Sentences with phrase «greenhouse science»

Greenhouse science refers to the study and practice of growing plants in a controlled environment called a greenhouse. It involves using techniques like temperature control, humidity regulation, and artificial lighting to create the ideal conditions for plant growth. This allows plants to be grown year-round and protects them from pests, diseases, and harsh weather conditions. Greenhouse science is important for increasing food production and improving the quality of crops. Full definition
Most don't know how «official» greenhouse science of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claim it works.
Originally modelled after the very best European technologies, it continues to use emerging greenhouse science to achieve new levels of excellence.
There's plenty to parse in today's speech, including the president's unfortunate mashup of the clarity of basic greenhouse science (which is where the «overwhelming judgment» of scientific assessments lies) and the much tougher challenge of discerning what factors have caused recent large losses from fires, drought and storms.
If you charted my coverage — my public face — through the time, you'd have seen my piece criticizing campaigners and some media for «yelling fire» when it comes to greenhouse science.
MANY people within the 500 MILLION tertiary educated alive now that CAN look at the» (greenhouse) climate science» and rend it to «small pieces» as the common materials involved by «greenhouse science» are well known and have properties utilised DAILY in many areas of SCIENCE.
«Anonymous» there is not «cherry picking» within what I am presenting, what «you» seem desperate to have unnoticed is the lack of SCIENCE beneath the «greenhouse» veneer and the inconsistencies «greenhouse science» contains in its near disassociated «attitudes», best highlighted by «greenhouse attempts» to cite «isotopical differentiations» as being «greenhouse relevant».
Even the «secondary effect» is implausible, Photons within the «Region» treated by «greenhouse science» trend to move outwards, NOT «downwards» within the atmosphere as the gravitation stratification increase Atmospheric density towards the surface and this along with its unique properties also constrains Atmospheric Water to the lower atmosphere.
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