Sentences with phrase «gay issues»

Whether his record on gay issues will play a significant role in the coming election is unclear.
I am so tired of reading about gays, hearing about gays, and «learning» about gay issues.
I'm not going to judge on the whole gay issue.
The issue is one near to her heart with her book, bringing gay issues home and depicting the mental and emotional work people must do to change their views and accept each other.
We're experienced with and sensitive to multicultural and LGBT gay issues and open and accepting to men and women from all lifestyles, cultures, backgrounds and beliefs.
Stay informed on the latest gay issues and learn what you can to take action.
I commend it for being one of the few mainstream films to deal with gay issues in a matter of fact way.
«Ten years ago there might have been one gay issue in the news every month or so,» says The Nation.
Since the summer, he's been slowly retreating on his support of gay issues and trying to avoid the topic in his campaign platform.
why const.itutional amendments for gay issue only?
Dismissing the Human Rights Campaign's assessment of Collins» record on gay issues as «arbitrary,» Angelo said he reached out to Collins to ask him to speak at the inaugural event, knowing the Clarence congressman was a strong surrogate who often speaks for the new president.
Larry David's comedy tackled gay issues by featuring what David calls a «pre-gay kid» who loves Project Runway and the aesthetic appeal of the swastika in equal measure.
The Tory conference continues to be bedevilled over gay issues, after a leading gay rights campaigner pulled out of its «Conference Pride» event.
«It had always seemed to me that art history seemed to stop at Greece and never properly dealt with gay issues from another place.
Hey, if you do nt like Chick - Fi - La because of their stance on gay issues then do nt eat there.
There are only dour men (mostly men, anyway) who think themselves progressive when they can discuss Gay Issues, but go into a sphincter seizure when they learn what a rim job is and that some people actually enjoy them.
I knew a few people people at Chick - Fi - La that were gay, but they never complained about Chick - Fi - la's stance agianst gay issues.
From Blabbeando and Gay City News: «During a September 7 City Hall press conference in support of Barack Obama, leading New York LGBT Democrats, many of whom had supported Senator Hillary Clinton during the spring primary season, sounded a strong message of unity, while a key operative for the Illinois senator made clear the campaign would push back on any effort to muddy the distinction between him and John McCain on critical gay issues
But apart from that particular gay issue, I don't see a lot of stuff where I line up with her.»
On the other hand, Barbaro lines up several instances where Cuomo's devotion to gay issues seems to have flagged, or at least taken the back burner:
As a dark, moody and stylized (the film is shot in b / w) poem of love and madness Swoon is effective, but as social polemic on contemporary gay issues, it's strained; even so, it's a striking feature debut.
Its specialties include: Gay Affirmative Psychotherapy, emphasizing how being knowledgeable about gay issues informs the therapeutic process, and IMAGO Relationship Therapy, a specific program to help couples and singles learn to improve their communication and relationship skills.
Keep in mind that not all counselors will have a part of their website that explicitly says they are gay friendly, so don't assume that someone won't be receptive to gay issues just because they don't advertise it.
If you don't see anything on a counselor's site that mentions gay issues, you can also look on sites like Yelp to see what other clients have to say, or check out the counselor's Facebook page.
I am not a Gay basher but why is it every day there is a headline on CNN about gay issues these days its kinda odd?
why do you want to make such a big deal out of gay issue and not about the other two?
These gays and lesbians have become so powerful and sophisticated to the extent that, they've infiltrated some Muslim - Majority countries including Indonesia etc who have become relatively tolerant to gay issues as long as gay people were discreet.
Gay literary agents and book agents interested in books dealing with gay issues you'll find in the Directory of Literary Agents include:
IF you stuck on voting for Obama because of his stance on gay issues then you really caught in the web of politics to get your mind off the right things and vote for a man that don't know anything name Romney.
«I always had a feeling that Monserrate wasn't really there on gay issues for us,» he said.
You, Christine, and Frank have all said that being part of your community means admitting that you may be wrong on the gay issue.
The gay issue is a real live issue for me.
Had Alice do that once — try to prove a gay issue by giving me a gay preacher [s] to read.
What issue is more prominent in todays newspapers, talk shows, and the internet, you guess it The Gay Issue where is the Black Issue of poverty, crime in black communities, inferior education, 40 % of african - american make up the prison population, and etc..
the gay issue has many facets and can't be dealt with in cut and dried terms and what the bible has to say about it, what was going on when it was written, and the translation of certain words, also come into play.
and because he never said anything about the gay issue??
But don't turn it into a gay issue.
those things do nt matter to the white liberal the Gay Issue is the only thing that matters.
There is no cut and dry answer to the gay issue... each case is different... however... each individual has the right to hear the gospel and to have the Holy Spirit convict them... or not... rather than having a person or group of persons deny them the right to go to church like anyone else or having a preacher or a church member condemn them from day one and that is what David is addressing.
The gay issue is probably the most pressing issue in the church at large at this present time, so of course it will come up often.
Either we prove several verses in the Bible that deal with the gay issue are false; we declare, like the Pope does, infallibly that those pages will be struck from Bible; we add new verses so the other verses are neutralized; we stop reading it, prohibit its usage, like Catholics, and have: idolatry, Popes, idols, saints, priests, infant baptism, purgatory and gays in the «christian church»!
the gay issue is so funny.
and some even think it's a gay issue!
In looking for a new approach to the gay issue some 20 pastors comprising the Monroe County Evangelical Ministers» Association found themselves divided into two camps.
Why do I care about the gay issue?
At the same time, he said, Christian colleges are facing outside professional and political pressure on gay issues.
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