Sentences with phrase «grocery sector»

Indeed, witness the recent price wars in the Canadian grocery sector, with majors chains demanding price breaks from vendors and distributors.
Mr Weine is also aiming to reduce SPC's reliance on the Australian grocery sector by lifting export sales from around 20 per cent of total sales to 30 or 40 per cent within a few years.
The Amazon - Whole Foods deal has thrown the entire grocery sector, as well as food producers and even pharmacies, into a state of anxious upheaval, with stocks including Kroger Co., Target, and even Wal - Mart taking hits.
«This report underlines the value of the Australian food and grocery sector at a time when other manufacturing is moving offshore and being buffeted by internal and external economic pressures,» said Tanya Barden, AFGC's Director of Economics.
An AmazonFresh entry could shake up the Australian grocery sector which still remains dominated by Woolworths and Coles, according to the latest IBISWorld statistics.
The $ 90 billion food and grocery sector risks turning high - margin, high - growth categories such as health and beauty into commodities through over-reliance on promotions, says Procter & Gamble's Australia and New Zealand managing director Antoine Brun.
As earnings in the $ 90 billion food and grocery sector fall for the first time in more than a decade, suppliers are pulling back support from major retailers, cutting spending on rebates and loyalty programs in favour of investment in new products and exports.
It also warns that Australia has «one of the most concentrated grocery sectors in the world» with the two major chains of Coles and Woolworths commanding almost two thirds of the total Australian grocery market.
The Competition and Consumer (Industry Codes - Food and Grocery) Regulation 2015 (Regulation) provides for the Food and Grocery Code1 (the Code), a voluntary industry code for the food and grocery sector made under the Act.
Food group Campbell Soup Company believes the Australian grocery sector needs to wean itself off ceaseless price promotions and discounts and opt for innovation to win over consumers.
29 Nov 2013 — The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has welcomed news that under the Courtauld Commitment Phase 2 agreement, the UK grocery sector reduced food and packaging waste by 1.7 million tons, the equivalent of 4.8 million tons of CO2.
The Australian Food and Grocery Council's (AFGC) annual industry snapshot State of the Industry 2015, released today, shows a 28 % surge in Australia's food and beverage exports in 2014 - 15 underpinning growth in the food and grocery sector despite challenging economic conditions.
«Australia's food and grocery sector transforms the produce from our farms into the food and other essentials of life needed by every consumer, every day.
Amazon acquired Whole Foods Market for $ 13.7 billion in cash last year, sparking fears the e-commerce giant will disrupt the entire grocery sector.
«This report underlines the value of the Australian food and grocery sector at a time when other manufacturing is moving offshore and being buffeted by internal and external economic pressures,» she added.
So whether the young person in question is working as a chef or in the retail grocery sector, be it in a small convenience store or a large supermarket, or studying food technology, we want to recognise those bright sparks who show the passion and drive to succeed in this dynamic world.
While the tumble in share price may prompt some to buy the stock, industry experts have flagged changes in the $ 85 billion Australian grocery sector.
The IPO is the latest in the restaurant and grocery sector, which has been met with a ravenous appetite from investors though keeping stocks at their lofty debut prices has been a tougher challenge for many.
The deal comes with the spotlight on the grocery sector after Britain's...
With the takeover of Whole Foods Market set to be complete on Monday, Kim Forrest, Fortt Pitt Capital, and Aaron Kessler, Raymond James, discuss the Amazon effect on the grocery sector.
Shares of other companies in the grocery sector quickly shed value on news of the sale Friday morning, opening as little as 5 % and as much as almost 20 % lower and losing more than $ 13 billion dollars in value.
The retail and grocery sectors in Canada have been under siege from Target and Walmart, and yet retailers and grocers typically enjoyed double - digit increases in their fortunes.
In the past two years, the grocery sector's share of Canadian food purchases declined from 67 % to 63 %, mainly to the benefit of mass merchandisers — Walmart in particular.
When it comes to the grocery sector, Dean says to look at the balance sheet first.
Dean points out that the grocery sector is about 50 % more expensive on a price - to - earnings basis here than it is in America, and earnings are growing about 2 % slower.
And in the grocery sector, low - cost chains like Aldi and Lidl have lured British customers away from traditional competitors like Sainsbury, Tesco, Asda and Morrisons.
So while Astrachan acknowledged that the uncertainty surrounding the effects of the Amazon — Whole Foods merger will weigh on the grocery sector, Costco, in his view, is likely to outperform its peer group, given its «competitive advantage, including an increased focus on e-commerce and fresh food strategies.»
Over the last ten years the grocery sector, particularly has seen an increased awareness of where and how food is made, coupled with a strong demand for artisan products.
The Code was introduced to address unfair practices in the grocery sector.
According to IBISWorld, Australia's grocery sector is currently estimated to be broken up as follows:
In total, the avoidable food waste created by the grocery sector each year is worth around # 1.9 billion.
«Initiatives such as the Courtauld Commitment, aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the grocery sector, along with high profile food recalls, mean that suppliers and retailers are giving increasing priority to driving out waste, reducing risk and optimising performance,» points out Alan Mutch.
The two supermarket chains have spent six months negotiating a voluntary code of conduct with the grocery sector and hope to reach an agreement in the next few weeks, avoiding a mandatory code and the appointment of an industry ombudsman.
Over recent years Handley has watched the grocery sector expand into what he calls a «retailing dictatorship», claiming price wars between the top three or four supermarket chains have forced staple food prices so low that many farmers have gone out of business.
While Coles and Woolworths dominate the $ 90 billion grocery sector, accounting for around 75 per cent of supermarket sales, their share of the $ 1.8 billion online grocery market is estimated to be worth between 50 and 60 per cent.
To keep up with consumer demand, certified organic is still the most in demand section in the grocery sector.
ACCC inquiry into shopper dockets 4.29 In February 2004, the ACCC conducted an inquiry into petrol discounting schemes run by the major supermarket chains, releasing a report entitled «Assessing shopper docket petrol discounts and acquisitions in the petrol and grocery sectors».
Rising energy prices and a lack of reliable supply are posing many challenges for the Australian food and grocery sector.
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