Sentences with phrase «future missions»

The phrase "future missions" refers to upcoming tasks or activities that will be carried out or accomplished in the time ahead. Full definition
The launch pads and buildings are being redesigned for future missions with commercial space partners.
The finding could help reduce health risks to humans on future missions into deep space.
At the end of the week, they shared their posters with the class and made recommendations regarding needs of future missions to their planet.
This is still just an early concept of a possible future mission.
Actions have their consequences and will affect the squad and how future missions play out.
All seven astronauts on board were killed and future missions suspended.
But it also saw some breakthroughs that may foster future missions for human exploration of the cosmos.
Other, more distant future missions being proposed would include a drill to dig down through the ice cover.
Its instruments will also look for water - ice hidden just below the surface, which along with potential trace gas sources could guide the choice for future mission landing sites.
If a human is mistakenly removed, that specialty is lost and makes future missions more difficult to complete.
A nice watch for tech fans and future mission makers.
Well to the second one I would certainly entertain the possibility of trying to fly future missions of this type, but i am not the one who writes the checks for that.
While the spacecraft might be no more, it's discoveries will live on and pave the way for future missions to come.
He worries that younger planetary scientists are starting to look for other opportunities, undermining the prospects of future missions.
The current planetary exploration program exists at a funding level that should be able to support occasional participation in future missions such as Phoenix with small instrument contributions such at the MET station on Phoenix.
And the discoveries made will help define the science that will be pursued by future missions such as WFIRST, and perhaps more ambitious missions in the future.
There are many pressing, fundamental questions about whether this immensely fascinating moon is indeed a place where life has arisen for the second time in our Solar System, and they can only be answered by future missions like the Europa Clipper.
Goonhilly goes deep space22 February 2018 Until now, if you're an entrepreneur planning future missions beyond Earth, you'd have to ask a big space agency to borrow their deep - space antennas.
Other future mission concepts include polar probes, Martian aircraft and a network of small meteorological stations.
If future missions can confirm this water cycle, it means astronauts could one day farm moisture to provide drinking water on Mars.
Not only will Project Blue look for Earth - like planets right in our backyard, it will be the proving ground for future missions like the ASTRO - 1 space observatory, a privately - funded UV - Visible space telescope mission that will provide unprecedented views of the cosmos and alien worlds.
He's now helping design future missions to Saturn's moons.
«By showing astronomers where future missions such as NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have their best chance to find giant exoplanets, this research paves the way to future discoveries,» said chief scientist of NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program Office and study co-author Karl Stapelfeldt of JPL.
In addition to this, proceeds from Share a Pencil Day pencils will go towards Hope's Bright Futures mission in partnership with Plan International UK, supporting the charity's education projects worldwide.
That experience will help with future missions, such as the upcoming Mars Science Laboratory, currently slated to launch in 2011.
«It's a bittersweet, but fond, farewell to a mission that leaves behind an incredible wealth of discoveries that have changed our view of Saturn and our solar system, and will continue to shape future missions and research,» said Michael Watkins, director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, which manages the Cassini mission for the agency.
Davis says she wouldn't want to see radiation - sensitive astronauts kept from future missions to the moon or Mars, but she would want those astronauts to be prepared to take special precautions to protect their brains, such as wearing extra shielding or not performing space walks.
Spearheaded a special work force of 4 people in processing payment of $ 225K in unliquidated claims for redistribution towards future missions of Naval Reservist personnel.
But Southwood's sword of Damocles hanging over future missions might end up saving Venus Express in the end.
A more detailed analysis of the organic compounds contained in such plumes, which is the goal of proposed future missions, would constitute «the first step toward answering the question of whether life exists inside the subsurface of Enceladus,» McKay says.
Although that difference seems minor, it places some features on Venus about 20 kilometers away from where scientists were expecting — a big deal for future missions looking to set a lander or rover down at a particular site.
Will electrical disturbances affect future missions
«The one - year increment will expand the bounds of how we live and work in space and will increase our knowledge regarding the effects of microgravity on humans as we prepare for future missions beyond low - Earth orbit,» said Gerstenmaier.
The announcement is a crucial milestone for the agency's nascent Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM), which is intended to set the stage for future missions sending humans to Mars and other deep - space destinations.
Using advanced Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) technologies is an essential part of future missions into deep space with larger payloads.
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly paved the way for future missions when he embarked on a one - year mission in space along with Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko.
Bizarre «plastic» dunes made sticky by static cling may cover the surface of Saturn's largest moon — and could threaten future missions there
Or the survey for astronomy might continue on schedule without knowing whether Webb will be successful, particularly if it treats the troubled telescopes as first and foremost a cautionary tale against similarly ambitious future missions.
«The mission's engineers will be using this MIRO data to help them plan for future mission events when we are operating in close proximity to the comet's nucleus.»
To some physicists, however, the real impact of Gravity Probe B is to illustrate why future missions should be ranked against competing proposals to improve the scientific return on investment.
The probe could also fill a looming break in our ability to communicate with rovers on the planet's surface, and it could provide valuable data for future missions hoping to land humans on Mars.
«Future missions emphasizing organic analysis must consider not only contamination control but also include «witness samples» that record the environment and potential contamination as the mission is built and launched to understand the unavoidable contamination background.»
As Cassini's mission is scheduled to come to an end in September, Perron says further investigation of Titan's surface will help to guide future missions to the distant moon.
The space telescope has also paved the way for future missions focused on observing the universe in infrared wavelengths, ESA officials added.
Lockheed Martin plans to reduce the production cost of the Orion crew capsule for future missions through reuse of the vehicle structure and other components of the spacecraft, SpaceNews reported Friday.
One of the big questions is whether future missions could somehow use carbon dioxide on Mars to create oxygen and rocket fuel — both of which are vital ingredients of a feasible manned base on Mars.
Norton says future missions to find Earth - like planets in Earth - like orbits will be when the real search for signs of alien life will begin.
«Cassini will fly through the moon's plume again later this year,» he wrote, «but only future missions that can undertake improved in situ investigations, and possibly even return samples to Earth, will be able to confirm Enceladus» astrobiological potential and fully reveal the secrets of its hot springs.»
«The knowledge we gain will build on past and current missions examining Mars and will help inform future missions to send humans to Mars.»
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