Sentences with phrase «greenhouse theory»

The phrase "greenhouse theory" refers to the scientific idea that certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat and cause the planet to warm up, similar to a greenhouse. This warming effect can lead to changes in the climate and weather patterns. Full definition
After all, you've agreed that the basics of greenhouse theory are established and substantial human - driven warming in this century is inevitable.
It's just what one would predict from greenhouse theory.
In my view, much of what you're saying is consistent with the standard greenhouse theory, and you just haven't realised that yet.
The physical interpretations of these two equations may fundamentally change the general concept of greenhouse theories.
You are exactly right — that is what Miskolczi greenhouse theory (MGT) actually predicts.Miskolczi theory differs from Arrhenius in that it can handle more than one greenhouse gas simuultaneously absorbing in the infrared.
In fact, the demonstration, described below by Dr. Billinge, may help answer the many critics of greenhouse theory on this blog who point to recent cool flutters of climate as evidence that global heating is a fantasy:
They will just keep repeating the same mantras, «The hockey stick is broken,» «Mann won't release his data», «the atmospheric greenhouse theory violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics», etc., etc..
Greenhouse theory predicts that more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will trap heat energy as it escapes out to space.
But CO2 greenhouse theory alone can not support AGW contentions.
One reason the slayers of the skygragon of basic greenhouse theory are so determined not to agree with anything?
data or the demonstrable greenhouse theory and they now agree that GW is happening.
I'm not sure how many people are asserting that the Met Office shift falsifies greenhouse theory, so some of what Hickman says has a straw man feel.
The difficulty with Greenhouse theories comes from a basic misunderstanding of how atmospheric temperature is achieved.
Two things that Professor Ian Plimer confidently touted during his presentation at the SA Skeptics annual conference was (1) the relevance of David Evan's so - called missing tropical hotspot (as supposed proof against greenhouse theory) and (2) that sub-sea volcanoes along the Gakkel Ridge is likely to be the cause of accelerated melting of the Arctic summer sea ice.
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