Sentences with phrase «gas bubbles»

Gas bubbles refer to pockets of gas trapped within a liquid or a solid substance. They can appear as small spherical shapes and often rise to the surface due to lower density than the surrounding material. These bubbles can be found in various everyday situations, like fizzy drinks, boiling water, or when air gets trapped inside dough while baking. Full definition
Your baby may be getting gas bubbles in their belly by eating too slowly or too quickly.
Putting video and audio together let researchers learn the sounds made by slow lava bursting and the different noises made by hundreds of gas bubbles.
This can help the water move through the entire space and keep gas bubbles from being trapped in one area.
Additionally, the soft pressure of their body against yours helps release gas bubbles that cause them discomfort.
That way, you allow gas bubbles to break up, minimizing the amount of air in baby's belly.
Soon small gas bubbles became visible in the intestinal wall.
When water freezes, tiny gas bubbles are trapped in the ice, providing a snapshot of the composition of the planet's atmosphere at the moment of freezing.
Even small things like hiccups or sucking on a pacifier can interfere in baby's digestion and cause gas bubbles.
To achieve this we will use hydro - acoustic methods for detecting and measuring gas bubbles in the water column.
Their little systems are still developing, so gas bubbles can cause discomfort.
While gas bubbles in the stomach or digestive tract have always been a popular theory, it is clear that the set of causes goes well beyond that.
This will also help ease painful gas bubbles that often accumulate in baby's belly, since their digestive system is still so delicate.
They produced thin shells of hydrate surrounding gas bubbles.
To achieve this we will use hydro - acoustic methods for detecting and measuring gas bubbles in the water column.
Since gas bubbles form most often from the gulping of air, use a slow - flow nipple if you find your baby is sucking down his bottle like there's no tomorrow.
Micro-motor powered nanobots created by UC, San Diego researchers, and propelled by gas bubbles made from a reaction with the contents of the stomach in which they were deposited, have been successfully deployed in the body of a live creature for the very first time.
Methane gas bubbles up from Siberian lakes at up to six times the rate previously thought as a result of global warming, a new study suggests.
The ice sparkled in a kaleidoscope of reds, blues and yellows as light scattered through trapped gas bubbles.
Such shapes form when gas bubbles expand in molten rock that then catastrophically explodes — a feature of violent eruptions involving water, and which can be seen under glaciers in Iceland, for example.
Gently massage your baby's belly in a clockwise, circular motion to help move gas bubbles through.
From their vantage point on dry land, NEPTUNE's deep - sea explorers have made connections between storms raging on the sea surface and plumes of gas bubbling out of the seafloor hundreds of meters below.
In the past few days, the researchers have seen areas of sea foaming with gas bubbling up through «methane chimneys» rising from the sea floor.
This site is famed for its fumaroles, where streams of natural gas bubbles are evidence of the rock's volcanic nature and activity.
The simethicone mixture works by breaking up the tiny gas bubbles into larger bubbles so that they are burped up easily.
«In the summer, the water in Lake Wohlen sometimes looks like champagne with masses of gas bubbles rising to the surface,» she added.
Popping or cracking noises could just be gas bubbles bursting within the fluid surrounding the joint, or the sound of ligaments and tendons stretching and releasing.
Issue may be in brake fluid: it gets too much water from the air, and when you brake on highway brake cylinders get hot and water in brake fluid start to vaporise, creating gas bubbles in fluid, so you need to apply additional force on the pedal to compress it.
Right before any super eruption though, there is one final stage — the decompression stage — characterized by the release of gas bubbles at the eruption site.
«This giant gas bubble contains about a million times more mass than the Sun and the energy powering its outflow is equal to about 100 supernova explosions,» said Yurii Pidopryhora, of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and Ohio University.
When you feed your baby little gas bubbles tend to build up in those tiny tummies of theirs and so when you neglect to burp them afterwards they could become very uncomfortable or even end up spitting up everything that they had just eaten.
There are a few that seem to work better at eliminating gas bubbles like Dr. Brown's, which feature a special venting system to pace the flow of formula and mimic how a baby naturally breastfeeds.
But what exactly is gripe water, how well does it work to relieve gas bubbles (among other ailments), and is it right for your baby?
That's why burping baby is a tried and true component of feedings because you want to release those pesky gas bubbles.
As ice sheets dwindle, they lessen the pressure on gases bubbling below sediments enough that the gases can suddenly push sediment upward with a boom of force, resulting in heavy venting.
Such shapes form when gas bubbles expand in molten rock that then catastrophically explodes — a feature of violent eruptions involving water, and which can be seen under glaciers in Iceland, for example, researchers said.
To boost the strength of the ultrasound, Konofagou injected the mice with a saline solution loaded with microscopic gas bubbles.
The NTU scientists create micro-sized gas bubbles coated with cancer drug particles and iron oxide nanoparticles, and then use magnets to direct these bubbles to gather around a specific tumour.
If your baby starts to wiggle, frown or start fussing, she may feel gas bubbles building.
[11] Because the COP seeps are characterized by large visible gas bubble plumes they can be detected and mapped by sonar backscatter.
The researchers suspect that seismic waves shake loose a cascade of gas bubbles within chambers of molten rock, causing magma to burst like a victor's magnum of champagne.
And since the fermentation makes it acidic, it allows the leavening agents (any ingredient that causes the baked good to rise and soften by introducing gas bubbles, such as yeast or baking soda) to do their job.
As babies, we NEED to be burped after each feeding to help little tummies avoid those dreaded gas bubbles.
This position brings gas bubbles up, making the bubbles easier to expel as you pat your baby's back.
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