Sentences with phrase «greenhouse tomatoes»

«This study demonstrated that greenhouse tomato fruit quality was unaffected by both the type of supplemental lighting as well as supplemental lighting per se,» the scientists said.
A recent study offers new information about the feasibility of using LEDs in greenhouse tomato operations.
To satisfy increasing consumer demand for locally grown, fresh tomatoes during off - seasons, greenhouse tomato growers often need to rely on supplemental lighting.
Ohio grown greenhouse tomatoes will allow NatureFresh ™ Farms to provide a fresh option to more than 20 million people in a 5 hr radius of its state of the art Delta, OH greenhouse facility.
The researchers found parallels between the use of bumble bees to pollinate greenhouse tomatoes in the Pacific West and Eastern Canada and declines in wild bumble bee species that inhabit those same regions.
«Supplemental IC - LED lighting at the intensities and wavelengths used in this study did not negatively affect greenhouse tomato fruit quality and demonstrates a potential alternative for overhead high - pressure sodium supplementation,» they said.
After all, they would have been picked and preserved at the height of Greek tomato season so they are bound to taste better than greenhouse tomatoes available at this time of the year, right?
Thanks to Backyard Farms, a company committed to producing beautiful, Maine grown, greenhouse tomatoes year round, this salad even gives us a taste of the summer to come.
At the end of the week when the sun came out we cycled to Sutton to Alban Houle's, a local distributer, and found greenhouse tomatoes and cukes.
Because there is nothing I love more than roasted tomatoes, and while my garden won't be giving me tomatoes anytime soon, Backyard Farms is here to help with New England grown greenhouse tomatoes.
Bumblebees are already raised commercially for pollinating greenhouse tomatoes.
«How LED lighting treatments affect greenhouse tomato quality: LEDs show potential as cost - saving alternative to overhead high - pressure sodium lamps.»
As with all other tomatoes, plums are best in season — but they're also one of the best tomatoes to cook with in the off - season because their flavor and texture is generally superior to greenhouse tomatoes.
It also offers poutine, Ontario - grown greenhouse tomatoes, gluten - free food options and real cheese, and it has used some non-GMO food items, such as tomatoes, Portobello mushrooms and pickles.
GMO - free, Ontario - grown greenhouse tomatoes were recently added as toppings.
Crop viruses have a worldwide distribution and have caused significant losses in field and greenhouse tomato, pepper, eggplant and other vegetable production.
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