Sentences with phrase «greenhouse gas releases»

The big concern, he said, remains the pace of emissions of greenhouse gases released by burning fossil fuels and destroying forests.
In the late 1970s, scientists first came to a consensus that global warming was likely to result from increasing greenhouse gases released by burning fossil fuels.
These strategies contribute to soil health and water quality and also help capture carbon dioxide, reducing the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by agricultural systems.
Put another way that's one pound of greenhouse gases released in the atmosphere for each copy of the magazine.
Global warming is the increase of earth's average surface temperature and its oceans due to greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels.
By turning out the lights, buildings use less electricity, cutting the amount of heat - trapping greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.
And through greenhouse gases released by burning fossil fuels, we're pulling on the strings of the earth's unstable climate.
The portion of environmentally - harmful greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere is reduced to almost zero, which makes this technology a future - proof investment.
Choosing cloth can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released via the production and distribution of disposable diapers.
When it is burned the exhaust CO2 goes back into the atmosphere and there is no net greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere.
They argue it is necessary to know how efficient a facility is, which is the amount of greenhouse gases released per unit of production.
Increased population levels and a higher standard of living will help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere, the report concluded.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is reporting that the concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane, the two most important greenhouse gases released through human activities, rose in 2008.
The study, published this week in the journal Nature Climate Change, reports that the volume of greenhouse gas released when a forest is cleared depends on how the trees [continue reading...]
The storm would likely not have been as big and powerful as it was, nor would it have likely struck land where it did were it not for the extra greenhouse gasses released by humans over the last century and a half or so.
«The impact of greenhouse gases released since then,» notes the paper, «measured over a 20 - year time frame, is the equivalent of emissions from six coal - fired power plants or 7 million automobiles.»
``... a number of scientific studies indicate that most global warming... is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases released mainly as a result of human activity... these gases do not allow the warmth of the sun's rays reflected by the earth to be dispersed in space.
Lots of spreadsheets, but gaps in the data Many of the input numbers would come from entities already gathering greenhouse gas data, such as utilities assessing greenhouse gas releases from landfills.
New technologies, lighter vehicles and alternative fuels can lower greenhouse gas releases from cars and trucks
Last year, for instance, scientists reported that the moisture level in frozen soil could make a big difference with greenhouse gas release (ClimateWire, July 29, 2013).
According to a recent analysis from Resources for the Future in Washington DC, cuts of up to 5 per cent from existing plants could keep the US roughly on target to meet Obama's 2009 pledge to reduce US greenhouse gas releases by 17 per cent by 2020, compared with 2005 levels.
As far as how coming out of an ice age works, (@ 22) a wide variety of linked processes (starting with the Milankovitch - cycle net insolation effect) are involved; so a little warming leads to a little greenhouse gas release, leading to a little more warming, leading to more releases — one interesting recent study, for example, indicates that melting of the Southern Ocean ice caused a large CO2 release from the ocean along this trajectory:
Does composting reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses released compared to landfill?
Endangered species laws written way back in the 20th century — mainly framed around direct threats like bulldozers or dams — will be impossible to apply when the forces pressing on rare species and «edge» ecosystems (think Arctic sea ice and polar bears) include greenhouse gases released from Beijing power plants and Boston taxi cabs.
Of course, the more greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere, the greater the climate change problem becomes.
Greenhouse gases released thousands of years ago radically changed weather patterns in Africa.
Mathematical equations used in predicting cows» methane emissions are inaccurate and need improvement to help dairy farmers mitigate greenhouse gas releases, says a new study by a research team including scientists from the University of Guelph.
Because global warming signals are amplified in high - latitude regions, the potential for permafrost thawing and consequent greenhouse gas releases is thus large.
That's twice the total greenhouse gases released every year in the United States and four times greater than the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, one of our nation's most pressing climate risks.Adding insult to injury, taxpayers are subsidizing this impending global warming catastrophe.
Schuur and Abbott (2011) surveyed 41 scientists for their forecasts of greenhouse gas releases resulting from thawing of the top few metres of permafrost.
Greenhouse gas releases contribute to the phenomenon known as «global warming».
Current official inventories of methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas released from landfills, livestock ranches and oil and gas facilities, may be underestimated both nationally and in California by a factor of about 1.5, according to new research from Berkeley Lab and others.
Working Group I said that we must limit severely the amount of greenhouse gases we release if we are to stay below 2 °C increase over pre-industrial times.
In fact we would all probably agree that the «97 % consensus» paper is a comprehensive assessment of the scientific literature on the scientific consensus relating to the role of anthropogenic greenhouse gas release in the marked global warming of the last ~ 50 years.
N2O is now the most significant ozone - depleting substance emission and the third most important greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere.
Altogether, these plans will result in the release of more than 9.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide, one - and - a-half times the total amount of greenhouse gases released in the U.S. in all of 2008.
The predominant players on climate change are China and the United States, No. 1 and No. 2, respectively, in the amount of heat - trapping greenhouse gases they release into the air.
The mixture of hot, molten rock and hydrocarbon - bearing coals is thought to have set the stage for massive greenhouse gas release and global - scale climate change.
Impact of greenhouse gases released since October measured over a 20 - year time frame is equivalent to emissions from 7 million cars.
Climate change, spurred by greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by humans, is believed to be the culprit.
Photo The savage heat waves that struck Australia last year were almost certainly a direct consequence of greenhouse gases released by human activity, researchers said Monday.
The study didn't address the issue of greenhouse gas releases from thawing permafrost.
Photo The savage heat waves that struck Australia last year were almost certainly a direct consequence of greenhouse gases released by human activity, researchers said Monday.
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