Sentences with phrase «gap in the fossil record»

Discovered deep in a cave by amateur speleologists, the partial cranium also fills a major gap in the fossil record of Homo sapiens» journey from Africa to Europe.
Some Creationists claim that the hypothesis of punctuated equilibrium was proposed (by Eldredge and Gould) to explain gaps in the fossil record.
Evolutionists of all stripes believe, however, that this really does represent a very large gap in the fossil record, a gap that is simply due to the fact that, for some reason, very few fossils have lasted from periods before about 600 million years ago.
Previously this was a dark interval of tyrannosaur history: a 20 - 30 million year gap in the fossil record concealing the moment when tyrannosaurs switched from fairly marginal hunters living in the underbrush to the colossal tyrants that fuel our nightmares.
There are indeed gaps in the fossil record, and there always will be because fossilization is a rare phenomenon.
However, Dr Will points out that, while these are valid theories, vast gaps in the fossil record continue to mask absolute truths.
«Critical gap in fossil record of Chinese phytosaurs filled.»
Dr. Christian Sidor, Burke Museum curator of vertebrate paleontology, leads teams to Tanzania, Zambia and Antarctica to fill geographic gaps in the fossil record.
The unearthed jawbone is the earliest evidence of the genus Homo - which shared both human and ape - like features - and helps fill in a particularly elusive gap in the fossil record.
Large gaps in the fossil record have previously obscured the origins of this configuration, but Aegirocassis provides the first look at how water - dwelling arthropods» two - branched legs may have evolved.
More fossil evidence has also been found since Darwin's time, although there are still many gaps in the fossil record.
New remains plug a 20 - million - year gap in the fossil record and suggest T. rex evolved a big brain as the first step to becoming apex predator
Love how you skew your argument away from creationism towards flat earth and geo - centrism then slam those fallacies instead of dealing with the gaps in the fossil record.
This tired assertion is based only upon the gaps in the fossil record.
As young earth creationists often do, he points to «gaps in the fossil record» as a flaw in evolutionary biology.
A lack of diverse, winged hexapods — not low oxygen levels — could explain the gap in the fossil record
The study «fills a gap in the fossil record with an extremely well - preserved specimen» and may provide valuable clues about a species that has been «virtually ignored by zoologists,» adds Jason Dunlop, curator for arachnids at the Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt - Universität in Berlin, Germany.
Could this simply be due to a gap in the fossil record?
«It's difficult to compare food webs over such an enormous timeframe — especially when there are gaps in the fossil record,» says Roopnarine.
The specimen helps fill a gap in the fossil record as very few Homo erectus specimens of this age have been found in Africa so far.
In the past, because of gaps in the fossil record, paleoartists tended to represent early humans as half - chimp and half - human.
For Hardy, this aquatic phase would have occupied the gap in the fossil record that then existed — between around 4m and 7m years ago.
The study authors used «molecular clock» methodology, which combined evidence on the genetic differences between living species and fossil constraints on the age of their shared ancestors, to establish an evolutionary timescale that sees through the gaps in the fossil record.
On top of that, there are gaps in the fossil record, although the ongoing discovery of new fossils and fossil beds that may one day fill these gaps.
But there are, however, gaps in the fossil record — periods when new species suddenly emerge without any apparent transition from one species to a radically different, related species.
The team used a «molecular clock» method to help plug the gaps in the fossil record.
However, biological events in the Proterozoic are often obscured due to gaps in the fossil record, poor age constraints, and uncertainty surrounding the taxonomic affinity of fossils.
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