If after withdrawing funds the balance falls to # 0, and remains at # 0 for a period of 6 months, your account will be closed..
Thus, since fund balances are down, in order to make more money the fund company needs to raise the fee.
Most people assume that leveraged and inverse funds balance each other out.
The channel is represented on the blockchain, and an initial funding balance is established.
Here's what I mean by that: to me, the «natural» contribution is the condominium's normal annual contribution, assuming a normal reserve fund balance.
This use of fund balance to balance the budget is not sustainable, so the district must align expenditures with revenue.
Know staring wondering what my emergency fund balance should be.
Some funds charge management costs as a percentage of your super fund balance.
While costs for the $ 500,000 project will be taken from available fund balance in the current year, Osborne said, state aid on the project has to be factored into the tax cap calculation.
The administration recently announced its plan for spending the $ 5 million that the Legislature transferred from fund balance to this year's operating budget for immediate road repair.
If adopted, they would cut the proposed tax rate for 2011 by 1.63 %, from 3.90 % to 2.27 %, while also increasing the unappropriated fund balance by $ 350,000 to a total of almost $ 3,000,000.
The district's unrestricted fund balance during those years exceeded the statutory limit, the report said.
This is an interesting, hybrid approach to debt settlement which does not require a person to build up a trust fund balance over time as is the model for most debt settlement companies.Instead, a person's credit card debt is paid in full, and the client only has to pay back Pro Debt Solutions, like a bank loan.
The Office of the State Comptroller projects the city of Niagara Falls will deplete its available fund balance by the end of this year and will face a $ 12 million budget gap in 2019.
Three months ago, Fitch Ratings, the bond rating agency, raised its outlook on Syracuse from negative to stable, citing the replenished fund balance.
Auditors found the town's year - end fund balance for its major operating funds had a combined $ 2.2 million deficit at the end of 2012.
This funding will allow the Library to provide an additional 18 open hours of service, fund outreach bookmobile operations, support existing and expanded services at multiple locations and reduce the budgeted use of unassigned fund balance from $ 852,555 in the 2014 proposed budget to $ 702,555.
Willsboro Central used less than 3 percent of the total appropriated fund balance during those three years.
Without Legislative action, money returned to fund balance at the end of 2015 would have been the lowest since the red / green budget.»
The school, which just opened in 2013, is experiencing significant financial problems and as of their 2015 financial audit had a negative fund balance of - $ 587,956.
The trust fund balance held in special U.S. Treasury bonds is currently about $ 2.9 trillion.
According to the County Charter, to appropriate fund balance as revenue, the Legislature must have two - thirds approval, which is eight (8) votes.
In 2010 - 11, the district had a 1 percent unexpended surplus fund balance totaling $ 149,450, the report states.
In a letter delivered today to the County Executive, the Majority Caucus requested his support of its proposal to spend $ 5 million of the county's nearly $ 90 million undesignated fund balance for additional road work this year.
Most politicians like creating large fund balances by adding a little year after year, because the money can be used to offset large tax increases in a given year when they mess up town finances.
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