Sentences with phrase «ground ball»

He didn't even know how to hold his glove on ground balls, which is why he missed so many.
Walk rates went up, fly ball and home run rates went up, and ground ball rates went down.
He can dominate the bottom of the strike zone at 92 to 96 and get a lot of ground balls.
He seems easy to beat with ground balls to his far side.
Again, the idea here is to grind the ball into the nasty bits in there and increase the ROM in the moving arm.
Absolutely when you're chopping ground balls like that, it's rough.
For example, if I am set a bit back from 2nd base and a slow ground ball is coming my way, I will naturally move forward to get to it quicker.
The grass was so high it was nearly impossible to practice ground balls.
To combat this, the Jays should stock up on ground ball pitchers to exploit a relative strength, infield defense.
This can be explained by a few things: career lows in fly ball percentage and pull percentage, a career high in ground ball percentage, and nearly a 3 % lower home run / fly ball ratio than in his MVP season.
I was warming up for a softball game, fielding ground balls and here heads up.
Pitchers like Aaron Cook, Brett Anderson, Jorge De La Rosa, Jhoulys Chacin and Kyle Kendricks have fit the profile as pitchers who induce ground balls at rates above the league average, but I speculated that it would be very profitable to fade these types of pitchers at Coors Field.
When we look at extreme ground ball pitchers, that record shrinks to 94 - 100 with -16.57 units lost.
Since 1986, be it Little League or the Major Leagues, there has rarely been a routine ground ball going right through a fielder's legs that hasn't drawn some sort of reference to Bill Buckner.
Also, it is well to remember that the Giants must find some way of stopping ground balls, the Reds can't do it with Purkey alone, and the Pirates still have several lengths of lost ground to make up.
But Astros pitchers were fourth in the league in ground ball percentage this year, inducing them on 47 percent of balls in play.
He wants to play so badly that, jammed thumb or no, he was diving for ground balls on this, the seventh day of spring training, saying to himself, «Seventh game of the World Series... two out... two on...» like some 9 - year - old with a new glove.
Others also embellish: He could hit a hard ground ball through the box and get hit with the ball as he slid into second; he was so fast that he once stole two bases on the same pitch.
Last year, Reds hitters posted just the 25th - highest ground ball percentage in the league, so they aren't exactly playing into Chatwood's hand.
Kranepool responded by not tossing any more ground balls to Foli for the rest of the warmup.
With two outs, left - handed - hitting Catcher Bill Chandler sent a sharp ground ball between first and second which Texas» First Baseman John Langerhans fielded nicely but threw low and wide toward Pitcher Hooton, who was covering first base.
Taking ground balls at first base, Jackson was hardly graceful, but he dived for one ball, stretched and leaped for others, and made most of the plays.
Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team Specialized Terminology Terminology that is not used by the general population and is more specific to technology, insurance, agriculture, construction
Clearly there has been value fading ground ball pitchers at Coors Field, but what about pitchers with excellent control and filthy stuff?
Test pieces, which are precision ground balls encased in plastic, are widely used as part of the performance validation system.
Bregman knocks down a Justin Turner ground ball, except it's more like a deflection that keeps Carlos Correa from fielding the ball.
SP — Bettis looked good tonight — a lot of ground ball outs and double plays — recipe for success at Coors Field.
PSU grinds grinds the ball into Buckeye territory but stalls out at the 36, and Gillikan's punt is only okay.
At one point, while Kranepool was tossing ground balls to his in - fielders between innings, Foli fumed and fired a ball back to Kranepool in the dirt.
He jammed Wright on a four - seamer for a fielder's choice; whiffed Delgado on a splitter and dismissed Lo Duca with a two - seamer, inducinganother ground ball.
Do u ppl observe that the type of ball we played yestday was up ball, not our usual tiki taka ground ball.
The officiating crew conferred and would rule that Brown intentionally grounded the ball from the end zone for a controversial safety.
You can once again ground the ball, but don't do it intentionally.
Ground Ballers Develop a love for the game from the ground up!
It's a stretch, but the Rangers» improved defense (newcomers Billy Ripken at second base and Manuel Lee at shortstop together mishandled two ground balls last year) and upgraded pitching give Texas its best shot ever.
If a guy draws a walk on a 3 - 1 count by taking a pitch that was 3 inches inside instead of getting jammed and hitting a weak ground ball to short I'll take it all day long.
There were several ground balls, which usually manufacture base - runners, but on this night the Defense got force outs on them routinely.
Berra swung and hit a hard ground ball down the first base line.
The senior from Michigan averaged over a caused turnover per game last season, and nearly three ground balls per contest while also scoring five goals in 16 games.
Balls will also sneak their way through the infield on what feel like very playable ground balls.
Fielders are clunky to control, which makes ground balls incredibly difficult to retrieve.
He posted a career low 28.8 % fly ball rate and career high 46.5 % ground ball rate.
Fifth graders, for example, might prepare to play softball by working in pairs to field ground balls, so they can give each other feedback on their fielding technique.
Many mainstream writers have stated that the Rockies should not draft and develop pitchers with high fly ball and strikeout tendencies, instead focusing on pitchers who induce ground balls.
Since 2005, underdogs facing extreme ground ball pitchers have produced a 23.1 % return on investment (ROI) at Coors Field.
«We've got a lot of ground ball pitchers, so we can't give away outs,» says Manuel.
Never jogged to first base on a routine ground ball, or forgot how many outs there were.
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