Sentences with phrase «green products»

Since 2006, we've been offering the best selection of green products for homes, offices, schools and food services.
The combination of providing the best variety of green products supported by accurate information and smooth shopping experience are the pillars of our mission.
People buy green products for the value they represent and because they work, she explained.
Use caution when walking on a neighbor's lawn and stick with greener products in your own yard.
Tomorrow they are having a workshop on green products for your home including on chalk paint and since I don't even know much about it, I'll be there.
He also noted that it's up to the consumers to demand greener products from manufacturers, so that manufacturers will push technology and product design to be greener.
Take action against corporate greed, learn new ways to reduce your impact on the planet, and learn about green products you never knew existed.
With the proliferation of new green products and technologies, a greater likelihood of patent infringement activity exists on green building projects.
Existing homeowners are making their homes greener by using green products for 40 percent of their remodeling work.
We have changed how we shop by purchasing green products when ever possible.
Not at all, but the goal shouldn't be as simplistic as trying to sell as many green products as possible.
Come discover skin care tips, ingredient analysis, green product reviews, sunscreen recommendations, DIY beauty remedies, K - beauty, clean food recipes, and much more.
Even just a few years ago green products didn't always to seem to do the job.
These include green products related to solar power, organic bedding & furniture, energy - saving electronics, and many other items you may wish to purchase.
Obviously, a little bamboo does not make a truly green product.
Most greens products on the market use cheaper grass powder by cutting then drying the whole grass.
Small, innovative companies currently dominate the relatively young industry, but as major toy companies begin exploring green products consolidation becomes more of a reality.
For green families, this means bringing green products to the hospital and carrying out any recycling.
It's fine to make green products, but it is more difficult to find a green way to get them into stores.
We are incredibly proud of the relationships we've made with dozens of wonderful brands creating green products in a wide range of industries.
For women between 35 and 54, 69 percent chooses green products, and this number has increased by 10 percent from last year, a notable gain.
And probably more specifically is your aim to get green products or the best products as these are often mutually exclusive aims?
Green products tend to be cheaper because the materials are already second - hand.
«They want to make sure they [use a] green product,» he says.
We could say that this is simply paying full cost upfront — that a more expensive green product will avoid future expenses of health and environmental problems.
Even as they're pushing green products, or in this case green practices, keep in mind they're pushing consumption a lot more — and doing it really effectively.
While there are lots of things you can do to help save the planet that don't involve rushing out to grab the latest green products, we all still need to buy things.
Not only do these natural, green products keep harmful chemicals out of the environment, they also carry less risk of harming a member of the family.
I haven't seen very many emerald green products in stores yet this year.
And what should we do if we already have a cabinet full of not - so - friendly green products?
Her research areas span risk assessment, chemicals policy, and green product formulation.
These days, it's easy to find affordable green products and adopt creative, sustainable practices — and doing so will bolster the bottom line by cutting energy and material needs.
Therefore, it is important that pet specialty retailers carry different green products than their competitors in order to differentiate themselves.
The perceived disadvantages of green products usually fall into one of two categories.
Some consumers also perceive that green products cost more, and while that may still be true in some cases, some industry insiders say that will soon be in the past.
Natural diets are good for pets and for the environment, making them an ideal green product for retailers.
What needs to happen is whole company changes, and green products taking a priority position within the company.
For the latest innovative energy - saving technologies, consider doing some additional research using the growing list of newsletters and journals (both online and print) that cover green products.
We greatly appreciate each purchase because the support fuels our research into additional green products.
The packaging industry has not quite caught up to demand but new and much greener products are coming out almost daily.
Millions, no billions, of individual choices started to add up to one clear message: we need greener products.
While green products are more expensive, can you really put a price on your family's safety?
Many of these changes are happening in their homes, thanks also to manufacturers, builders, and architects who are encouraging green products.
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