Sentences with phrase «grocery line»

It has a full range of certified organic fresh produce and an extensive range of organic grocery lines.
WE CAN NOW remove one item from that extensive grocery list and maybe get out of those holiday grocery lines a little bit quicker.
I think it's years and years of standing in grocery lines and idly staring at the anorexic women on the cover of Cosmo, I think it's four - year - olds in restaurants who stage - whisper, «Mommy — look at that FAT lady,» I think it's years of watching American films where famous actresses never have pimples on their butts or stretch marks where they had kids.
With an AmazonFresh membership ($ 14.99 / month), you can skip the long grocery lines by shopping online and picking a delivery window that's convenient for you.
Frequently worked in other departments as a back up including Customer Service and the front grocery lines, requiring flexibility and adaptability to new situations.
On Wednesday, Coles unveiled another round of price cuts in key grocery lines, slashing the price of 34 San Remo pasta products by between 20 and 25 per cent and Coles» top - selling chocolate chip cookies by 25 per cent.
Coles, meanwhile, has been rebranding most food and grocery lines under a single «Coles» brand and phasing out its third - tier smartBuy label while retaining Coles Finest for first - tier products such as Coles Finest by Laurent sour dough bread and Coles Finest Red Gum Honey.
Customers can enjoy a full range offering of Certified Organic Wholesale and Prepack Produce as well as a comprehensive range of Organic & Natural grocery lines.
We've been in grocery lines where he's paid for food for those behind us because he sensed they didn't have much.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that there is very little margin in grocery lines, money is made by throughput, and for that you need a loyal customer base.
Next time you find yourself in the long grocery line, or in one - legged downward - facing dog pose, instead of re-playing your unfriendly performance review from your boss in your head, make the most of the moment you are in.
This month, Hershey introduced an 8 % price hike for its instant consumables, multi-pack, packaged candy and grocery lines in the US, Puerto Rico and export markets.
In the grocery line I had kale, pears, avocado, broccoli, lemons, limes, spinach, brown rice flour, maple syrup, to name a few items, and thought of it as the Deliciously Ella way!
The grocery lines — from chips and spreads to oils and pastas — are free from artificial chemicals, flavours, colours and preservatives.
Maybe you've been juggling your baby and toddler on the grocery line and looked enviously on as another mother moved freely and gracefully, baby wrapped closely to her body.
staring at her in the grocery lines.
I remember standing in a grocery line recently watching a mom with a preschool - aged boy who had just fallen and scraped his knee in front of me.
As you find yourself scooping your abdominal muscles to support your spine and standing taller as you wait in the grocery line, you will see that a solid Pilates foundation is useful both inside and outside the studio.
The gift of patience: Instead of flipping out in traffic, or being frustrated with the slow - poke in front of you in the grocery line, choose to treat the situation with patience.
Not only will you be giving others in traffic, grocery line, etc. the gift of not having to see the steam coming out of your frustrated ears — you will be giving yourself the gift of gaining more patience, and creating a calm center.
This includes standing in the grocery line, sitting in your car or at work, and lying in bed, to give just a few examples.
After years of offering impromptu sex coaching to friends in elevators and grocery lines, Kim was able to turn her passion into a profession as a sex educator in 2007 when Red Tent Sisters opened its doors in Toronto's east end.
The moral of this story is to chat up the folks in the grocery line.
Think about where your pelvis is while you are standing in the grocery line, where your pelvis is while typing on the computer, and where your pelvis is when you are folding laundry.
Is the person attentive to you, even during a short conversation in the grocery line?
In the grocery line, ask someone how they cook the artichokes in their basket.
Imagine standing in a grocery line, using your smartphone app to reconfigure the seats in your Discovery to accommodate your shopping bags plus your children.
So here in the States it would be possible for smartphone owners to sneak in reading sessions in the grocery line or on the bus.
You can easily read a page or two while standing in a grocery line, sitting in a doctor's office, or waiting to pick up your child.
As he holds it up to the light of the candles and unfolds it, the religious icons above the altar seem to read the tabloid over his shoulder, as they would in a grocery line.
My daughter loves kale as much as I do, so when the harvest ended she was in the grocery line with the vegetable in her basket.
Even People magazine can be a guilty pleasure for someone who reads the headlines in the grocery line but is too embarrassed to actually buy a copy.
Now imagine instead of waiting in a grocery line, we're talking about your career.
You would never cut in front of someone in the grocery line or give them a one finger salute if they have 15 items in the 12 item line.
It involves contact with people who are your friends, relatives, church members, former high school or college classmates and professors, online acquaintances, former coworkers, neighbors, fellow shoppers in the grocery line, etc. 4) Elevator speech.
It involves contact with people who are your friends, relatives, church members, former high school or college classmates and professors, online acquaintances, former coworkers, neighbors, fellow shoppers in the grocery line, etc..
I once «paid it forward» when someone in the grocery line in front of me found out they had no money left on their pre-paid credit card.
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