Sentences with phrase «group environment»

You can use examples in your resume, cover letter, and interview of new technologies you've used and how you were successful in group environments in the past.
This type of supportive group environment is, of course, an absolutely critical way to make this line of work sustainable.
Introduce a forum, community or some other kind of group environment that your eLearning students can be a part of.
Learning basic training cues and concepts can be fun in group environments for both you and your dog.
Helps develop balance, coordination and listening to instructions in a fun small group environment.
The workshops will occur in a supportive group environment where participants can relate with others who have been through similar experiences.
A safe group environment allows for numerous dynamics to be used for individual growth.
Her work with women includes individual and marriage counseling, as well as providing safe group environments for an additional level of healing.
Some people learn best in large group environments, some best in smaller environments.
Forget those sites local on dinner date, friendly group environment site, paid services!
Therefore, providing them with the possibility to develop these abilities is important and thereby having the opportunity to develop learning to better provide parental support in parent education group environments.
Each session is led by a trainer, who ensures you are pushing yourself, while safely guiding you through your class, in a motivating group environment.
We keep our classes intimate, so you get all of the benefits of personal training in a motivating, high energy group environment.
These private surf lessons can be tailored for beginner surfers who prefer learning outside of a general group environment or intermediate surfers wanting to improve specific skills.
A safe and supportive group environment striving to facilitate healing for those struggling to live free from pornography.
This workshop offers an opportunity to experience yourself within an interactive group environment.
In a collaborative and small group environment, members demonstrated their use of information presentation technologies to enhance their already powerful story telling skills.
Don't let that put you off — the main benefit of the class is that it's delivered in a supportive group environment.
Your child may also struggle in a large group environment, or end up having problems with other children.
Young aspiring engineer who is seeking education and career within the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science with capable experience to adapt and thrive within group environments by using past skills and education.
Children will have the opportunity for live practice in a supportive group environment as they work on age - appropriate social skills such as:
Dan Gatti of the advocacy group Environment America says the Arkansas spill provides a glimpse into what would happen if the Keystone pipeline got built.
Receive constructive feedback in a supportive group environment while you improve your EFT Skills for Couples and progress in your EFT Certification.
Improve your skiing or snowboarding skills at any ability level in a fun group environment with a maximum class ratio of 1:7.
They sell like hot cakes,» Bernadette del Chiaro, an energy specialist at the advocacy group Environment California, told the Los Angeles Times.
I want to create this type of peer group environment for Boston startups.
an individually tailored and evidence based intervention to address early developmental and educational needs of young children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) within a naturalistic and inclusive group environment.
Skills are taught in a dynamic group environment using the AHA's research - proven practice - while - watching technique, which provides students (more...)
Surf schools have a great reputation for teaching no further than beyond learning to stand up in a fun group environment usually in the whitewater.
Day care centers provide group environments of 12 children or more, while following minimal legal criteria of child to caregiver ratio.
The Forum is a monthly venue for CIO's and CTO's to discuss topics of relevance in their daily lives, and has afforded these leaders the opportunity to develop a close network to discuss current challenges in a peer group environment on a confidential basis.
«Dairy farming does account for a significant proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions,» Francesca Eggleton, group environment manger, Fonterra, told DairyReporter.
NSSD's Performing Companies offers additional choreography and production opportunities for dedicated dancers in a unified group environment.
We would recommend this course to all expectant parents who are looking for straight - forward information in a fun and lively group environment
Cronin adds that the results carry special weight because the animals were tested while in their «natural group environment» rather than being removed from their cages and put into artificial situations, as has often been the case in past experiments.
GROUP COACHING: In this safe virtual group environment, like - minded women support each other on an incredible journey of self - discovery to find lasting love.
Each teacher creates at least one Edmodo group environment, including a calendar with posted events, an assignment, and a poll.
Feisty Fido Group Classes deal heavily with Leash Reactivity, barking, lunging, socialization, and more... all in a controlled group environment.
With open discussions and exercises framed in a therapeutic group environment, you can determine how you choose to move forward in your healing and who best can facilitate your achieving «best of self.»
October 16 Jon Rubin's work investigates the behavior of the individual within group environments and the psychology of social and public context.
Fostered collaboration among team members and business partners; able to work well in group environments that contribute ideas, opinions, and skills toward corporate goals.
It's a hands - on result driven small group environment that will get you going with skills that will support your Obedience goals and a relationship with your new puppy that will benefit every facet of your life.
Three customs officers charged sexually abusing their fellow agents sick, back - room hazing rituals Newark Liberty International Airport forget those other sites local dinner date, friendly group environment.
Other services include the Victorian Autism Specific Early Learning and Care Centre which provides an individually tailored and evidence based intervention to address early developmental and educational needs of young children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) within a naturalistic and inclusive group environment.
The Young Children and Mothers Group served 10 mothers and their children with the goals of providing therapeutic play therapy for the children, a separate support - group environment for the mothers, followed by a Theraplay experience, which is a play therapy modality for both mothers and children designed to promote secure attachment (Dodd, 2009).
Improve your skiing or snowboarding skills at any ability level in a fun group environment (maximum class ratio 1:10).
The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy ® Level III: Advanced Skills / Certification Training provides a supportive group environment in which Level II graduates are able to refine skills (under close supervision from SPI Trainers) at each stage of the therapy process for both trauma and development / attachment sessions that are required for Certification in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy ®.
I feel like in a group environment in the triathlon, everyone would be trying to learn from you.
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