Sentences with phrase «group students»

The controversial strategy of grouping students by ability has become more favored in classrooms recently ~ especially at the elementary level.
These assessments can help determine learning paths for individual students and assist the teacher in grouping students for maximum benefit.
Students in the treatment group also endorsed significantly fewer items for bullying, compared with control group students.
I am not addressing the practice of grouping students in all courses based on overall academic achievement.
Yet in recent years, the «peer effects» literature has shown the benefits of grouping students of similar abilities together.
Begin by grouping your students into pairs and giving each of your students the two interview worksheets which contain questions for students to ask their partners.
Our school district uses an inclusion model that groups students with differing ability levels.
In my classroom, I encouraged my students by focusing on the positive, by grouping students together so weaker students could learn from leaders.
Many schools group students according to their English proficiency level.
This information helps teachers continue to group students based on their needs.
Teachers sometimes respond to this variability by grouping students who are at different stages in their learning and differentiating their teaching.
Teachers group students into small group based on the skills they're working on to focus instruction on what students need to be taught.
The matched control group students did not experience gains.
Or you can differentiate instruction by grouping students within a class based on their areas of weakness.
When schools think of data use, it's often for purposes such as grouping students for reading instruction.
The intervention group students were more satisfied with the game outcome and prize division than control students.
The experience of this work has also influenced thinking about how the school groups students and identifies teachers.
Among rural participants, 69 percent of the treatment - group students agree with this statement compared to 62 percent of the control group.
And we know that treatment group students are in a program that has previously demonstrated large advantages in later life outcomes.
It does require fine motor skills so be sure to group students accordingly.
It provides teachers with a one - stop view of a student's proficiency to help teachers strategically group students for future learning opportunities.
They can also group student responses into categories to determine what group of students have mastered certain concepts, have misconceptions, or need more intense support.
These wanted posters are also ideal for collaborative group student projects.
Finally, in grades 7 - 12, social influence can complicate grouping students.
This either means grouping students of similar abilities or creating groups of mixed - ability levels so that high - achieving students can help struggling learners move along in the curriculum.
The control group students received regular instruction by the classroom teachers.
They found a dramatic increase in the performance of the control - group students over time.
The ability to follow individual and group student achievement.
They assist with classroom management, individual and group student teaching, behavioral organization and a range of administrative and clerical tasks.
While students work on writing codes, gather into small groups students who have not figured out the code.
For example, even though every student has a device, I might group students together in clusters of two or three to engage them to reach consensus around an academic challenge.
In a typical model of differentiation, teachers create multiple activities and group students according to their needs, abilities, or interests.
Consider how to group your students based on the different types of conversations you want them to have.
The outcome measures showed that parents of students in the experimental group rated their children as exhibiting significantly less anxiety / depression problems compared to ratings from parents of control group students.
Use real - time data to identify and group students who are at similar levels and ready to deepen their understanding of a key mathematical concept.
Imagine if those already who work harder with grouping students for their benefit, had the same resources?
Try to group students with the same needs together.
Even the control - group students did much better than chance in picking the correct answer out of four multiple - choice options for each question.
Students in the control group expected greater satisfaction for the self - high outcome than intervention group students.
With few students of the same age and with child labor on farms causing irregular attendance, the efficient arrangement was to group students by ability rather than age.
Only 22 percent of the treatment - group students agreed with that statement, compared to 30 percent of the control group.
You can facilitate a whole - class discussion, group students into pairs, or have each student share a one - word response to the quote.
The idea: The new bus service would group students from various districts who require specialized transportation.
The lawsuit, filed by the nonprofit advocacy group Students Matter on behalf of nine public school students, followed unsuccessful attempts in contract negotiations and the legislature to give school districts more freedom to hire and fire teachers.
Sampson, for example, collected just 35 contributions, including $ 8,000 from former Gibraltar Industries chief executive officer Brian Lipke, $ 5,000 from the downstate charter school advocacy group Students First and $ 5,000 from developer Samuel Savarino.
Her new autobiography, Radical: Fighting to Put Students First, chronicles her upbringing as the daughter of Korean immigrants, her career trajectory from Teach For America corps member to Chancellor of the District of Columbia Public Schools, and now as founder and CEO of the political advocacy group Students First.
After the second year of the program, CIRC students outscored control group students on tests of their reading vocabulary (effect size 0.20), reading comprehension (effect size 0.26), and language expression (effect size 0.26).
The Northeast Charter Schools Network today sent the following statement in support of the Connecticut families and the non-profit group Students Matter who have filed a federal lawsuit demanding access to better public school options.

Phrases with «group students»

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