Sentences with phrase «grocery trip»

I highly recommend as this stroller is useful for grocery trips, travel, long days away from home and simple enough for friends and family to use.
However, since it's located far from where I live, I don't think I'll make it part of my weekly grocery trip.
I also like to go on grocery trips with my family in it.
In addition, consumers are adopting the European habit of making small grocery trips more frequently in order to incorporate fresh ingredients into their daily meals.
This first grocery trip, I was mostly concerned with making some staples.
What about grocery trips before kids, when your lists were half the size?
I had most of the ingredients in my cupboard / fridge already (I just had to pick up parsley and lentils)-- no expensive grocery trip necessary.
I grabbed them in the coffee aisle at Target during our normal weekend grocery trip and all you need to do is heat up water and add it to the mix.
Last week when I was doing my routine grocery trip I ran into a mom - friend.
I have some broccoli from my last grocery trip, might have to try this salad.
This isn't our typical grocery trip, but it's nice to throw it in the mix every once in a while.
I can fit 3 kids, a full grocery trip, and a double stroller in the SUV without having to sacrifice comfort.
It's also handy for big grocery trips or when we buy furniture or building items, etc..
On my next grocery trip I bought all the ingredients to bake chocolate beet brownies.
It doesn't feel like I've done all my shopping unless I stop at the olive bar during my weekly grocery trip.
I also take many of my clients on grocery trips, so we can walk the aisles together and discuss products with dozens of examples at our fingertips.
The car has a significant amount of trunk space, making it ideal for grocery trips or vacations when you need to transport a lot of cargo.
I have never spent that kind of money in just one grocery trip before.
This can turn an expensive grocery trip or clothing haul into something much more manageable.
If you save a little more each time, let's say $ 5 per grocery trip, and you go to the grocery 4x a month, there is $ 20 extra for a new diaper!
After Body Pump and a quick grocery trip, I chugged a shake made with a cup of almond milk, a scoop of Vega, some cinnamon, and a little chunk of frozen banana.
No healthy grocery trip would (or should) be complete without taking a trip down the center aisles:
I made a menu for the week and took my weekly Sunday grocery trip for the first time in over a month.
Decide out how much you want to spend on food on that particular grocery trip and withdraw only that amount.
Determine how much you want to spend on food for the week or for that specific grocery trip and withdraw that amount of cash.
Whole Foods said its customers were making fewer grocery trips because the cold weather made them want to stay indoors.
My weekly grocery trip consists of visiting a couple different stores, usually Walmart and Pete's Fresh Market, a Chicago - based grocery chain, for my produce, grass - fed beef and other meats.
Stormy with freezing rain, heavy snow or just glacial with sub-zero temperatures — long story short, we are more often than not staying indoors, except for the necessary grocery trips.
Anyways, these are great things to feature — what I've been loving is eating more savory breakfasts, going out of the house more often and solo grocery trips of course!
I was really excited to to cook some new things (including gluten free brownies and cauliflower crust pizza — to come on the blog) and on my first post-cleanse grocery trip I added eggs, tomatoes, bananas, red meat, cheese and a couple kind bars to the fruits, vegetables, nut and coconut milk and salmon and chicken I had been eating.
Delicious, super easy, ready in no time & no extra grocery trip required?
I'll be eating this exact salad for the next few days while I try to catch up on real life — lucky for me, after a Sunday morning grocery trip and a lot of chopping today, my fridge is like a salad bar just waiting for me to dig in.
Literally my first grocery trip in the US I spent over $ 200 on nut butters, seeds, nuts, berries, powders, spices, — pretty much everything and anything I could not find while house sitting in Costa Rica.
Traveling every weekend means messy Mondays, rushed grocery trips and spur of the moment cooking during the week.
I mostly use prefolds but got these as a short grocery trip diaper.
Consider what else you'll be hauling; if you plan to take your baby on grocery trip outings, for example, you'll want a roomy basket.
That's about enough space for a light grocery trip, or the travel gear of two roving DT staff members.
Giant grocery trip hauls and flat pack furniture sets should fit in the back of the Kia Soul with relative ease — especially when the opening itself is very wide, and there's hardly a load lip to contend with.
However, I know how much I spent eating out, which restaurants I'm most likely to spend extra on, what my average grocery trip costs with years of records to analyze on my computer.
To help you sort the good from the bad on your next grocery trip, here's a list of unapproved and / or misleading labels:
I average about $ 120 per grocery trip and save usually $ 50 with sales / coupons, which is fun!
After a quick grocery trip to Costco — during which time we monitor the Model 3's charging progress — we return to find 230 miles of fresh range.
Charlebois said that the one per cent figure is likely closer to two per cent now as busy Canadians look to save time on grocery trips, and both online - shopping savvy millennials and aging boomers test the services.
My husband and I alternate weekend grocery trips, and we brainstorm a week of meals before one... [Read More]

Phrases with «grocery trip»

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