Sentences with phrase «gay folks»

Someone also forgot to tell him that the overwhelming majority of gay folks are born to straight ones.
Point 2 — Your god gave the same commands to both groups — go and kill gay folks.
What makes you think gay folks are the only sinners in the world?
There is no basis for any church to make gay folks a «moral issue» at all.
How the hell will letting gay folks marry drop our population?
These dating sites specifically geared towards gay folks might fit the bill - just make sure to read the fine print before signing up.
This passage also says these people gave up heterosexual passions for homosexual passions... again... doesn't accurately describe gay folk today.
They actively seek to deny gay folks civil rights.
In North Carolina, Amendment 1 — that legalized discrimination and hate against gay folks passed with 61 % of the vote.
Urlost... We are always interested, as athiests to see why you hate gay folks so much..
There are real church's that work with gay folks that are in the Holy Spirit.
I don't think we are experiencing an increase in gay folks in the US or other 1st world countries.
such as gay folks lets say, because of some alien tells it to.
If you immediately start fantasazing about s ex acts you don't like the moment you hear about gay folks, then the depravity is yours and yours alone.
Bob complains about name calling after repeatedly calling gay folk child predators, Nazis, and chumps.
The only reason why folks feel the need to be negative about other people's life choices that don't affect them is if they have some unresolved issues of their own (like folks who are scared of gay folks getting married as if its a real threat to their own marriages).
I supposed that is exactly how Gay folks feel.
If God really thought that gay married coupels were an abomination, he would stop creating so many gay folks and sending them soulmates to cherish.
Muslims dislike all other religions, Christians like gay folks and some other religions... the owner of this chicken eatery is expressing nothing new from a christian perspective and is to be expected really..
(Most gay folks I know wouldn't sue a vendor for refusing to provide wedding services, but would choose someone else.
NARTH is a group of intellectually dishonest, scientifically ignorant fundiot nutters who think gay folks choose to be gay and that they can «change» them to be straight.
Good to see our quintessential faux Christian Bob is still at it, still posting absurd straw man arguments, still lamely trying to tie gay folk to ped0philia, still being Bob — everything but a real Christian.
YeahRight, straight folks twisting and contorting Jesus» truth are just as guilty as gay folks twisting and contorting Jesus» truth.
After all we are lead to believe by some religious «leaders» that earth quakes and tsunamis are sent and kill thousands for just a simple thing as embracing gay folks.
Christians, Muslims hold gay folks in contempt for the most part and it is hard to disguise.
For example, Jerry Falwell, the successful evangelical television minister, introduced Bryant at one rally by saying that the» «So - called gay folks [would] just as soon kill you as look at you.»
-- Gay folks voted for Obama, by an unknown margin.
Claiming gay folks are broken, and that there is something wrong with them is all fine and dandy.
They just hate the fact that recognizing the same as being true for gay folk undermines their ability visit moral turpitude upon gays.
Will roving bands of gay folks break into straight homes and force folks to marry someone of the same sèx?
We do not harass Christians,, at least any worse then you may harass gay folks.
liked his male disciples, You have no idea why you dislike gay folks..
But the problem is that the ignorant, hômophobioc, religious môrons, like the ones in NC and Texas went out of their way to specifically write constîtutional amendments banning gay folks from even having civil unions.
Religions have a low tolerance of other religions, most despise gay folks, so what has your god to do with anything to do with understanding and love?
It also became a safe haven for some folks who needed a new church home when ours had the gall to make welcoming gay folks explicit.
I believe he is talking about people who don't know Christ as their Savior... so like I said I don't necessarily believe gay folks are going to hell.
What some well - to - do NYC doctor playing farmer with his boyfriend on weekends has to do with regular gay folks is a puzzlement.
130 page, soft cover novel with illustrations by Seattle - based, self - proclaimed «gay folk artist» Jeffry Mitchell, printed by Container Corps, Portland, Oregon in a signed and numbered, limited edition of 250.
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