Sentences with phrase «further decline»

The phrase "further decline" means the situation or condition is getting worse or decreasing even more than before. Full definition
Note also that closed - end funds with similar yields may cut or suspend the dividend, which would in all likelihood result in further declines in price per share.
So far the decline in Q2 is a little bigger than that in Q1.
I have been reading estimates of the size and duration of further declines in residential housing prices.
It has opened the doors for further declines below $ 450.
If the tensions ease off, we could see further decline in price.
Finally, the funds will be invested in the promotion of books and reading in the country, with the aim to prevent further decline of interest in reading among Russian citizens.
In the recent home values survey just 24 % of Realtors expect further declines in home prices in the next six months, with 52 % believing that home values will stabilize.
This year, it's expected to drop by roughly 1.5 percent with further declines in the years to come — and increasing home prices will be responsible for this drop.
Therefore, the price has to stay above USD 10,000 to avoid further declines.
Let us direct all our efforts, energies and resources into winning the elections in 2016 to rescue our nation from further decline.
The result could be many more homeowners pushed underwater by further declines in home values.
Some are betting on further declines; speculative short positioning is at three - and - a-half year highs in the futures market.
This arises as a combined consequence of sales and a strong wish to sell among those who still hold the stock but fear that selling it may cause further declines.
A subsequent study in 2013 indicated an even further decline of 32 % of child - based disputes over 5 years.
Another nice thing is that I work at a hospital and have AMAZING benefits through my union... the likelihood of me losing that, and of my health further declining is very low.
I might still be early but I am looking to dollar cost average into further declines.
Meanwhile, an already lean level of inventories should help to prevent much further decline in inventories, which should offer some support to industrial production.
People involved in the transaction said that the buyers had prepared for potential further declines in the PC business, but intend on at least maintaining the company's position.
Answer: Your thoughts regarding further declines in the stock market certainly could become reality.
According to our sources, the new results are alarming and indicate further decline of the species.
He anticipates further declines based on continued low interest rates and the product's strong performance compared to other types of real estate assets.
Police are investigating the incident, but have so far declined to make any official comments.
Will we see further declines in test scores in the next year or so?
Going forward, it must move back above USD 900 to avoid further declines.
The basic benefit to homeowners is getting lower monthly payments, thus minimizing defaults and foreclosures, as well as preventing real estate market from further declines.
It also reviews why many reefs are in serious trouble and what individuals can do to prevent further decline.
Many are afraid of further declines in the market and don't feel comfortable because all their friends aren't buying.
«Now that the population has already been reduced so dramatically a number of other threats would be even more likely to cause further declines,» she says.
There were further declines in bitcoin and major cryptocurrencies.
Up front, Honda has done its typical good job of instrument and control layout, except for the odd, awkward gearshift lever than no one likes, but Honda thus far declines to address.
First, the forecast: Market research firm eMarketer predicts further declines in net ad revenue from the company is it presumably continues its pending sale to Verizon.
The stock strategist who predicted the S&P 500's latest plunge now expects further declines as Treasury yields rise.
So should she risk further declines with the balanced fund or go with the inadequate but safe returns from GICs?
Ethereum price must maintain this level to avoid further declines towards $ 390.
And it's likely the number of happy campers will further decline at the 2016 Holyrood election where the argument that voting Labour will stop the Tories is an irrelevance.
The retailer has a very decent probability of going into bankruptcy or experiencing further declines, yet the bonds are still yielding 11.4 % when they should be yielding much more given the inherent risk in the position.
Football as a sport is about winning and when the manager can not inspire a squad of talented players, to perform at their best or to even compete, then it is a tragedy that needs to be resolved urgently before further decline in performances, fortunes and revenues.
Many investors are looking for that magic bottom and are wondering if it's time to step back in, while others are wondering if we'll see further declines due to commodity weakness and eventual Federal Reserve (Fed) tightening.
High School Football Participation Has «Peaked», Further Declines Likely, Says CU Boulder Professor
Which leads Eberstadt to this: «There is plenty of reason for pessimism about what the future holds for religious belief if by «pessimism» one means further decline.
The mentioned $ 0.3200 acted as a strong barrier for sellers and protected further declines.
But her campaign has so far declined repeated requests over the past 10 days from the Daily News to release her filing for the extension.
«The net emission flows from western regions to eastern regions in China may further decline because of the faster economic growth in the western regions.

Phrases with «further decline»

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