Sentences with phrase «gap in achievement»

A set of standards will never be, and were never intended to be, the silver bullet that will close gaps in achievement between groups of students.
That schools can score well on growth measures even if their low - income students and / or students of color don't close gaps in achievement and college - and - career readiness.
It bears remembering that these are not the first major cases to identify an unfair system of public education that is directly responsible for gaps in achievement in our state.
The gender gaps in achievement as students finish high school are far from trivial.
Today, gaps in achievement by race, income, language, and disability, as measured by standardized tests, are still wide and unacceptable.
Yet there is a significant gap in achievement in math performance between low - income and higher - income children.
The evolution of the gender gaps in achievement as children mature suggests that what occurs in schools and classrooms may play an important role.
Prior research suggests that summer learning loss among low - income children contributes to income - based gaps in achievement and educational attainment.
He said as the gaps in funding grow, so do gaps in achievement and graduation.
At the same time, however, troubling gaps in achievement persist, and we must accelerate the pace of improvement.
Quality early childhood development can prevent gaps in achievement and health.
The five indicators were developed to help states improve their accountability systems and close gaps in achievement and graduation rates.
Studies have not focused on young adolescents, the time when students are particularly sensitive to gender differences and when gender gaps in achievement are pronounced.
Still, American students have a long way to go toward being the best readers in the world and in reducing large gaps in achievement between racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups, suggests a study released last week.
A: Yes, under a five - star grading system that accounts for students» growth in reading and math skills, school poverty levels and a school's ability to close gaps in achievement among groups of students.
Elia said: «We designed this plan to incentivise districts to reduce gaps in achievement in certain student populations.»
The plans focuses on schools ranked among the very lowest performers on state tests, now called Priority Schools, or those with the widest gaps in achievement between different racial groups and other groups of children, labeled as Focus Schools.
A centerpiece of the administration's plans throughout the state is the creation of seven new «regional achievement centers» that will serve as the hub of turnaround efforts for schools with low student achievement overall or wide gaps in achievement levels.
We still find huge gaps in achievement between white students and many students of color, between the children of college graduates and those of high school dropouts, between students in the Northeast and those in the South, and between students learning English and those who are not.
There are a number of possible explanations for these trends and the fact check is correct when it states that the improvement in the socioeconomic gap in achievement at age 11 can not be specifically attributed to the pupil premium.
There has indeed been a small reduction in the socioeconomic gap in achievement at age 11, Key Stage 2.
By requiring the calculation of separate API numbers for student subgroups, it exposed gaps in achievement for low - income students, special education students and Hispanic and African - American children.
Alarmed by the widening gap in achievement between black and white students over the past 10 years, a group of leading scholars offers in a new book their suggestions for how to close it.
I also want to be clear with you on this point: my hope is that most families will allow their children to take the test so that we as a school can have all the tools available to us to help us focus our instruction, identify gaps in achievement among the diverse population for our school and work toward continuous improvement in our teaching.
Fed up with sluggish learning gains and stubborn gaps in achievement between rich and poor kids, the administration has leveraged the stimulus package to create several well - endowed venture funds aimed at entrepreneurial states, school districts and nonprofits eager to test new ways of teaching.
Average test scores on accountability assessments throughout the 1990s show an increased gap in achievement between black and white students (Harris & Herrington, 2006).
The award honors public and private elementary, middle and high schools whose students achieve at very high levels or have made significant progress and helped close gaps in achievement especially among disadvantaged and minority students.
Christie acknowledged that while some students do very well under the current system, the state has the third highest gap in achievement between school districts, which harms those in under - performing schools.
Kids were poor before, and poverty created gaps in achievement and opportunity, but now there is a newly motivated interest in «fixing» poor children, and that interest fits into longstanding American traditions, which have not served the poor well.
The facts don't hide the glaring disparities in school quality across the country nor the sickening gaps in both achievement and preparedness across race and income lines.
NSW's Aurora College is using virtual reality technology to address the growing gap in achievement between rural and city students in New South Wales schools.
In «Beating the Odds,» [a CGCS report that provides a city - by - city analysis of student performance and gaps in achievement] one of the findings is that the average per - pupil expenditure in the nation's largest urban school systems is now below the national average.
Examination of results by gender reveals that the curriculum effort succeeds in reducing the gender gap in achievement experienced by urban African - American boys.
School accountability systems have the potential to be a powerful tool to help close the long - standing gaps in achievement that separate low - income students and students of color from their peers.
The major emphasis of the program is on serving students traditionally underrepresented in gifted and talented programs, particularly economically disadvantaged, limited English proficient (LEP), and disabled students, to help reduce the serious gap in achievement among certain groups of students at the highest levels of achievement.
Fifty years after the Coleman Report, racial gaps in achievement remain shamefully large.
Only half of students in large urban school systems graduate from high school, US students lag behind their international counterparts, and racial - ethnic gaps in achievement are large by kindergarten and continue to grow thereafter, she said.
It fits well with the current widely accepted dogma that «all children can learn,» because it downgrades the role of high native intelligence as indicated by IQ tests, and is optimistic that we can close current gaps in achievement by class and ethnic group by properly applying research on what leads to educational success.
«The results affirm the work that we need to be doing and are doing to close our unacceptable gaps in achievement,» Madison Superintendent Dan Nerad said.
Her three recommended changes include clearly identifying «if gaps in achievement are closing or are stagnant,» setting «assessment standards so that the...
Oakland's public schools have improved over the past decade, but not enough to overcome persistent and systemic gaps in achievement.
Although we've focused more and more attention on dealing with the seemingly intractable gaps in achievement between black and Hispanic students and white students in the last quarter century, we've made little progress in closing the gaps.
That said — while schools are moving more students into proficient and goal - level performance, significant gaps in achievement continue between economically disadvantaged students and their peers.»
Connecticut has for years had some of the largest - in - the - nation gaps in achievement between students from low - income families, minorities and their better - off peers.
Nearly half of youth who applied for a summer job in 2015 were turned down, and this opportunity gap contributes to gaps in achievement even after high school, particularly for low - income students who lose access to supports that keep them safe, healthy, and engaged during the school year.
Schools alone can not close the yawning gaps in achievement.
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