Sentences with phrase «further explanation»

"Further explanation" means providing more details or information to make something clearer or more understandable. Full definition
Please see the Personal Schedule of Fees for further explanation of eligible regular monthly income.
No need for further explanations on how you can make people believe in powerful spiritual stories when you can create such a trick!
It is typically best performed in smaller groups, wherein the students can get personalized attention from instructors, if they need further explanation about a particular topic.
The reason for the suspension was a vague «content violation» citation without further explanation.
Any being capable of designing something as complex as a sensory organ like an eye is surely even more complex itself; does this not require further explanation?
It allows a job applicant to provide further explanations of his / her qualifications, which he / she failed to include in his / her resume.
However, in an online driver's education students have little opportunity to ask questions and request for further explanations on confusing lessons that you may encounter.
No further explanation for the delay was given, but we can safely assume that it was all in the name of «extra polish».
If you took the survey and want to add further explanation in the comment section below, feel free!
Bake cakes and biscuits together, and explain what the measurements mean, giving further explanations of weight and measure only if your child asks.
The headline should be followed by the summary, which provides further explanation about the eLearning event, product, or service.
You can contact your company's consumer affairs division if you disagree with the reason or want further explanation.
If further explanation is needed, please contact the teacher who is currently teaching the course.
Contact us today if you'd like further explanation of any of these publishing terms or if you want help publishing your own book.
I will not go into further explanation because to try to convince a liar is a waste of time.
It also gives you a chance to obtain further explanations on any issues that you are concerned about!
Owners are encouraged to ask questions or ask for further explanation at any step in the process.
I don't think further explanation should be required here.
At two points I do think I owe further explanation.
When physical education classes were completed daily, I assisted other teachers with implementing their curriculum and helped the children with their assignments when further explanation was required.
«Up to $ 150» doesn't make sense without further explanation.
Even where church is defined, such definitions tend to be full of complex ideas and theological jargon which require further explanation.
It will help remind them of the important themes in the text, and will also allow you to see the areas in which they need further explanation.
They are further demanding that the hospital management organize a press conference to give further explanation on the incident to the public.
If you think the reason is unfair or want further explanation, call the insurance company or the state division of insurance.
The lack of perfection only indicates a need for further explanation.
For them, of course, there is really no need of going into further explanations, either as to what happened or as to how it came to be reported as it is.
Each slide includes notes with further explanation, so that you as a teacher can introduce the fun fact with a bit more of a background story or answer students» questions that may come up.
Catholic Christianity offers further explanation of belief in God.
«Naturally, some in the church will try to polarize or interpret this, but as the rest of us aren't pope, we still have to get further explanation,» Palmo added.
A tribunal's decision is final and the reasons grounding that decision should speak for themselves, without the aid of further explanation by the tribunal.
According to PTP, the organizer said, «We are still investigating the reasons of the halt, and so far the explanation offered by the police is due to security risk.
His office did not immediately return a telephone message left Thursday night seeking further explanation of what types of payments would be affected.
The subgroup beans and peas, bears further explanation as they are a unique group of foods.
In some cases (in people with low body fat), this number may be very close even if we use the lean mass value (see further explanation in the post -»... As mentioned above it's better to use your lean mass weight when calculating your protein intake requirements instead of your total weight...» Hope this helps
Some softened their instinctive opposition after further explanation; some didn't.
Pressing them for further explanations yielded no results.
Two weeks ago I started writing for our local Banner newspaper, and have been giving pieces of information dealing with small portions of this topic, but I believe it is worth further explanation.
(This is an aspect of the attachment dynamic that requires much further explanation).
The Erie County Legislature's Majority Leader, Joseph C. Lorigo, sent a letter to the County Executive asking for further explanation concerning his withdrawal of Carol Dankert - Maurer's name as Mental Health Commissioner.
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