Sentences with phrase «greenhouse gas limits»

Under strict greenhouse gas limits, demand for fossil fuels could fall, substantially lowering prices.
When legislation to tackle global warming was being seriously debated in Congress a few years ago, Roman Catholic, evangelical, Jewish, Muslim and interfaith leaders, among others, were part of campaigns to pressure Washington to set greenhouse gas limits on moral grounds.
A coalition of conservative groups, many with close ties to the Koch brothers, is calling for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt to strip California of its right to set stricter greenhouse gas limits for personal vehicles.
Another issue might be trade, as China is no doubt alarmed that the House included trade penalties in its bill for countries who do not pass greenhouse gas limits.
The court's 5 - 4 ruling said the Bush administration did not adequately assess the threats from global warming when it rejected a petition from environmental groups and 12 states that sought to force federal greenhouse gas limits on motor vehicles.
ACEEE's latest report, Trailblazing Without the Smog: Incorporating Energy Efficiency into Greenhouse Gas Limits for Existing Power Plants, makes a number of recommendations regarding how these regulations should be structured so that the benefits of end - use energy efficiency are realized.
Instead of reducing pollution, we now have a spate of new coal plants and inevitable greenhouse gas limits on a collision course that puts companies and shareholders at financial risk.»
If passed, the Climate Bill would set the first - ever U.S. greenhouse gas limits.
Mr. Obama has told officials he wants to see greenhouse gas limits on both existing and new power plants by the time he leaves office in 2017.
She was encouraged by a growing number of states and cities that are vowing to uphold the greenhouse gas limits of the Paris accord within their jurisdictions.
Footprint promised the plant wouldn't bust Massachusetts» greenhouse gas limits, Kaplan said.
The top priorities of environmental groups have for 20 years been higher fuel economy standards, new efficiency regulations, renewable portfolio standards, and greenhouse gas limits.
Trade - sensitive and energy - intensive industries would get a four - year delay before they would be subject to greenhouse gas limits.
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