Sentences with phrase «greenhouse state»

If our climate was dominated by positive feedbacks, it would have saturated to a runaway greenhouse state long ago.
This forcing would not produce the extreme Venus - like baked - crust greenhouse state, which can not be reached until the ocean is lost to space.
Analyses performed by co-author Vera Dobos show that planets d and e are the most likely to be habitable due to their moderate surface temperatures, modest amounts of tidal heating, and because their heat fluxes are low enough to avoid entering a runaway greenhouse state.
We show that planets near the inner edge of the habitable zone should generally first enter a moist greenhouse state, although planets around the coolest stars we analyzed should directly transition into a runaway greenhouse state instead.
The climate model simulations also suggest that Earth's climate was in a «typical» greenhouse state, with temperatures similar to more recent, and better understood, greenhouse intervals in Earth's climate history, like the late Mesozoic and early Cenozoic eras.
While high CO ₂ levels have been present in Earth's atmosphere before (e.g., during the Cambrian and Archaean) without initiating either the moist or runaway greenhouse state, never has the rate of warming been annual in scale as today.
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