Sentences with phrase «greenhouse pollution»

"Greenhouse pollution" refers to the release of certain gases into the Earth's atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect. These gases trap heat, causing the planet to warm up, which can lead to climate change and other environmental problems. Full definition
We must immediately adopt the many legal and technological tools available today to greatly reduce greenhouse pollution.
Australian governments and the Australian people have done very little to act on greenhouse pollution, so there seems to be a crude justice in this looming disaster.
The governor's office just published a detailed and thoughtful study exploring the pathways to achieving deep greenhouse pollution reduction by 2050.
We work to eliminate greenhouse pollution and speed the just transition to 100 percent clean, renewable energy.
Nor can we avoid the fact that we have the highest levels of greenhouse pollution per person in the industrialised world.
On Tuesday, President Trump signed a sweeping executive order to roll back a number of climate change policies, including plans to curb greenhouse pollution from coal - fired power plants.
Despite a few recent converts, like British Petroleum, most industries that either produce fossil fuels or rely on them still contend that the science is uncertain and are lobbying for more research before action is taken to cut greenhouse pollution.
Barack Obama's stated goal of cutting U.S. greenhouse pollution by 80 % by 2050 is «a start.
«Because greenhouse pollution does not stay within geographic borders but rather mixes in the atmosphere and affects the climate worldwide, each ton emitted by the United States or a particular U.S. state not only creates domestic harms, but also imposes large externalities on the rest of the world.
The cutting down of forests across the globe contributes a startling 20 percent of the world's annual greenhouse pollution through burning, gases released from deforested soil and smoldering peat, scientists say.
Ryan has voted to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from limiting greenhouse pollution, to eliminate White House climate advisers, to block the U.S. Department of Agriculture from preparing for climate disasters like the drought devastating his home state, and to eliminate the Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA - E).
The new administration may reject overwhelming findings that heat - trapping greenhouse pollution is tilting Earth's climate toward possibly catastrophic change, but that isn't stopping the researchers at the conference from discussing the scientific reality that climate change's most serious effects could happen much sooner than expected.
ABARE's analysis of the effects of the partnership on global greenhouse pollution is summarised in a little diagram included in its report.5 To the extent that one can believe anything ABARE's modelling shows, it concluded that under the best - case scenario annual global emissions will increase from approximately 8 gigatonnes of carbon equivalent now to over 17 gigatonnes in 2050 under the influence of the AP6 agreement.
He has chaired the Low Emissions Technology Advisory Group of big polluting companies − which might more accurately be called the Big Polluters Protection Club − whose purpose has been to tell the Government what it should do to head off public concern about greenhouse pollution.
In 2006/07, Bayswater Power Station created approximately 14 million tonnes of carbon dioxide pollution, making it equal greatest single source of greenhouse pollution in the country and among the top 100 polluting power stations in the world.
«Far from being climate change's key cause, the world's oceans are actually another victim of greenhouse pollution
• Filed the petition and lawsuits that led to the EPA's landmark 2016 finding under the Clean Air Act that greenhouse pollution from airplanes endangers our health and climate.
It was an agreement --- the first of its kind --- to raise the fuel efficiency and reduce the greenhouse pollution for cars and light trucks sold in the United States of America.
«All fifty states are now suffering damages from Exxon Mobil's greenhouse pollution, from sea level rise to wildfires, floods, and drought,» RL Miller, president of the political advocacy group Climate Hawks Vote, said in a statement.
Getting nations to agree to cut their greenhouse pollution has proved to be the ultimate free - rider problem, as the biggest nations must all cooperate or the planet will keep getting warmer.
We're working for stronger regulation of both greenhouse pollution from automobiles through the Clean Air Act and higher fuel economy standards pursuant to the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, two partially overlapping and complimentary statutory schemes.
AIGN has since helped to impede any move to reduce the growth of Australia's greenhouse pollution.
Brad Johnson has a good roundup of the different record - breaking high temperatures across the nation over Think Progress Green: «Fueled by billions of tons of greenhouse pollution, a surge of record warmth has flooded the United States, shattering records from southern California to North Dakota.
Carter justified his amendment by saying DHS — which includes the U.S. Coast Guard and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-- should focus on the Mexican border instead of «duplicating the work» of agencies that monitor climate change and greenhouse pollution
When one accounts for this, the greenhouse pollution benefits are cancelled out.
Developing countries say the rich countries are responsible for most of the greenhouse pollution since the Industrial Revolution.
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