Sentences with phrase «greenhouse skeptics»

A number of other greenhouse skeptics have extreme religious views.
And ExxonMobil bankrolls the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, which published The Heated Debate, a book by greenhouse skeptic Dr. Robert Balling.
it hired three so called greenhouse skeptics, scientists who didn't believe that this was happening
Another potential concern are Jones» emails stating that he convinced FOI officers not to release data to greenhouse skeptics because they planned to harm the university or setback climate science.
The university's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) has been at the center of the so - called «climategate» controversy since thousands of internal e-mails and files were posted to greenhouse skeptic blogs in November.
I would also include the recent work by Camp and Tung diagnosing the amplitude of the solar cycle in temperature in the «Good» category; that it is an easy paper for greenhouse skeptics to misquote takes away nothing from the quality of the science.
But what I found most amusing is the irony that the attempts to make fun of the anthropogenic greenhouse skeptic crowd were done using climate events that are 100 % «natural» in origin.
According to Gelbspan, one of the earliest underwriters of these disinformation campaigns is the $ 400 million coal consortium called Western Fuels which, its 1991 annual report, candidly stated it intended to debunk mainstream science with the aid of leading greenhouse skeptics.
However, the lead author of the study Crichton cites in the footnote for this assertion stated in a New York Times interview (PDF File) that he objected to his study being used by greenhouse skeptics to portray the melting of Kilimanjaro's glaciers as a «black - and - white picture that says it is either global warming or not global warming».
If you think that Saiers is in the greenhouse skeptics camp, then, if we can find documentary evidence of this, we could go through official AGU channels to get him ousted.»
I was fortunate enough to find out that these greenhouse skeptics were getting paid sort of under the table by the coal industry.
When I read the work of these «greenhouse skeptics,» I was persuaded climate change was a nonevent, stuck in scientific uncertainty.
After an initial effort to discredit the book failed, Western Fuels, along with a leading industry - funded «greenhouse skeptic,» S. Fred Singer, accused Gelbspan of resume fraud.
By calling the science «still incomplete,» Bush also lent new credibility to the tiny handful of industry - sponsored «greenhouse skeptics» who have been thoroughly discredited by the mainstream community of climate researchers — including the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the National Academy of Sciences and other blue - ribbon scientific groups that deem global warming to be real, immediate and ominous.
For most of the 1990s, Western Fuels, a $ 400 million coal industry propaganda outlet, funded the most visible of the greenhouse skeptics.
At that point, I realized that the coal industry had paid at least three of these greenhouse skeptics about $ 1 million over a three - year period.
Titled «The Greening of Planet Earth,» the video is narrated by Dr. Sherwood Idso, a «greenhouse skeptic» who was also scheduled to participate in the coal industry's «ICE» public relations campaign.
He also acknowledged that SEPP is partially funded by Exxon, as reported by an article in The Heat is Online examining industry funding of the «greenhouse skeptics
Its plan specified that three of the so - called greenhouse skeptics — Robert Balling, Pat Michaels, and Sherwood Idso — should be placed in broadcast appearances, op - ed pages and newspaper interviews.
Since 1991, the fossil fuel lobby has attacked mainstream climate science, primarily through its use of a tiny handful of «greenhouse skeptics
The origins of the prominence of most of these greenhouse skeptics are spelled out, remarkably enough in several annual reports of the $ 400 million coal giant, the Western Fuels Association.
ExxonMobil is sabotaging the work of more than 2,000 scientists from 100 countries by funding the most visible «greenhouse skeptics» — one of whom, S. Fred Singer, publicly denied receiving oil industry money as recently as February, 2001.
In June, 1997, S. Fred Singer, arguably the most reckless of the U.S. «greenhouse skeptics», launched a blitz of news releases which declared that Dr. Bert Bolin, then - chair of the IPCC, was disavowing his previous statements about climate science.
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