Sentences with phrase «ground squirrels»

"Ground squirrels" refers to a group of small rodents that live and burrow in the ground. Full definition
Her love and curiosity for animals has taken her across the states as she worked in an Oklahoma zoo with tigers and bears, assisted in the research of ground squirrels in Oregon, and helped lead a Utah bat study.
Molecular prerequisites for diminished cold sensitivity in ground squirrels and hamsters.
Some of the most intriguing ideas about the interplay between visual pleasure and peril continue to come from Coss, who has studied everything from the predator response of California ground squirrels to the design of visual stimulation for astronauts on nasa spacecraft.
GROUNDED When thirteen - lined ground squirrels hibernate, they lower their core body temperature to just a few degrees above freezing.
In a study by the University of Oklahoma, Boston University and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, researchers investigated the archaeological and genetic history of the Arctic ground squirrel on Chirikof Island, Alaska.
Data from these three lines of evidence were used to assess the antiquity and genetic stability of Chirikof's ground squirrel population and to reconsider the role of long - term data in the determination of native and indigenous species.
At least, they're not true hibernators, like ground squirrels, which lower their metabolic rate by more than 90 percent in winter months.
Biologist Cory Williams of Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff is using similar technology to track the energy consumption of arctic ground squirrels in Alaska — insight that may reveal how the animals efficiently forage for food while avoiding being picked off by golden eagles.
Lucky guests may catch a glimpse of a black bear munching dandelions on an open ski run, observe playful columbian ground squirrels perched outside their burrows, you may hear an elk bugling, or see some cliff swallow chicks poking their hungry beaks from their nests.
«Hibernating ground squirrels provide clues to new stroke treatments: Multi-step screening process leads to molecule that may protect brain cells.»
All of the reports of vampiric activity in the Bornean tufted ground squirrel (Rheithrosciurus macrotis) come from locals, and scientists have yet to observe the animal doing its thing.
For instance, we have a new project that will see how hormones are involved in arctic ground squirrel hibernation.
It turns out lower mammals that are active during the day, such as ground squirrels, lack the local pupillary light reflex Yau's team found; the same applies to primates, whether nocturnal or not.
Large ground squirrels called yellow - bellied marmots live much longer, on average, if they are less social and more isolated than if they are more social and less isolated, a UCLA - led long - term study has found.
Recently, researchers led by John Hallenbeck, M.D., an NINDS senior investigator and co-senior author of the study, found that a cellular process called SUMOylation goes into overdrive in a certain species of ground squirrel during hibernation.
The Arctic ground squirrel does it by tapping thick stores of brown adipose tissue, a kind of fat and muscle common in human infants.
Modifications to TRPM8 probably aren't the only factors that help ground squirrels ignore the cold, Gracheva says, especially as the thermometer drops even closer to freezing.
Paulson, who holds a B.A. in environmental science from Mills College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, has studied the Mojave ground squirrel in California, desert springs of Nevada, rainforests of Belize, and butterflies in Colorado.
Knowing how the arctic ground squirrels allot their time and energy helps us see how they avoid predators and search for food.
The Arctic ground squirrel cools down to 27 degrees Fahrenheit.
thirteen - lined ground squirrel genome linked to coloration / pigmentation that could help in study of albinism and Leopard Syndrome; and
Some of these species included the spotted ground squirrel, dwarf shrew, prairie lizard and the plains pocket gopher.
It's what's in the venom and how it interacts with that particular ground squirrel's defenses that matters.
In one such study, researchers are examining how Arctic ground squirrels control their biological clocks.
NOT content with being the world's coolest mammal, the Arctic ground squirrel now has another accolade: it is the first mammal known to switch its body clock on and off.
Californian ground squirrels shift their calls to higher harmonics where there are noisy wind turbines.
In the U.S., it's found in the American Southwest among ground squirrels, prairie dogs and the fleas they harbor, infecting roughly 10 people each year.
California ground squirrels tunnel into the shrub - covered earth, feeding on meadow grass and bitterbrush.
Chipmunks accounted for 11 nest deaths, while ground squirrels were responsible for six casualties.
Overwintering ground squirrels survive fluctuations in body temperature that would cause cardiac arrest in nonhibernators.
Along the edge of Lake Louise you'll get close to friendlier wildlife including golden - mantled ground squirrels, chipmunks, Clark's nutcrackers, and gray jays.
I will eat salmon, berries, grasses, sedges, roots and even ground squirrels during the times that I'm active.
Like most ground squirrels, these guys and gals spend much of their lives slumbering.
He was chief gopher / ground squirrel officer on the ranch for so long.
The hardy souls who manage to push shorts season into December might feel some kinship with the thirteen - lined ground squirrel.
We see our first wildlife: small Columbian ground squirrels.
This one is about the rare tufted ground squirrel, which is twice the size of most tree squirrels and reputedly has a taste for blood.
Others, like ground squirrels and tree shrews, do so relatively often.
A terrestrial animal about the size of a large ground squirrel, Megaconus was likely an omnivore, possessing clearly mammalian dental features and jaw hinge.
There are many ground squirrels that have made there home along the boardwalk and if you happen to be around in the early mornings, you might even spot a fox!
In the fight against brain damage caused by stroke, researchers have turned to an unlikely source of inspiration: hibernating ground squirrels.
In addition to previous work on arctic ground squirrel hibernation and seasonal differences in behavior, the finding is helping his team figure out why males tend to be more susceptible to being eaten.
Northern Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) have been filmed manipulating vegetation near the burrows of ground squirrels.
The researchers looked at the gene that contains the instructions to make the TRPM8 protein in ground squirrels and switched up parts of it to find regions responsible for tolerance to cold.
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