Sentences with phrase «green technology»

The economic gains for building owners who invest in green technology go beyond the monthly reductions in energy bills.
In port, we will host exhibitions of green technology on board as well as inviting people to view the vessel itself.
Likewise, there is an enormous global market for green technology, services and systems.
I also would like to get involved with green technology - Wind, solar, hydro, hydrogen fuel cell, etc..
What actions will countries take immediately after the meeting to reduce emissions, move new green technologies into the marketplace, and help developing countries adopt cleaner power sources?
They're not as fully developed as other green technologies such as plug - in vehicles, wind turbines and solar panels, but they have the potential to have a gigantic impact.
That transition period included my husband quitting his job to start his own green technology company — a process which left us without his income for the first six months of my pregnancy.
Saving the planet is not the only reason why investors should seek out buildings that use green technology.
Now can you talk about green technology that matters when addressing climate change please?
You will have the party's backing and that of the growing, innovative green technology sector in doing so.
Our looming economic crisis gets priority this year and change will most likely be achieved by way of developing green technologies and creating green jobs, not sweeping regulatory action.
New lighting design trends reflect advanced Green technologies, offering contemporary lighting fixtures that are efficient, bright and creative.
Though she's always worked for big companies in the financial services industry, she's interested in the pharmaceutical and green technologies industries, as well as startups.
By providing homeowners with green «pay as you save» finance it hopes to encourage many to pay for better insulation and the installation of green technology like solar panels.
As a result of the discoveries, researchers are closer to finding energy storage solutions for surplus energy generated from green technologies.
With its hybrid vehicle line expanding offering lower emission and better economy, the Korean automaker has made great contributions towards greener technology.
Green technology also continues to grow, as reflected in patent applications.
It would be spent on cutting emissions by providing green technologies, and on enabling countries to adapt to more frequent fierce storms and rising sea levels.
They would also encourage the private sector to finance green technology start - ups.
Every automobile event has to showcase green technology and companies either get electric or hybrid models to show their bit of care for the environment.
These leading green technologies are also far from perfect.
Building owners and managers are taking advantage of various programs that provide tips for implementing green technology.
The award - winning curriculum includes fun, hands - on activities focusing on renewable energy and upcoming green technology.
The RAV4 Hybrid adds green technology to your weekend adventure, sporting better fuel economy in the same stylish RAV4 body we've come to know and love.
This place is a great example of innovative design, incorporating green technology, to promote sustainable tourism.
When green technology is attractive and economical, that is when it will be adopted.
We worked with a number of partners to identify how to overcome social, regulatory and financial barriers for applying deep green technologies to affordable housing.
Here's a bit o green technology for your approval / criticism.
This article will discuss the dangers associated with current green technology - forcing in more detail, outlining why it can easily hurt much more than it helps.
What's more, the retailer is taking the unprecedented step of sharing green technology with competing retailers.
Basic green technologies like smart tree placement as well as green roofs and walls can be used to dramatically reduce energy usage inside homes.
With oil prices falling, increased investments in green technologies are not going to be an easy sell.
The most likely market to step out and take a risk on new green technology are the early adopters, and the environmentally committed.
Given the emphasis placed on green technology in recent years, demand has increased for electrical engineers.
By encouraging development of green technologies and services, the federal government aims to leverage environmental progress for an overall economic benefit.
Students and community members have a hands - on opportunity to learn about green technologies and solar projects through tools and real - time data.
There are many lucrative subsidies and government programs for green technologies — several of which have been highlighted above.
The packaging with green technology is part of that.
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The Alt Car Expo, the nation's leading forum for green car ride and drive, public education, and demonstration of the latest green technology vehicles, showcases a number of those technological innovations.
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