Sentences with phrase «further consideration»

"Further consideration" means to think about or examine something more closely, often with the intention of making a decision or reaching a conclusion. It implies taking more time to deliberate or ponder over a matter before deciding what to do. Full definition
Thus, the case was sent back to the trial court for further consideration of these two issues.
During the initial screening, the employment professional is alert for factors that will immediately eliminate a candidate from further consideration.
The committee recommended that the government give further consideration to funding the system's start - up costs.
The information provided by ER for Lawyers is intended as a starting point to help lawyers decide whether an ethics issue warrants further consideration or action.
The usage of the term in the context of literary studies is certainly worthy of further consideration as it relates to the visual arts.
Another matter requiring further consideration is how to measure indicators concerning decision - making, self - determination and autonomy.
BUT, after further consideration, I do like the idea of adding more contrast instead of the (admittedly) common white wall, white countertop, white backsplash combination.
Within 5 to 7 seconds a recruiter decides if this resume merits further consideration or is tossed aside.
That means you need to stand out to quickly convince recruiters that your application deserves further consideration.
It also drew out a number of themes and questions that now need further consideration by those managing and delivering support locally, the local and national policy makers and the wider education community.
But it goes without saying that gods that are said to have contradictory traits can be dismissed without further consideration.
But upon further consideration, he had an even bigger beef: The site had disappeared.
«But he also comes up with ideas that absolutely nobody else would come up with,» ideas worth further consideration.
What further considerations do you need to make when cases involve domestic violence?
Most controversial is the practice of employers asking for social security numbers from every applicant whether the individual will receive further consideration or not.
After that is derived, then we can see if further consideration of the other objections may be warranted.
Use the school nurse resume sample and the writing tips provided to strengthen your resume and help it become a document that will encourage further consideration from a recruiter.
Should larger corporations make further considerations regarding their patents, compared to smaller companies?
This area of law bears further consideration following a number of recent cases.
We believe further consideration should be given to tighter controls on spending and whether the proposed cap is set too high.
Regardless, I hope this content will inspire further consideration of the topic.
It is important, before giving the argument further consideration, to consider briefly the «logical types» objection.
Further considerations include making modifications to existing school policies such as assessment schedules or attendance requirements.
If a building or site has been identified as targeted assistance, further considerations apply.
However, it is expected that the plan will be going back in front of the board for further consideration soon.
The works completely change at this point and demand further consideration.
Further consideration Note that renters insurance comes with coverage limits, so know what is and isn't covered in the policy you select.
In general, the resumes selected for further consideration contain these keywords, with dynamic statements showing how the applicant has experience doing the duties required for the job.
We are sorry to inform you that your application has not been selected for further consideration in the interview process.
When so many suitable candidates are vying for the same job, failure to have an online presence may be the sole reason you were eliminated from further consideration.
[172] This is an option for Australian constitutional reform that I believe warrants further consideration.
This was a useful summary of the main features of the draft lease and drew our attention to points requiring further consideration.
However, after further consideration, even the distinction between advising and advocating became muddy.
There is a lot of competition for these positions so you need to show that you are a special talent who deserves further consideration.
It goes without saying that scientific theories that are said to have contradictory traits can be dismissed without further consideration.
Though this example is disturbing, upon further consideration its actually pretty normal.
As you go through them, take notes on your notes, pulling out anything worth further consideration.
Still, the underlying idea of creating space for sharing readings merits further consideration.
What further considerations must you make for doctors, to which sometimes your clients may often be unaware of?
This sample will help you to portray as an applicant that needs further consideration.
Today, those artists share the results of their investigations for further consideration in an afternoon filled with performance, experimentation, and lively debate.
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