Sentences with phrase «green groups»

Look at the demographics of green groups for example; old, male and white.
Yes, they'd get sued by green groups, but they'd probably be successful in delaying new regulations.
Lots of green groups in schools are looking at alternatives.
Green groups said the report did not let off the hook the mining industry, which is digging up coal for export, adding to climate change and expanding ports along the reef.
Now, other green groups have challenged this and estimate that the figures are more likely to be actually twice that i.e. around 30 physical books and 60 ebooks.
This move was welcomed by many green groups and sent a strong signal to other countries that are going down the biofuels road.
Even some mainstream green groups took issue with the interpretation.
Now that you've joined forces with one of the local green groups (see above), here are some goals to pursue.
This could well also prove to be the case for nuclear plants, which, unlike wind farms, most green groups oppose.
That may be what green groups ultimately have in mind.
A recent survey of green groups aimed to find out which presidents had the most environmentally friendly policies.
It is hard to see how going this route requires knocking off the existing green groups, nor what base of support would replace them.
How are green groups different from yesterday's colonial powers?
It shouldn't be used to provide public support for clean energy, as many green groups prefer.
He thinks that growth is bad — except when it's green groups expanding by leaps and bounds.
... A major focus of the Fast is on poverty and the environmental injustice of climate change, a concept that is appearing more frequently in concerns from both secular and religious green groups.
The next step, green groups say, is to press the administration for a more stringent standard.
In the main analysis conducted in the chapter, I sought to estimate the overall organizational resources and capacity of the opposing network of green groups and conservative / industry association groups.
Since when did the amount of money spent by green groups and governments specifically to promote AGW become «common knowledge»?
Indeed, major green groups are being quite upfront that they want a carbon tax in order to fund their «green energy» projects, schools, and other pet programs.
Green groups oppose the project on the basis that pipeline expansion encourages the extraction of more oil and the release of the greenhouse gases that cause climate change.
And, of course, many green groups have cut costs through hiring freezes, layoffs and forced reductions in pay and hours for existing employees.
Her proposal is the latest call from green groups calling on Ed Miliband to adopt a bold set of policies going into next year's general election campaign, which is now less than a year away.
Waxman's blunt statement that the goal of cap and trade is to raise energy prices was deeply off - message for green groups, which have long insisted that energy efficiency and conservation would prevent energy prices from rising.
It's time to question the direction in which Big Green groups like NRDC and FOE, whose lobbying has dominated policy - making on this issue, are driving the country.
The UK will be the deciding factor in an EU debate on carbon dioxide emissions standards for new cars tomorrow, with green groups calling on the government to hold firm.
The region's leading green group didn't mince words over what the rollback might mean for the Adirondack Park.
Halfway through its term in office, the European Commission is falling behind in the race to create sustainable long - term prosperity in Europe, warn Europe's leading green groups in this critical assessment of the Commission's environmental performance since 2010.
Like the more daring Israel - based green group who plays with civil disobedience once and while, Green Action, Heschel's enviro teachings are intricately intertwined with social issues - which are ones that no one can ignore in this densely populated country.
And the speculation that Vice President Joe Biden may jump into the race would certainly revive hopes from green groups who see him as a likely Keystone opponent.
It is directed by a 21 - member board comprised entirely of officials from wealthy far - left Big Green groups including Greenpeace, Union of Concerned Scientists, Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club, and Natural Resources Defense Council.
For well - funded green groups (and a growing list of governments), lawyers are weapons and courtrooms are a political battleground.
Pingback: The Connection Between Russia and 2 Green Groups Fighting Fracking in US — The Conservative Papers
Most green groups see the whole thing as top down, autocratic and designed to steam - roller through unpopular plans rapidly.
The strategy of D.C. - focused green groups has been to pressure President Obama to say «no» to Keystone by raising as many controversies as possible about the pipeline and by bringing increased scrutiny to Keystone XL through arrestable demonstrations.
Officials say plan will boost jobs, but green groups warn scheme will lead to increased air pollution
Australian blogger Joanne Nova has written an essay on the violent 10:10 video released by a UK green group on the first day of October.
A campaign by green groups Greenpeace and Market Forces pointed out that by financing the coal plant, StanChart was in breach of its own
However, there are a number of grassroots, activism - based green groups such as CREDO Action, Tar Sands Action and Food and Water Watch that oppose the bond — particularly its focus on building new dams.
The Supreme Court's early intervention, unprecedented under the circumstances, was a surprise to state and federal agencies, environmental policy experts and green groups alike.
May also criticised green groups who campaign against initiatives such as wind farms and the Severn tidal barrage scheme, while also proclaiming the need to tackle climate change.
Green groups argue the need for indirect public subsidies blurs the line as to what does and what does not represent government assistance, however.

Phrases with «green groups»

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