Sentences with phrase «further growth»

These investments will serve you well, a solid basis for further growth for your stock portfolio.
As her company prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary, she says she has witnessed a much wider awareness of health supplements, as well as opportunities for further growth in the category.
There may not be much room for further growth of the stock price, but one can rely on the fact that the companies will pay dividends at the end of the year.
This will help to break up any bad patterns from the previous year, and provide your child with further growth as they are still getting a new teacher for the new school year.
We expect to see further growth as the car is on sale for longer.
We only expect further growth in this function in future months and years.
Retailers playing into the top five consumer trends will see further growth in perimeter sales.
If this can be successfully achieved, the project is well placed to seek out further growth opportunities in the future.
That being said, these can be the building blocks for new products and high - quality raw materials will be necessary to drive further growth in innovative products.
A growing economy is the key to adding jobs, boosting consumer spending and supporting further growth as well as rising stock prices over time.
It is expecting further growth by the end of the year.
If the president were serious about creating energy jobs, he'd listen to the market and promote further growth in clean energy, the number one job provider in the electricity generation sector.
What's more — it could also allow further growth of stations below the ground, making it possible to build new train lines underneath the existing ones, to increase capacity even further.
That's been our strategy, to have a reasonable amount of [initial] growth and then plan further growth over three to four years.
While industry stakeholders warn of job losses and reduced demand, the government believes that other changes, including allowing larger systems to qualify for the premium, will ensure further growth.
It effectively kills and prevents further growth of the adult worms.
Another one of the benefits of becoming certified and obtaining a degree in medical office assisting is that the career may foster further growth regarding employment and education.
Getting my feet planted for further growth within the organization.
Growth investing focuses on trying to identify and buy rising stocks when they have further growth ahead.
So far their growth as been quite impressive and we're always excited to see what they release.
Deep Silver has four AAA games in development that will generate further growth for the coming years.
To stimulate further growth, the entire system is employing an innovative method to develop their ebook portfolio.
With your thoughts on the market being at all time highs, are you concerned about missing further growth in the market?
We have no final end, only ends - in - view, which, when attained, provide us with starting - points to seek further growth.
We have no debt, over $ 2 million cash, and a $ 3 million bank line of credit to fund further growth.
I strongly believe they are poised for further growth going forward and hopefully this investment pays off for me.
This is an unmatched and growing platform that affords further growth opportunities.
We will see such differences as an opportunity for further growth rather than a threat to unity.
The company project further growth in 2011, with a projected 250,000 cases expected to ship, the company says.
Will your business demonstrate 12 weeks further growth — will you be 12 weeks closer to your goals?
Despite the fact that gas prices are still on the rise, the SUV market continues to grow, and 2010 brought in plenty of new models to further this growth process.
The mobile trend promises further growth of the market with half of all tablet owners using the device for game playing.
After this, your cat will reach sexual maturity, which means further growth, albeit not as drastic as the initial nine months.
With the price now firmly stabilizing over $ 15,000, many investors expect still further growth, which may keep them from making the trade.
Further growth comes from the «bitcoin as a store of value» crowd.
To use my administrative skills and Management expertise that allows for further growth improvement in employee morale, performance, and advancement.
They are looking to bring in and nurture a new temporary recruitment consultant to help push the business onto further growth whilst enabling a new recruiter to take their career to the next level.
That's when a market is saturated with a particular brand name, making further growth in that market under that brand name unrealistic.
In 1991, the first sport coupe was called the SC 400 and launched with further growth and development planned for the brand.
They must also neuter or spay their dog to prevent further growth of the «dangerous dog» population.
Short - term cortisol increases would then facilitate further growth.
The head of one of the world's largest book publishers has described the ebook as «a stupid product» that is unlikely to see further growth.
And again, the resilient administrator seeks feedback from close, trusted people who can provide counsel that can sustain and promote further growth.
It started with just 15 people but has grown to more than 100, and is planning further growth.
Growth investing tries to identify and buy rising stocks when they have further growth ahead.

Phrases with «further growth»

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