Sentences with phrase «green taxes»

"Green taxes" refer to taxes imposed on activities or products that harm the environment. These taxes are designed to discourage polluting behaviors and encourage individuals and businesses to adopt more environmentally-friendly practices. They aim to reduce pollution and promote sustainable development by making polluting activities more expensive, thereby incentivizing greener alternatives. Full definition
The desired outcome of Green Taxes is a reduction in pollution and therefore a reduction in tax paid.
The energy taxes and the more recently introduced green taxes are compared.
As he well knows Green Taxes aren't primarily intended to raise revenue.
Without green taxes to shift our cars to lower emission models, and to limit the growth of aircraft greenhouse gas emissions, no climate change policy is worth the name.
But these should be funded by taking more tax from the very wealthy and increasing green taxes, not by stealing from the poor.
Green taxes take away personal choice in how we live our lives.
Green taxes on energy for homes soon to reach 20 % of cost.
Last night a minority of Senators thwarted an attempt to move America forward when they voted to kill support for green tax breaks and incentives.
Solid majorities support all the energy price proposals made over the last few days, 72 % support Miliband's price freeze, 73 % Major's windfall tax, 64 % Cameron's reduction in green taxes.
The highlights of the alternative coalition agreement I'd like to see are green investment paid for by green taxes, an end to public service cuts, full proportional representation and more devolution to regional and local government including full fiscal autonomy.
The proportion of taxes that could be classed as green taxes is now less than anytime since 1994.
Devising green taxes which can be implemented without increasing tax or complicating the system all over again — no easy task in the current climate;
In an echo of the tactics that gave Gordon Brown a reputation for opportunism, George Osborne has used green taxes for short - term political advantage, and risked further damage to their public standing.
His plans to fund lower family taxation through higher green taxation may, The Independent has predicted, be undermined by Alistair Darling's plans to raise green taxes in his 2008 Budget.
The freshened Carol qualifies for Japan's Green Tax reductions by being certified SU - LEV (because it emits 75 percent fewer exhaust emissions than the levels prescribed by Japan's 2005 emissions standard) and by exceeding the 2010 fuel economy standard by 10 - 20 percent (all FWD models and the 4WD G II with 5 - speed MT).
In other words if you want people to spend 50 billion a year on increasing efficiency, if your incentive for this is exclusively green taxation, you will have to impose green taxes of much more than 50 billion a year, perhaps 100 billion or 150 billion a year.
Can anyone imagine David Cameron ever repeating his famous «vote blue, go green» line or him pledging again to lead «the greenest government ever» and to use green taxes more widely?
V. Commons Based Economics Local to Global — creating the new peace and justice economics grid; financing the green economy; holistic integrated green tax shift; building local based economies; land value taxation and affordable housing for all; practical actions, realistic and achievable goals; from the grand chessboard to the greatest game on earth.
This would be funded by closing the tax loopholes exploited by the super rich and levying green taxes against those with «environmentally damaging lifestyles».
In addition to changes to the Climate Change Levy, the Government yesterday announced a review of other green taxes faced by businesses and an end to the commitment to increase environmental taxes» share of government revenue.
Via Greentech Media More on Smart Grid Development: If Green Tax Credits Go, Say Goodbye to 116,000 U.S. Jobs What is Smart, Green and Worth $ 65 Billion?
But, you still aren't answering my questions about Green taxes and why you think they are so inefficient.
The criticism is among the strongest made of the Stern report, which, since its publication in 2006, has influenced policy, including green taxes.
Bovenberg, A. L. (1999) Green Tax Reforms and the Double Dividend: An Updated Readers Guide.
A government - backed thinktank has claimed green taxes making those who pollute the environment pay more could help cut carbon emissions by nearly a third.
We are instead pressing ahead unilaterally with terrible policies: draining the budgets of families and businesses with excessive green taxes; picking losers by giving the most generous subsidies to the most expensive sources of low carbon energy; and recreating the volatility of the housing market with an emissions trading scheme where the supply of allowances is fixed, so fluctuations in demand lead to wild swings in the price.
Geniusboy, they would raise the difference through green taxes, the mansion tax, and adjusting IHT and CGT — what about that is hard to grasp?
After Tuesday, green taxes don't hold the same harmless, friendly ring the government always thought they had.
Green taxes penalise poor people in order to make them greener, while carbon credits open up a new avenue of income.
Some analysts have predicted Mr Brown will increase excise duty on 4x4s and add an extra tax on flights, a move that will anger low cost airlines such as Ryanair, which says green taxes have «repeatedly failed to have any reduction effect on emissions».
But Mr Cameron read out statements from Labour MPs and green activists showing they thought the reform gave green taxes a bad name.
As chancellor, Gordon Brown has allowed Green taxes to fall to their lowest level since Margaret Thatcher was in power in 1989.
Last year's surge in the polls towards the Tories followed Darling's Budget of green tax rises.
Green taxes sounds very «wight wing» too, don't you think?
«Cameron rejects the anti-government tendency Main Green taxes have been kicked into the long grass»
Fortunately for the Labour party, their wise advice has fallen on deaf ears and a coalition split has emerged over green taxes.
But the Tories have gradually softened their rhetoric, rejecting calls to impose new green taxes in favour of «incentives» to encourage people to recycle more.
Liberal Democrats propose a 4p cut income tax, funded by boosting green taxes and abolishing loopholes used by the better off.
Nonetheless the next Tory government will green the tax system (after kicking green taxation into the long grass for the duration of the recession), stop the expansion of Heathrow, begin exploratory work on a high speed rail network and also oversee an innovative energy efficiency scheme that will see future reduced home energy bills pay for insulation measures now.
There is simply no case for higher green taxes at the moment when motorists, hauliers and air travellers are facing rocketing costs.
Oliver insisted that there had been no retreat from the principle of the policy but didn't name any specific green taxes that the Tories would levy.
In recent days he has been saying all sorts of outrageous things: tax cuts would encourage growth, increasing energy costs via green taxes is lunacy in a downturn and the Big Society doesn't really seem to have caught on as a concept.
Main deck single accommodations and Upper deck Junior Suite accommodations: $ 2163pp; plus $ 6 per person, per night Green Tax.
Cruise price per person includes: Cabin accommodation with air - conditioning, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, drinking water, hot drinks, dives (as detailed in the trips above), nitrox fills for enriched air certified divers, experienced English - speaking divemaster (s)(7 divers per guide), tanks, weights and weight belts and Maldivian Green Tax.
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