Sentences with phrase «funding levels»

"Funding levels" refers to the amount of money or resources that are allocated or provided for a specific purpose or project. It indicates how much funding or financial support is available for that particular initiative. Full definition
The bill largely maintains current funding levels for federal transportation programs over the next two years, with some changes to program structures and policies.
Our ability to pursue and use licensed music will be determined by funding level of the project.
They say those numbers are based on the assumption that current funding levels for the programs will continue at that rate of growth.
Obviously, looking at funding levels is a crude way of assessing research.
And with funding levels high, the trend is likely to continue, say researchers in the field.
It argues that school funding levels will feel quite different in the next five years from the previous five.
Total rate of return depends more on funding levels, timing of funding, market performance, and changes to cost of insurance over time.
We operate at a time where our revenue may vary as state funding levels change, and our expenses may vary as facilities age and are in need of ongoing maintenance and repair.
Public revenue for charter schools is typically 10 to 20 percent below per - pupil funding levels at neighboring district - run schools.
Many credit unions and banks offers similar short - term loans at the same funding levels as payday loans, but for far more affordable rates.
The federal government would maintain the higher funding levels for those up to 133 % of the federal poverty level.
Additionally, the misguided practice of using spending amounts as a measure of school quality has helped protect local school - funding levels from any effort to reasonably adjust them.
But she doesn't pull punches on the challenges: low funding levels, labor contracts, testing requirements, and more.
This could very well mean that even the small number of reforms and slightly increased funding levels for nutrition fought for in the 2007 legislation will not be enacted.
In our poorest districts, a child not yet in kindergarten would be out of college before her school district reached an adequate funding level.
Although scholars do not agree on what constitutes an appropriate minimum funding level, studies that attempt to determine such sums find that many states fund schools below those levels.
Once the individual program funding levels are available, we will be sure to share them with you.
Free - market charter school advocates are quick to refer to charters as «public schools» in discussions about funding levels and access to public facilities.
Our model would cut taxes for 2.7 million residents in 117 cities and towns while maintaining local control and education funding levels.
We propose additional changes to funding arrangements to ensure all schools reach target funding levels within six years.
During these meetings, the advisory boards often recommend funding levels at which programs should be supported and changes to the composition and / or direction of different programs.
While these services are program requirements that must be maintained even at reduced funding levels, the quality of these services will likely suffer.
The program has twice been saved by two - year extensions that kept funding level at $ 400 million.
Local funds, derived primarily from taxes on real property, drive much of the variability in funding levels within states and among school districts because of variation in local tax values.
Should we be concerned about defined benefit plan funding levels?
In other words, a student's academic progress would replace seat time — such as average daily attendance — as the measurement that determines funding levels.
Would this be true if funding levels remained the same?
Special state legislation would be required to establish such a district and county voters would have to approve its creation in a referendum which would also establish an initial funding level for the district.
Meanwhile, the system's funding level slipped to 66 percent, and was projected to fall to as low as 56 percent by 2018 thanks to continued low contribution rates.
The recommendations are available not only at Equity, commodity and currency levels but also at Mutual fund level too.
We found that court - ordered finance reform alters district funding levels under each type of partisan regime.
So the pressure to sustain funding levels remains strong.
At 85 %, aggregate funding levels were (modestly) higher than they have been since 2013.
A fair funding formula for schools, that protects core funding levels, must be worth striving for.
I've really worked for free for the last six months so we could get to the [private - equity] funding level.
This again highlights the abrupt shift in funding levels discussed at the outset of this article.
The new Government has acted to undermine its predecessor's achievements in boosting funding levels for schools when it should have acted to invest in education.
The shift to a market economy has led to reforms in research management practices and to drastic cuts in funding levels everywhere.
Two districts with similar demographics can have different Title I allocations because of differences in their past funding levels.
This incremental approach proved successful: by its conclusion, every school had met or exceeded its foundation funding level and had adopted all the recommended reforms.
But through any lens, in spite of variation in funding levels among states and schools districts, what schools spend money on is remarkably consistent.
In this scenario, minimally funded level - cost - of - insurance universal life was used to mimic term - to - 100.
Funding continued to increase as more models were made available at various funding levels.
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