Sentences with phrase «future titles»

Not to mention its potential for future titles in a series.
The industry has come a long way in just a few years, and we wanted to see what we might come up with that we'd like to see in future titles.
Authors can also evaluate the sales potential of future titles by keeping a close watch on the sales of existing books, saving time preparing book proposals.
Maybe you're out of new games to play, or perhaps you're lying in wait for future titles like Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
In addition, you will need to ensure you update to the latest OS to receive this Title Update and future Title Updates.
I love AC but this attempt deserves to fail if we want to see more effort put into future titles..
-- They will publicly announce future titles when appropriate.
We'll find out after the game's released, and we can figure out the direction of future titles after seeing the reaction.
They should get progression honestly, future titles need to include the option.
No. 6 is a dystopian future title that will probably get attention because it also had an anime released recently.
Not because I have a choice, but because financially, I have to if I want to keep enjoying future titles.
This gives some hope of future titles also seeing a Switch release.
In developing future titles, we will approach game design with a mind to generate recurring revenue streams.
Hey, the first AC had its problems being this is the first true AC on portable, perhaps future titles will improve on what we lack.
It worries me that there's this much detail and expansion in one title since it'll be hard to be more impressive across future titles.
Property owners, banks, insurance companies, title companies and municipalities would all have access to clean records of ownership and title transfers, reducing future title search time and increasing transparency.
As for future titles, I've just been trying to get this one to be the best it can possibly be.
It's a tragedy that we will not be able to hear his work in future titles.
If so, I hope we won't be seeing a decline in length of future titles.
Battlefield 3 could be getting Oculus Rift support along with future titles from EA - owned developer DICE.
The first book will be followed up with future titles from authors Ed Greenwood, Troy Denning, Richard Lee Byers, Paul Kemp, and Erin Evans, with the final title released in spring 2014.
A new job posting on the Microsoft careers website for Rare appears to hint that the developer may be working on future titles for the «Xbox 720».
It's a forgettable experience but one that I would love to see expanded on in future titles as Mad Max does hold potential within itself.
At this point I recommend getting a 3ds for good games, or maybe just buying future titles from CD Projekt Red, or some foreign titles
In an interview with IGN, Eiji Aonuma said, «I'm sure we will keep her in mind when thinking about future titles,» when asked about the possibility players will see her outside the 3DS port.
In April, Bethesda's Pete Hines told one publication that the company is considering bringing future titles to the Switch, but it would depend on the game itself and the Switch's technical capabilities.
This type of insurance helps protect against financial loss with future title disputes such as undisclosed liens, easements and more.
The board has been looting the fans dry with false promises of future title challenges.
Rockville, MD — Bethesda Game Studios, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced that it has expanded development capacity for future titles by welcoming BattleCry Studios in Austin, Texas, as part of Bethesda Game Studios.
If you're going to talk about Arcade beat»em - ups, you have to talk about Double Dragon - not only is it easily one of the most recognizable titles in the genre, it helped to define future titles thanks to its bone - crunching gameplay.
RE7 is kinda like VRs version of Mario or Sonic in terms of impact and the way it changed our perceptions of gaming and then way it influences future titles
So be sure to support future titles longer with the servers, if that is for DriveClub or a future Motorstorm.
As it stands, Assassin's Creed Empire appears to be a Trilogy, with future titles expected to be set in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece.
SEE ALSO: Tottenham look to hijack talented Arsenal target to aid future title hopes (Video) Erik Lamela with a miss of the season candidate for Tottenham v Manchester United Much - improved Tottenham star in negotiations over upgrade on # 45,000 - per - week contract
SEE MORE: Arsene Wenger hints at Arsenal's summer transfer plans Beloved Tottenham star: I'd rather retire than play for Arsenal Tottenham look to hijack talented Arsenal target to aid future title hopes
No specific date was given though given Trinen confirmed that Nintendo will be discussing future titles in early 2016 on top of those scheduled for 2015, fingers crossed we see some further coverage later this month.
Nor is it necessary to issue future titles in a series at a rapid - fire rate; George R.R. Martin is a poster boy for a more leisurely approach to writing and publishing, and from the last I heard, he's doing pretty well.
One thing that is important for authors to know is that a boxed set of works from a single author may result in additional revenue, but that authors collaborating on a project of this kind will lead to very little once the royalties are split, but can mean a dramatic increase in readers who are interested in purchasing future titles from the authors they only met as part of the bundle.
Dawne's concept matched mine and we'll collaborate on many future titles to come.»
Bizarre Creations also recently stated they would love to continue the Blur franchise by producing future titles that will ultimately transform the shoot - em - up racing game into a well known series.
A lot of games I work on are usually fighting game influenced, so I wanted to construct a framework so that creating future titles, whether 2D or 3D, would be easier in the future.
And if I may, as far as possible future titles for Plus, I'd love to try Spelunky, Amazing Spiderman, and one of the Atelier games.
I really hope to see future titles further follow the groundwork that seems to be coming in the Wii U title, which looks to get The Legend of Zelda back its roots.
The Switch showed it's list of launch games (which is smaller than previous consoles with the exception of the N64) as well as future titles along with the Joy - Con's feature well and will likely get many Nintendo fans buying the console if not on Day One, then at least by Christmas 2017.
It couldn't carry her as far as Luigi's spring - legged leaps, but it certainly allowed her to hold her own, even carrying over into future titles such as Super Smash Bros..
(benson had future title fights on FOX but did not get near that rating at all, meaning the ratings was not because of him...) he did like over 4m... back then were there was not as much social media, the whole UFC was not as big as today, pre-Conor, pre-Ronda etc...
The Xbox Live Arcade has been home to some past gems, present day innovations and it's bound to usher in some revolutionary future titles.
The presence of so many technical issues may hurt future titles from Techland and overshadow the fact that Dead island is actually a fun game to play.
The few future titles that we know of will continue Nintendo's creative approach to gaming.

Phrases with «future titles»

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