Sentences with phrase «further progress»

The phrase "further progress" means to continue making improvements or advancements beyond what has already been achieved. Full definition
It explains how your results may help in further progress in the area of research.
Until management has made further progress on the balance sheet, most investors should sit on the sidelines.
Today's finance capitalism also has disappointed hopes for further progress in medical technology.
The journal embraces the importance of publishing all good - quality research with the potential to further the progress of medical science.
The first stages didn't really impress me that much as they weren't too surprising or creative but further progressing through the game really got me coming back over and over again.
Treatment techniques are then implemented at home to further progress towards goals of therapy.
Regardless of how far you progress in the sequence, allow time to unwind and cool down.
Some missions are even required to be completed to further progress into the start of the additional storylines of each expansion or particular areas.
As noted above, we have seen further progress, though clearly the library ebook market is still far from mature.
In fact, bodybuilders enjoy it so much that at times they have to take a break from it in order to achieve further progress in their training.
(47) Ice did not have these problems, so further progress would depend on getting more and better ice cores.
This is the full game; players will earn achievements and be able to save how far they progress during that 24 hour span.
Company: This client is a global recruitment firm with exciting international opportunities seeking intelligent, ambitious and money - motivated graduates to help further progress their current expansion programme.
What further progress would you like to see family law make when regarding children?
If you want the church to claim they are responsible for anything, lets give them being responsible for holding back even further progress in the scientific field.
Addressing needs becomes more effective at the individual student level with his or her successes fueling further progress.
If you've made visible progress, spend some time feeling good about that; anticipate further progress and look forward to that... after your next workout!
This uncertainty about the true state of the economy suggests we should be open to the possibility of material further progress in the labor market.
I really like this and it's what kept me going until the end because I was certain there would be further progress made for the series by the resolution of the plot.
There has been further progress aside from the steps outlined in the report.
The article deals with brain organization and proposes a need to rethink current ideas to make further progress possible.
These techniques can add up to give you an immediate boost and also help you make further progress smoothly.
The issue further progressed to an inability to even shift into 4WD.
There is also no way to make further progress without building them - we're done with the drawing board.
This in turn allows for further progress to take place.
Continue features multiple endings depending upon how far you progress.
Further progress in reducing unemployment and having inflation return to target is expected, although this progress is likely to be gradual.
A growth mindset in assessment includes a belief that, regardless of where students are in their learning at any given time, every student is capable of making further progress.
These seeds then lay dormant for almost 20 years until laser technologies had advanced enough for further progress with combs to be practical.
In most of these areas, however, they mention that lawyers are not as far progressed as they should be, and both hosts believe that those in the legal profession have become technologically complacent.
In such cases, we should not rush in headlong and so firmly take our stand on one side that, if further progress in the search for truth justly undermines our position, we too fall with it.»
Miller also offers a recommendation for further progress toward decreasing the prevalence and strength of these stereotypes: «integrating discussion of diverse female scientists into science curriculums «so it's not seen as atypical to discuss a woman scientist.»»
There was little further progress until 2009, when another team found an important new clue to the shape of this peculiar object, which they nicknamed the frying pan.
Will McGoldrick, climate change policy manager at WWF - Australia told RTCC that in many cases international negotiations had a role to play in driving further progress by governments at home.
The EPI provides insights, commentary and critiques about education policy in England — shedding light on what is working and where further progress needs to be made.
Women have made tremendous strides during the last few decades by moving into jobs and occupations previously done almost exclusively by men, yet during the last two decades there has been very little further progress in the gender integration of work.
A minimum of a win and two draws in our remaining fixtures against Utd, Chelski and Pool would suggest further progress in my humble opinion.
Today's announcement represents further progress on a project that will help protect our East Shore from Mother Nature's wrath.
The message is that the Government realises that Britain faces a huge competitiveness challenge and that the new team will drive further progress on education, welfare, tax simplification and infrastructure to ensure that Britain can flourish.
Following the 2002 Postdoc Network meeting, at which postdocs and others discussed their common concerns, Orfeu Buxton, a postdoc at the University of Chicago, told meeting participants that further progress required the creation of a national postdoc association.
Cups unlock further progress while medals are simply achievements that you can try to collect.
My government will work in Northern Ireland to secure further progress in implementing the Stormont House and Fresh Start Agreements.
The lack of a common understanding of this important practice actually impedes further progress for students, their families, and the educators who teach them.
Rather than focusing on «deficits» (gaps between children's entry levels and schools» expectations), the focus during the preschool years and also in the early years of school should be on establishing where children are in their long - term learning and development and providing individualised support and learning opportunities to promote further progress.
And again, this is a break from pointing out all the places where further progress can be made (even refinements to the items listed above).

Phrases with «further progress»

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