Sentences with phrase «further reduction»

The phrase "further reduction" means to decrease something even more from its current level. Full definition
An individual can buy auto insurance online while sitting at home which helps in further reduction in insurance quotes due to automatic reduction in travel costs and utility costs.
That organization provides a forum for negotiating further reductions of trade barriers, settling trade disputes, and enforcing the agreed global trade rules among nations.
But with further reductions in inflation below 2 percent, nominal rigidity begins to bite so that the marginal payoff declines and then turns negative.
However, this amount is subject to further reduction by other allowable deductions you claim.
«Therefore, continuing and much greater efforts are needed to achieve further reductions in salt intake to prevent the maximum number of stroke and heart disease deaths,» they urge.
You can get further reductions if you set up automatic payments.
If your diet needs more tweaking you have left yourself plenty of room to make further reductions without feeling like you're starving yourself.
In some areas, state incentives can offer further reductions.
With an even further reduction of carbohydrates more ketones — derivatives of fat — are produced and used for energy.
That is, without further reductions of fertility, the world population could increase by nearly twice as much as currently expected.
Already lauded for its quiet ride, the Legacy moves another step up in cabin comfort for 2018 with further reductions from all noise sources.
This, in turn, allows further reductions in terms of both material use and weight, leading to another new wave of savings potential.
Since fixed mortgage rates follow bond rates this could mean further reductions in already ridiculously low fixed mortgages.
We're trying to identify what further reductions are achievable by every state.
In addition, development of civilization and technologies has accelerated further reduction of genetic diversity in the modern era.
The seller was highly motivated to sell without paying commission, to the degree that he agreed to a great selling price, and then an amended further reduction for deck replacement.
Further reduction of top and bottom bezels from 5T would've been welcomed by fans more.
Future warming is projected to produce more severe droughts in the region, with further reductions in water supplies.
Additional design features addressing head injury in side impact crashes are needed to achieve further reductions in fatalities.
This could be used to reduce income taxes for everyone, rather than a special few, and / or to accelerate even further reductions in corporate taxes.
However, all locations will be dramatically affected by further reductions in hours, staffing and / or services.
Based on the latest science, most of the world's nations agreed in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 that industrial nations should cut emissions of greenhouse gases, and the treaty was modified last year to require further reductions in emissions to levels well below those of 1990, over the next 10 to 15 years.
«Against this depressing background, at the least, consumers will likely see further reductions in fuel prices and an acceleration of cuts in retail dairy prices,» Rabobank added.
Alexia Kelly, a climate policy expert at the World Resources Institute in Washington DC, points out that other domestic policies, such improvements in vehicle fuel efficiency, will bring further reductions.
Sale PSA: A bunch of sites have taken their sale on further reductions.
SNA is specifically asking Congress to revert back to 2010 standards that require only half of all grains offered to be whole - grain rich, leave sodium levels where they are until research proves further reductions benefit children and do away with the requirement that forces kids to take the half cup of fruit and vegetables with every meal, since most students end up throwing them away.
Intriguingly, participants who engaged in additional rounds of walking with the optimized exoskeleton experienced further reductions in energy expenditure, suggesting that users who stick with the device may undergo their own subtle adaptations, resulting in further optimization.
The possibility of the club seeking further reductions as a semi-public facility before a town assessment review board in May can not be discounted.
But Congress remained unwilling to follow the Administration's lead, and last spring Congress approved a budget resolution that locked in sequestration - level spending (while recommending further reductions in future years, as shown).
Better diagnostic coding, more precise prescribing guidelines, and a deeper understanding of appropriate long - term uses of antibiotics would allow identification of further reduction potentials.
Farmers in the Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta recently volunteered to cut their water entitlement by 25 percent this year, with the understanding that the state government won't ask for further reductions beyond that amount.
If a relapse of your symptoms occurs, then further reduction of the prednisone is not indicated.
As researchers noted in The New England Journal of Medicine, «though the practice of transferring three or more embryos in a single cycle has declined steadily, several factors may constrain efforts at further reduction
Building on prior years» tax reform efforts, including rate reductions implemented this year, the North Carolina legislature adopted further reductions to both individual and corporate income tax rates, to take effect next year.
I will say more about this later, but for the moment I want to record the point that there is also a degree of complementarity between the two market segments — i.e. at some stage further reductions in the supply of government bonds will not necessarily lead to even greater issuance by the private sector, as the existence of a government (risk free) yield curve is an important part of the infrastructure underpinning non-government issues.
But instead of seeing there the expression of its suprarational character, irreducible to this rational proposition, that is to say, the appearance of a fact truly revealed, he sees there only the expression of an imperfect construction, which will demand further reductions and which has none but a pragmatic value.
As we continue cost - cutting, further reductions become harder and harder to achieve.»
«Nick Clegg signalled a fresh battle over budget cuts with George Osborne on Sunday after warning that it would be «wholly unrealistic» for the coalition to pursue further reductions in welfare spending without increasing taxes on Britain's richest 10 %.»
Other mathematicians joined Tao in this endeavor and, as of July 2014, H has been cut to 246, with further reductions still possible.
They continue: «Even with modest coverage, substantial further reductions in morbidity and mortality could be achieved.»
Detailed management of underbody and engine - room airflow, along with specific wheel designs, net further reductions in drag.
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