Sentences with phrase «ground truth»

"Ground truth" refers to the most accurate and reliable information available. It represents the real, undeniable facts or circumstances about a particular situation or problem. Full definition
«Understanding the impact of these storms will help us gain ground truth for improving the chemistry — climate models we use to project future climate,» she says.
The images and text / oral descriptions of each cloud type by altitude will allow students to more accurately collect ground truth data.
The story has another twist that also underscores the importance of checking orbital data against ground truth.
This provided powerful ground truth evidence of her theoretical framework.
S'COOL engages students in making and reporting ground truth observations of clouds then comparing those observations with data... (View More) from the CERES satellite instrument.
SEATTLE, Aug. 25 / PRNewswire / — New data from Ground Truth ™ reveals that mobile romance is heating up as temperatures climb in the summer months.
Their goal was to ground truth satellite measurements of the darkening, quantifying each of the darkening factors and their effects on melting.
S'COOL engages students in making and reporting ground truth observations of clouds then comparing those observations with data from the... (View More) CERES satellite instrument.
NASA was running a program of satellite ground truth measurements before our discovery.
In addition, the automated results were highly consistent with the standard manual method, as defined by a high overlap score (a measure of agreement between ground truth and automated segmentation): above 90 percent.
OSNAP's ability to ground truth earlier assumptions has climate scientists eager to get their hands on the new data, says Steve Yeager, who works on AMOC simulations at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.
It further suggests that once ground truth data is available for a limited duration for a site, maximum SWE or ablation could be determined from climate data.
Ground Truth reveals that unique visitors to mobile dating sites grew 92 percent between the first week in June and last week of July
An unusually well - preserved 45 - meter - diameter crater provides ground truth for small - scale meteorite impacts on Earth.
She wants to understand how phenomenological rules in biology, which seem to work in aggregate, emerge from microscopic ground truths.
Mobile dating is also gaining popularity with singles looking for love, with a 92 % increase in users since the summer began according to mobile research group Ground Truth.
The first explanation for a large increase in anomalous data is almost always that there is something wrong with the sensor, and the first check on that is comparing the retrievals with whatever ground truth is available.
After distributed computing efforts such as SETI at home, and Climate Project came GLOBE, a world wide effort to involve students in gathering ground truth for environmental and climate studies and Weather Bug, a distributed set of weather stations available to classes, media, and on your Blackberry.
This reflects almost entirely upon the inadequacies of the historical observing network and points to the need for future network design that provides the reference sonde - based ground truth.
The Students» Cloud Observations On - Line (S'COOL) project engages students in making and reporting ground truth observations of clouds then comparing those observations with data from the CERES satellite instrument.
Ground truth for satellite data For other researchers, Summit Camp is a brief stop on longer journeys to the uninhabited interior of Greenland's ice sheet.
The strong relationship between ground truth and the neural network prediction can be seen in the classification plus regression results reported by Wehner at the recent Intel Developer Conference in Denver, Colorado.
It further suggests that once ground truth data is available for a limited duration for a site, maximum SWE could be determined from climate data.
Furthermore determination of bleaching severity and mortality requires teams of divers to ground truth satellite data and fine - tune percentages of affected reefs.
Ground truth measurements are exceedingly rare outside the financially privileged Atlantic basin, where we routinely have low - and high - level aircraft that drop sondes and measure surface wind with active microwave sensors.
They then tested the new system's performance speed and consistency — how much the results varied compared with the traditional manual tracing method (called «ground truth» in machine learning).
Ground truth?
That's the ground truth that anchors the data to reality,» Blumenstock said.
«We're relying on the chemistry to generate the ground truth and act as the «supervisor» for a supervised learning algorithm,» said David Mayerich, first author of the study.
These countries have both large proportions of their populations living in absolute poverty and good survey data to ground truth any predictions made by the computer.
The central problem with the paper is that it relies on this system «as the ground truth for labeling criminals, then concludes that the resulting [machine learning] is unbiased by human judgment,» Agüera y Arcas adds.
Among the benefits of a Russian lander is that its surface data would provide what scientists call «ground truth» to calibrate the Europa orbiter's remote global measurements.
This tells us that the neurons» responses were based on the subjective, perceived judgments that the patients made rather than on the «ground truth» of the emotion shown in the stimulus.»
«We now have «ground truth» for our remote sensing, a well - characterized sample in a key location,» Jolliff said.
«Chinese rover analyzes moon rocks: First new «ground truth» in 40 years.»
Using these data as a guide, micro-samples of paint also were removed from discrete areas of the paintings for a «ground truth» determination of the pigments.
«What we need is «ground truth» — something reporting from the surface saying, «Hey, there's a Marsquake,» or «Hey, there's unusual emissions of gas,»» McGovern added.
What's exciting to me about the Pluto mission is that it brings the ground truth for all the observations taken from Earth.
According to a Ground Truth report, the number of visitors to mobile dating sites increased this past summer by 92 percent from the first week in June to the last week in July.
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